







2014年7月12日托福口语预测——Task 1

  What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music.  
  2. 120505NA
  Your university is planning to use electronic books to replace paper books and magazines in its library. What is your opinion about this plan? What are the advantages and disadvantages of replacing paper books or magazines? Include reasons and examples to support your response.   
  Describe an academic subject you enjoy learning and explain why. Include details and examples in your explanation.  
  4. 111113CN 
  Many college students will get homesick when they go away to college. What do you think college students should do to reduce homesickness? Explain why? Include specific reasons and examples in your response. 
  5. 111209NA 
  Your university is planning to allow students to eat snacks in class. What is your opinion and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating snacks in class? Include reasons and examples to support your response.  

  Describe one thing you were asked to do but you didn’t want to do. Explain what the result of that thing was. Include reasons and details in your response. 

2014年7月12日托福口语预测——Task 2

1.  110731CNS2 
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's easier to teach children in primary schools than students in universities. Include reasons and details in your explanation.  

  2.  120505NAS2 
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government should spend money on some projects to encourage citizens to lead healthier lifestyles. Use specific reasons
and examples to support your response.  

3. 120923CNS2 
  Some people prefer to outdoors activities while others prefer indoor activities. Which do you prefer and why? Please include reasons and details in your response.  
  4. 111113CNS2 
  Some people believe that a college student should take a wide variety of courses relating to basic knowledge. Others believe that a college student should focus on some specific courses relating to a specific career. What is your opinion on and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.  

5. 111209NAS2 
  Some people prefer to collect old things such as newspaper. Other people prefer to drop them. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

  6. 120615CNS2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Wealthy people should be required to use their money to help others. 

2014年7月12日托福口语预测——Task 3

1.  120505NAS3 

【学校通知】大学计划在晚间增开当代文学课modern literature,好处1:modern literature越来越popular了,把小教室换成大教室,让更多同学有机会上课(be enrolled).好处2:在晚间上课,能让更多的人来听。 
  【学生态度】男生反对。理由1:小教室更方便group discussion,大教室上课,学生太多,距离远了不方便讨论,参加group discussion的机会就少了,学生就学不到很多东西。理由2:晚上上课不现实,在晚上学生都有自己的事情(jobs to do)和社交活动(social activities),肯定没时间来上晚上的课。  

2. 090920CNS3

【个人倡议】:一个学生给校报写倡议书,说学校应在期末考试复习期间cancel掉在宿舍(dormitory)旁办的the comedy show.理由1、the comedy show will bring too much noise, disturb students preparing for final exam. 理由2、因为大部分字生都会来看这个comedy show,所以学校的shuttle bus service will be suspended on that night. This is inconvenient.
  【学生态度】:女生反对。理由1:如果嫌寝室太吵,students can go to other classroom like library to study, which is pretty quiet,是perfect place;理由2, the campus is quite small, it takes only half an hour to walk from one side to another side,校车根本就不是必要的,besides, the comedy show only takes a couple of hours; it?s no big deal.

3.  080809CNS3  

【学校通知】:学校计划在一个creative writing项目的入学考试中,在以往提交writing sample和申请 application的基础上增加面试interview 面试的内容是讨论创作过程,因为认为这种讨论discussion的能力在集体group作业中很重要。 
  【学生态度】:女生反对此计划。理由1、这毕竟是写作项目,writing是最核心的,而且a good writer is not necessarily a good talker。学校这样做可能会exclude那些写作好,但是shy的人。理由2、面试时间那么短,几句话看不出来一个人的合作能力怎么样,何况讨论能力可以overtime慢慢培养。她举例说自己曾参加过一个夏令营,就和别人合作不是很好,但加入写作组后,大家处的时间长了,竟然也有了很棒的讨论。  

4.  111113CNS3 

【学校通知】:学校计划减少the first year students 的academic course load(学业负担)。让他们 sign up four courses most instead of five。两个好处:1、学生可以利用时间 involve in non-academic activities on campus。 2、学生可以利用时间 develop research skills。 
  【学生态度】:男生同意此计划。理由1、学生有更多的时间做除了 academic以外的事情。举了他自己的例子,他大一时选了 5门课,太多太忙了,没时间参加club活动。他的所有club活动都是二年级才开始的。
  理由 2、提高research skill。他说他自己当时既不会 collect resources in the library,又不会organize the paper,5门课都要写论文,结果花了很长时间。如果学校这样做的话,新生就有更多时间focus on researching paper,对研究报告有很大的提高作用。  

5. 120615CNS3 

【学校通知】:学校要建一个student lounge,以帮助坐公交往返的同学(commuter students)。很多学生commute from home to campus by bus or by train。这些学生没有时间go home between classes. 有了student lounge 好处1. 学生在课间可以休息下,还有LOCKER可以放书,不用把书搬来搬去。好处2. 顺便还可以张贴一些重要信息,比如train schedule。 
  【学生态度】a.ext-transform: none; word-spacing: 0px; color: rgb(63,63,64); font: 14px/21px 新宋体, 宋体, 微软雅黑, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; orphans: 2; widows: 2; letter-spacing: normal; background-color: rgb(255,255,255); text-indent: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px">  徐千姿:托福成绩111分  单项:听力29 口语24 阅读28 写作30
  黄 凯:托福成绩111分  单项:听力28 口语26 阅读30 写作28

  徐 昕:托福成绩111分  单项:听力27 口语26 阅读30 写作28
  胡奕丹:托福成绩110分  单项:听力28 口语24 阅读30 写作28 


2014年7月12日托福口语预测——Task 4 

1.  100410CNS4 

【名词解释】behavior exposure(暴露疗法):kids可能因为担心(concerning about) negative consequence而fear to do something new.鼓励他们try new things gradually 让他们意识到positive consequence 他们就会overcome their fear with the new things  
  【教授举例】 .教授举了自己11岁儿子:Tommy的例子.His family刚moved to Los Angeles, some neighbor kids played outside(riding bicycles). He found that his son趴在窗户上看外面邻居小孩在骑自行车并且wanted to join them but also feared to do so,然后教授就循序渐进鼓励儿子:他先是带儿子去买冰淇淋(He brought his son to a store to buy some ice-cream),之后鼓励儿子对骑自行车路过的小朋友打招呼说HI(Then he asked him to say hi to the neighbor kids when they are passing by them)。
  友善的小朋友也回复说Hi. On the way back, the professor recommended his son to compliment on neighbor kids’ bicycles.结果下一次遇到小朋友之后,After they returned home, his son asked the professor if he could go out to play with the neighbor kids.几天后,教授就听儿子说交到了好朋友。 

2.  090920CNS4

【名词解释】aggressive recruiting:是一种营销策略,businesses new customers by offering a special deal in a limited period. 
  【教授举例】教授举了一个例子:一个gym 对新会员offered a free month of personal training for the first section,就是教你科学健身 how to work out scientifically.什么样的life style 是 healthy life style 等。一个月后,优惠没了,有人不交钱了,退出了some stopped;但大部分most人已经被motivated并被吸引来了,会留下来continue to pay for the program. Finally, the number of members increased.问题:用教授给的例子来解释阅读中的技巧。  

3.  080809CNS4

【名词解释】:象征性奖励token reward system含义:给每个人他真正想要的东西来达到有效激励的目的。  
  【教授举例】:professes讲了他自己刚开始教书时经历的两个例子。例子1、他想让学生keep quiet,但发现很难,他就试着奖励who can keep quiet额外extra time 15分钟到playground上玩to play,但有的人都不愿意去外边prefer to stay inside,喜欢呆在屋里画画之类的,这就没达到激励的目的did not work。
  例子2 、哪个学生表现好,教授就给他一个little wooden coin,让他keep it; 到Friday时可以向教授兑换一项学生喜好的特权(to play computer or play on the playground 等等),这样学生就被很好地激励了it worked pretty well。  

4.  111113CNS4

【名词解释】:anticipated emotion (预期情绪)Before making decisions, people will predict what would happen  after the decision,然后根据这个估测决定自己是不是要做那件事。 
  【教授举例】:教授举了1个例子。教授 once he want to attend his sister's birthday party so he decided to go shopping for the gift, when he went into store shopping. He found a very nice jacket and he wanted to buy it for himself. Actually, he has no enough money.就比较犹豫。If he spent the money on the jacket,就只能buy a smaller and cheaper gift for his sister.他predicted如果他真的pay for the jacket, he would feel guilty for his sister,所以最后还是put back jacket。Put my sister in the first place he bought a very nice gift for his sister.  

5.  111209NAS4 

【名词解释】:planning fallacy (规划谬误):人们在定计划的时候,总是不把突发情况potential problems的时间算进去,导致最终不能准时完成任务。 
  【教授举例】:教授举了关于自己的一个例子:教授多年前,在上大学的时候,他的教授a ample of months in advance 布罝给他 10 pages of history paper,but 教授 thought himself a fast worker,很快可以写完,于是 he didn’t start writing his paper until the day before the due day (deadline)。到图书馆找资料,回去写一半发现资料不够。再去图书馆,结果图书馆己经关门了。第二天该交paper,只能延期交。最后虽然教授觉得他的paper内容很好,他还是得了个很低的分数。  

6.  100828CNS4

【名词解释】:observation method:在marketing中,公司organization 传统做法是用 face-to-face interview来问customer对产品和服务的感想,但人们大多会回避负面的,导致得不到真实数据,这样的结果非常的inaccurate,misleading. 而改用observation method,就是偷偷观察人们的行为。人们并不知道己被观察了。通过实际行为反映出人们对产品和服务的真实满意程度。 
  【教授举例】:教授举例1个例子:一个museum有三个展区sectors:ancient, drawings and paintings , modem art,想知道人们对哪个sector最感兴趣以expand it to attract more people. 最开始的做法是face-to-face interview,但很多人因为不想得罪别人,说三个展区都喜欢,不会说negative的东西。博物馆得不到的答案非常的inaccurate。然后改用observation method。让security guards悄悄地keep tracks on统计到每个展厅参观的人数how many visitors和他们逗留的how much time they stayed.这样,就得到了真实数据。  

2014年7月12日托福口语预测——Task 5    

1.  110410CNS5

: Times New Roman">3.  120923CNS5

【学生困难】:女生的父母要从比较远的地方来参加她的毕业典礼。需要找地方住下,但学校附近的hotel 都book满了。 
  【解决方案】:两方案:方案1、去她的公离住,但她的公离非常小,需要rearrange,她要睡沙发了。方案 2、去远一点的hotel住,但缺点是离学校开车20分钟,需要租车,成本比较高。转述女生的困难和方案,你的建议及理由。   

4.  111209NAS5

【学生困难】:男生在spring break要去Spain旅游,准备拍照,但是数码相机digital camera丢了。 
  【解决方案】:两个方案:女生说方案1、再买个新的。缺点是:很贵,旅游还要花钱。男生说他没有enough money。男生自己说方案2、问朋友jack 借一个。缺点是:怕弄坏broken或弄丢stolen。转述女的困难和方案,你的建议及理由。  

5.  120615CNS5

【学生困难】男生要看jazz concert,他非常looking forward to it,但有问题,他同天晚上audition,选一个new play的角色,他要参加,不想错过,因为一直没演过戏,想体验下。
  【解决方案】两个options:1. go to the first half of the concert 然后leave early 去audition,两个地方离的不远。但concert没看完很遗憾,还付了全价的票。2. 晚上去看concert,第二天再去audition。可是第二天的audition都是配角(smaller  parts)的试镜(第一天的是main  parts),smaller  parts是没几句台词(lines)的。  

6. 100828CNS5 

【学生困难】:男生 Mike 暑假留校做一summer job, as research assistant,帮 biology professor 干活,他 rented a room off campus。但他不能用那room里的kitchen。没法做饭cook。 
  【解决方案】:男生说出方案1、跑去住在附近的一个friend的apartment那里做饭。但男生觉得老在朋友家里吃饭很weird;很不方便。女生说出方案 2、去学校的 cafeteria sign up for a summer meal plan。不是很贵,3 meals/day, 这样就不用buy food 了。男生说觉得cafeteria离他远。  

2014年7月12日托福口语预测——Task 6   

1.  120505NAS6

【讲课要点 】猴子monkeys常年栖息在树上,需获取水源来生存.获取水源有两祌方法:来源1、食物:  食物里含有很多水分,absorb moisture from foods,所以他们无需再另外喝水.举例:
hobe(一种猴子的名字,此拼写为回忆,屏幕上会出现) monkeys以吃树叶为生,他们爱吃很嫩的树叶(tender leaves),嫩叶新鲜多汁,所以它们可以获取足够水分,不喝水也没有问题。
  来源2、雨水:雨后,找到存留在树叶上的水洼,以补充水分,举例:spider  monkeys生活的地方有一种特殊plant,叶子呈杯子cup-shaped  leaves,雨后,这种叶子上会有很多积水,猴子可以用这种叶子作容器接水喝。

2.  110731CNS6

【讲课要点】:不能move free的海底动物sea bottom dwellers(dwellers的本意为居住者)捕食的方法有两种:第一种、active method:主要是靠像爪子一样的毒须去抓食物。举例:海葵sea anemone:虽然自己不能动,它身上有tentacle(触手)却是可以动的,这样fish来了以后它可以sting on the object给食物注射毒液,并使动物 paralyzed,捉住 fish。第二种、passive method,举例:牡蛎oyster,虽然呆在shell 里不动。坐等sea waves把tiny particles冲到opening shell里,坐享其成。  

3. 120923CNS6

【讲课要点】:在迁徙之前,鸟类都会做一定的调整和改变。分两方面:Change  1、body change:长途飞行需要大量能量。为了减少停下来的次数,鸟类会提前储存能量,吃多点儿存脂肪。Change 2、习惯的改变:为应对路上碰到的敌人,一些独来独往的鸟,会开始social,结成group一起飞,这样比较安全。  

4.  111113CNS6

【讲课要点】:大多数昆虫parent insect lay eggs后不久就离开了,baby们就会很helpless。给孵出的幼虫提供充足食物 supply food to feed young,有两种方法:方法1、parents lay eggs 之前,先给 the young gather and  store enough food在nest里,然后再飞走。这样,等幼虫孵出后就可以直接在巢里吃了。举例:potter wasp陶工黄蜂,它们们建完巢以后,就会去找各种食物放在巢里,再下蛋。方法2、昆虫可以把巢驻在里很近的食物来源supply充足的location,然后在那里生egg。举例:butterfly蝴蝶,花很多时间四处找evaluate靠近食物的地方,然后一边筑巢产卵。幼虫孵出后就可以很容易地得到食物。  

5.  111209NAS6

【讲课要点】:水生动物可以在水下激流rapid current中保持不动,有两种方式:Method 1、。black fly larvae (黑水虻幼虫),身体底下有吸盘hand and hook,像anchor,吸在石头上,touch the bottom of river. Method 2、splince鱼,没有鱼鳔swim bladder, 沉在水底sink in water.  题目中的一个单词substrate的解释: The surface or material on or from which an organism lives, grows, or obtains its nourishment.  

6.  120615CNS6

【讲课要点】关于Animals communication的,讲animal在hatch之前用两种方法交流。:方法1:当有很多eggs的时候,it is very important that这些eggs在同一个时间被hatch出来,而不会出现hatch晚的baby被妈妈遗弃了。比如ducks,一个duck要hatch了,就会发出clicking noise,其他的ducks也会发出同样声音,告诉妈妈我们都要出来了,别把我们忘了的意思。
  方法2:让妈妈帮助自己成功地破壳出来。比如crocodile,他的eggs是埋在mud里的,baby crocodile要破壳出来的时候,就会scratch the inside of the shell告诉妈妈,然后鳄鱼妈妈就会把mud remove 掉,否则baby crocodile出不来。  





姓    名:陈少清
所在地点: 杭州市西湖区天目山路135-145号玉泉大厦2楼
擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT


教授科目:词汇、雅思阅读、雅思写作、托福阅读、托福写作、GMAT 写作、GRE 写作。
