








Conversation 1

一个女学生去找教授,上来说她有个演奏会,教授去听了觉得很好,她写了个曲子,是个上个教授讨论写出来的。正题说女生看电视节目,看到有作曲家用猴子的声音演奏曲子,她认为这种曲子不算音乐,因为音乐是用来娱乐人类的,教授提到有一个音乐家叫 R ,也用动物声音作曲,女生的主要疑问是听 rodio的一个实验,关于 monkey 听音乐的反应,结果是 money 不喜欢听音乐,人们特别喜欢这种曲子。




Professor : Hi, Linda. I went to your concert yesterday. It was a very successful performance.

Student: Thank you. Actually my teacher Mr. Anderson inspired me. You know him right? He gives me new thoughts about my performance.

Professor: Oh he was quite good. I am glad you learned so much from him.

Student: Yes. He is quite something.

Professor: What is your topic to discuss with me today?

Student: Well…do you think if we play music for monkeys…well…you know…will the music be considered real music?

Professor: That is a very good question. The study has showed that monkeys can ’ t understand human’s music. There’s still no conclusion’s yet.

Student: But what if we put monkey’s voice in it? The monkeys must have some sympathy right?

Professor: It totally depends on the sound. If it was not that much it still won’t work.

Student: Well…but how to define this?

Professor: You know that Beethovon he used to inspired by birds? He put some element in his music.

Student: Yes. Actually you mentioned before…

Professor: And you know that Leonard Cohen even put bird’s sound in his music? That was quite good.

Student: I know. Well I will continue my study anyway. Thank you professor.

关键词:真题 解析 7月12日 托福听力 机经





Lecture 1 新艺术运动

Newal movement ,工业革命时候开始兴起一个运动,让之前罗马时期的艺术和现代社会结合,比之前的艺术更加 emotional ,例子:说了两个画家,两个人有共同之处,比如线条啊,颜色啊等等,作品内容,画的都是一个 town house , 这样接近现代。美术越接近自然,艺术家就越喜欢,提到了两本书第一本书是掀起这项运动的书,第二本是达尔文的进化论,达尔文的进化论代表了自然,艺术家就很喜欢看。

题:为什么艺术运动与自然景物有关?重听学生问老师为什么 100 多年前的事情被称为“新XX”运动呢?教授回答不能从字面上去理解问:暗示了什么


艺术类讲座,非常典型的介绍一种绘画流派的讲座,都是TPO中出现过得结构,套路非常清晰,先解释这项 movement ,然后在通过艺术家及对应作品进行举例说明,关键点是自然。文章难度不大,参考TPO :TPO24LZ ( Modern dance )


To understand the formation of the Rockies, we need to understand Plate Tectonics.

According to this theory, the surface of the Earth is made up of a series of plates, each of which move relative to the others. At one time, all the continents were joined into one largeland mass known as Pangea. Slowly, this supercontinent began to break apart and the continents began to drift. Inevitably, the plates eventually began to collide with one another -- with mountainous consequences.

Periods of mountain building are known as orogenies and in this area, two have been responsible for the mountains we see today. Prior to these, the North American Plate had been moving in a westerly direction and the neighbouring Pacific Plate trending northward. The edge of the North American plate was located near to present-day Salmon Arm. Off the coast, sediments were deposited upon a basement of hard Canadian Shield rocks. As you moved into deeper and deeper waters, the layers of sedimentary rocks became increasingly deeper.

Contained as part of the Pacific Plate were chains of islands that became large land masses as the plate moved and literally bulldozed them together. There were two such land masses in the Pacific and they were known as Terranes, more specifically the Intermontane and the Insular Terrane. For simplicity we'll call them the 1st and 2nd Terrane.

As the Pacific Plate moved north, the crust over which it moved was forced down by the North American Plate, back towards the Earth's core. However, as the plate closed in on the 1st Terrane, this land mass was too buoyant to be forced downward and so it was added onto the edge of the continent. This is where much of British Columbia joined North America. Along with this collision came intense forces compressing the already existing land mass. This brought on the first orogeny, known as the Columbia.

The collision causing the Columbia Orogeny occurred about 175 million years ago, and as the shock wave moved eastward, it forced huge masses of rock to crack and slide up over its neighbors. This is known as thrust faulting and was instrumental in the formation of the Rockies. The shock wave began piling up the western ranges, and then the main ranges, around 120 million years ago.

The 2nd Terrane collided around 85 million years ago setting off a whole new series of shock waves and beginning the Laramide Orogeny. The force behind this second collision provided the energy needed to form the front ranges and the foothills. Eventually the force died out as it approached Calgary and so the prairies were left undisturbed.Fault block mountains are distinguished by great sheer rock faces. These form when enormous underground pressure forces a whole rock mass to break away from another. The line at which this break takes place is called a fault.

关键词:真题 解析 7月12日 托福听力 机经





Lecture 2

鸟类迁徙介绍了科学家对鸟类迁徙路线的研究,最早的时候只能在脚上绑记号,从它们最后出现的地方得知鸟类的迁徙情况,但是不能知道鸟类途中干了什么,所以很快就被放弃了。第二种方法是用 radiator .举例: song bird 挂上 radiator ,就可以跟踪,弊端是还是不知道鸟途中干了些什么。后来科学家就通过 rodiotor 的信号开车追踪来拍摄鸟类,但是没有桥或者海上就追不上。从 radiator 上得知鸟类晚上迁徙。第三种方法用的是 satellite ,举例: godwit ,说观察到这种年飞行路线有三个地点, Alaska , China 和另一个地点。  Alaska路线,它们有几个固定停留的地方,但是最近全球变暖,因此海平面上升会对它们有影响,从Alaska起飞之后它们记住了大风帮助起飞迁徙,教授觉得这不是偶然(有题)




Whose idea was it to advertise? Who was the diabolical mastermind who first said “Hey you! Come buy my thing. It’s the best thing ever! You need this thing, otherwise you will not have a thing.”

When I ask Siri on my iPhone what was the “first advertisement,” she tells me that the “worst sad wise Bent” was my Great Uncle Gilbert Bent on my Father’s side. She thenshows me a map on how to get to his grave, an article on his development of a gasoline powered pressure cooker, and pictures of the explosions. Not as helpful as I had hoped, and not a great advertisement for voice recognition. I don’t count that as an advertisement but more of a lost and found announcement like the ones stapled to neighbourhood trees about a missing pet like a cat or boa constrictor.

Whatever the influences those early adverts had on the sailors that had arrived in the port, I’m sure that other merchants caught on quick saying “Look what Bob do!” and started their own carvings in the road talking about the fresh catch at Joe the Fishmonger’s stall, the fabulous fabrics at Charlie’s Silks n Sashes, and the able bodied repair men at Jimmy’ s Ship Shape Ship Shop. Soon the highway department would sell ad space on the road to generate more money for the town, and BLAM… suddenly you can’t get away from the ads…

And you can blame it all on Bob of Ephesus and his “Hey sailor, follow the footprints” ad campaign. I can hardly wait to see what he has in store for us during the Superbowl of gladiators, coming to Ephesus in 2 A.D.

The location of his advert was very clever too; on the docks close to where the sex starved ancient sailors would see it, heads bowed, looking down at their feet, forlorn in the fact that they were so far from home and stuck in stupid Ephesus with nothing to do. Bob knew his demographics It makes me wonder what other marketing techniques Bobby used in antiquity to sell his bordello.

Did Bob’s have a logo? A graphic that could be carved into wood and hung in front of the establishment, or printed on coasters or ancient matchbooks?

Did he buy commercial time during the local Dionysus competition? A little jingle in between the satyr play and the tragedy? “ When I ’ m in Ephesus, I always visit Bob ’ s brothel where they always make me feel important.”

关键词:真题 解析 7月12日 托福听力 机经




Conversation 2

女生原本先给 roommate 带 application 。后来遇到一个男的一直介绍要参加一个 fitness class 。女生说之前去过 nutrition shop ,但是不喜欢,因为非常无聊。但是女的还是答应了男的,说反正课都上完了正好活动一下,男生说有两种一种是 phvsical 的, 比较累,一种是 breathing 的,比较放松,女的最后选了第二种。后来说还有二十分钟课才开始,让她周围转转。


选课生活类对话,没有涉及难词和复杂概念,文章整个都在讨论参加 fitness class 的选择,思路比较简单,难度较小。


Teacher: Hi, are you a new student here?

Student: Nope. I am here to help my roommate. She is moving today.

Teacher: Oh. This is a very nice living neighborhood. Are you happy with your life here?

Student: Yes. But recently I would like to go to gym. I don’t know if there is gym around.

Teacher: Of Course. I can give you some introductions. We have two kinds of classes. One is for physical. There are quite a lot equipment in there. Another one is for breathing. We have Yoga classes every day.

Student: Sounds great. Can I register here?

Teacher: Of Course. Let me help you. You can go there today.

Student: Really? That is great.

Teacher: Here is the form. Just fill it and you are all set. There are still 20 minutes before the class. You can go around and check the equipment.

Student: That sounds like a plan.

关键词:真题 解析 7月12日 托福听力 机经





Lecture 3 中世纪欧洲工会 Guild

一开始,所有的 Shop 由工会管理,只有商人,行会只管收钱,但是收钱太多,人民没法生活,商人之间开始做竞争,例子: Shoe makers 降低价格,就能买的多,这是工会不想看见的,因为这样就收不到钱。于是,开始一个 prentice 系统, master 能管店, prentice 教人做东西, prentice 想去做 master ,但是 master 控制很严格,当上很难。后来工会进入民间 shop ,为了不伤害工会名声,做出来的东西要保证 qualitv 还要有标准的 standard ,而且人们交的钱包括 health care 。最后说道工会等级制度比较严格,举例:高级钢琴家不能跟低级的钢琴家一起演出,甚至不能一茵象见在同一个饭馆。


社会科学,历史类讲座解析。文章中没有生词,最难的也都是非常普通的托福词汇(比如 Prentice 等),而且也没有较难得背景知识,学生能够理解清楚 guild 的发展过程,就能够将题目做对。


When many of us think about migration, the image of geese winging their way south in their wrinkled V-shaped flocks is one that often comes to mind. The migration of geese is an example of the annual, large-scale movement of birds between their breeding homes and their nonbreeding grounds.

More than 650 species of birds nest in North America. Some are permanent residents and live in the same area year-round. The majority of the species, however, are miy of food is available. The term migration is used to describe movements of populations of birds. One way to look at migration is to consider the distances trey Migrating birds can cover thousands of miles in their annual travels, often traveling the same course year after year with little deviation in the path followed. First year birds may migrate unescorted to a winter home they have never before seen and return the following spring to the area in which they were born.

The secrets of their amazing navigational skills remain largely hidden. Birds appear to navigate using, including navigation by the stars, sensing changes in the earth's magnetic field, and even smell.

Some species follow on their annual migrations. These pathways are often related to important stopover locations that provide food supplies critical to the birds' survival.

关键词:真题 解析 7月12日 托福听力 机经





Lecture 4 山脉的形成

开头先回忆上节课的内容,老师提问山脉形成的原因是什么,女生回到两个板块碰撞会出现山脉。比如喜马拉雅山。然后老师说也有例外,比如 G 山,说这个山脉海拔太高,太深,人类无法接近,所以没法研究,只能通过雷达还是神马的看图片。后来说, G 山不是由板块撞击形成,因为它离板块边界很远离边界很远。又说到关于它的形成的时间,一开始以为跟落基山一样很年轻,但是分析了它山上的 Sediment 之后觉得其实己经很古老了。最后说形成方式,一开始怀疑是火山,但是因为证据不足,所以否了,后来觉得可能是与 glacier 有关,因为 glacier 课可以帮助保持山脉的形状。


自然科学类文章,讲的 geology ,地质学。讲座出现了很多概念,对于细节考场很多,也涉及了一部分地质学的学科词汇,但是内容不是太深奥,相对容易懂,学生血药经注意力放在理解文章各概念见的逻辑关系,不要纠结与听不懂的单词。 TPO 参考: TP01L2


When many of us think about migration, the image of geese winging their way south in their wrinkled V-shaped flocks is one that often comes to mind. The migration of geese is an example of the annual, large-scale movement of birds between their breeding homes and their nonbreeding grounds.

More than 650 species of birds nest in North America. Some are permanent residents and live in the same area year-round. The majority of the species, however, are migratory. Birds migrate to move from areas of low or decreasing resources to areas of high or increasing resources. The two primary resources being sought are food and nesting locations. Birds that nest in the northern hemisphere tend to migrate northward in the spring to take advantage of burgeoning insect populations, budding plants and an abundance of nesting locations. As winter approaches, and the availability of insects and other food resources drops, the birds move south again.

Escaping the cold is a motivating factor but many species, including hummingbirds, can withstand freezing temperatures as long as an adequate supply of food is available. The term migration is used to describe movements of populations of birds. One way to look at migration is to consider the distances trey Migrating birds can cover thousands of miles in their annual travels, often traveling the same course year after year with little deviation in the patide food supplies critical to the birds' survival.

关键词:真题 解析 7月12日 托福听力 机经



