







Task 1: Talk about something you didn’t want to do, what was it? What was the result of it?


The thing I didn’t want to do but did anyway was learning how to swim. I didn’t want to do it because I was so afraid of the idea of drowning. I thought that’s probably the worst way to die. I tried to learn how to do it a few times without success, so I gave up trying. My friend Tony convinced me to give it another try. He was actually very patient with me and he showed me how to do it and broke down all the moves for me. He’s different than my other instructors because he kept encouraging me rather than telling me what I’m doing wrong. I actually got it at the end and thought it was pretty fun.

Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the wealthy should do more to help the poor. Explain your answer in details.


I agree with the statement that the wealthy should do more to help the poor. First, they have more resources and social connections to set up projects and foundations. Take Bill Gates for example. He’s set up numerous foundations and projects around the world to help with poverty, diseases and education. Not only did he commit himself to these works, but he also encouraged lots of others to join him. His influence is probably bigger than many governments around the world. Second, by contributing and giving back, they actually make our society more stable and everyone including themselves will benefit from such work.



Task 3

学校说要限制大一学生选课,这样他们可以参加更多活动,享受大学生活,同时有更多时间学习 research skills 。男的赞成这个计划,原因一,他大一的时候选了五门课,没时间参加club ,现在参加的club都是大二时候加入的,限制大一选课,能使他们多参加社团活动。原因二,他大一的时候根本不知道怎么写论文,怎么在图书馆查资料,限制选课后大一新生就能关注这些事了,对他们学术有好处.

The school is planning to allow freshmen to select four courses in order to take part in more activities and acquire more research skills.

The man thinks it’s a great idea.

The first reason is students couldjoin more clubs unless they have dropped their courses. The second reason is students can focus more on academic writing if they don’t spend too much time on attending classes.

Task 4

Observation task

passage: 说在 marketing 中,公司常用 inierview 来问 customer 对产品和服务的感想,但人们大多会回避负面的,导致得不到真实数据。于是改用 observation method . 就是观察人们的行为。而人们并不知道自己被观察了。通过实际行为反映出人们对产品和服务的真实满意程度。

lecture: Professor 说 museum 有三个 sector ,想知道人们对哪个 sector 最感兴趣,开始直接问,但人们给的答案都不明确,很多人都说都喜欢,没有侧重点,得不到真实答案。然后改用 observation method ,让 security guards 统计到每个展厅的人数和他们逗留的时间。悄悄的统计。这样就得到了真实答案。

Reading: company use interview to collect feedback from customers. Normally it wouldn’t help because people always talk about the positive side, it might not be true. Later company use observation method to watch people’s attitude and behavior towards the products.


The professor gives an example of a museum. There are three sectors in it. He wants to know which is the most popular. In the beginning, he interviewed the visitors and got a very vague answer. The visitors say they love them all but no focus. Later he asked the security guards to take down the numbers of visitors in each section and how long they have been staying there. Finally he got the results.

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Task 5


The man has a problem: he has a time conflict. He bought a ticket to a concert, but at the same time he has to go to an audition

Two solutions:

1. listen to half of the concert and then go to the audition miss other parts of the concert

2. go to the audition and listen to the concert the following day

the first thy for the main part of the show, the second thy for the smaller part of the show. There are fewer lines and it’s not fun.

Task 6


mechanism that animal use to survive from water current:one is attachment, attach to bottom. black fly larva. Hook shaped hand to attach to the rocks in the bottom of the water where there is food.the other is thick body. Sink to the bottom of water. Hide to get food to eat.

关键词:7月6日 托福口语 真题 解析 机经 





