
雅思7分范文:study a whole range of subjects or a special subject








今天,新通外语给大家分享的是一篇雅思写作7分的范文——study a whole range of subjects or a special subject,供大家参考!

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  University students now focus on a special subject. Some people believe that universities should encourage their students to study a whole range of subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Nowadays, many students spend time concentrating on their majors while neglecting the study of other subjects. This phenomenon has attracted people’s attention on whether or not the universities should encourage students to study all the subjects available for them. Some people claim that studying a whole range of subjects may divert students’ attention on their majors, making the students good at nothing. Some people, on the other hand, contend that learning a variety of things is good for the students’ development. Speaking for myself, I take sides on the latter.

  First of all, learning various subjects can extend students’ scope of knowledge. People might never realize how little they know about certain things until they read articles or books relevant and even worse when conversations start. Extensive reading of different subjects can help to release the inferior complex when such situation occurs. They may also be proud of themselves and become confident in study since they know a lot. In addition, some subjects can teach students how to balance work and life, comment current affairs and cultivate students’ common sense of life as well. All these b123fits can make students become knowledgeable.

  Learning a range of subjects can also add spice to the students’ studies. Students may be fed up with study when they concentrate on a special subject constantly to the exclusion of other subjects. Despite the fact that studying many subjects can occupy part of the time for students to study their majors, it can facilitate the students to enrich their campus life and maintain their interest in study.

  Most important of all, studying more can cultivate students’ logical thinking and make them become more creative and competent, which is of great significance to their further development. It is commonly believed that most of the subjects are linked to each other, to some extend. With a range of knowledge, students can find different solutions to approach the problems they encounter either at work or in life, which will definitely make the students more creative and innovative in the field they specialize in. Clearly, the students with all-around knowledge have an apparent advantage over those specializing in only one subject. Thus, students should make effort to acquire more knowledge in their study periods so that they will not be eliminated in the severe competition in the era of information explosion.

  In a word, studying a variety of subjects is b123ficial to the university students. In this case, not only can the students better themselves, but also become adaptable and flexible in the increasingly challenging and competitive world. It is advisable that students spend time learning more subjects instead of focusing on a specific subject, so that they can prepare themselves and cater for the even-accelerated society.如果您仍有关于这方面的疑问,可拨打新通全国免费咨询热线:400-618-0272,微博、微信搜索“ncshinyway”,QQ1742398992,进行在线咨询,或通过系统提交问题,新通专家将尽快为您解答。新通南昌已经推出培训课程,如果有、托福等相关课程问题,请随时电话咨询:0791-86311382




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