





由于雅思口语每4个月的考题都是一致的,所以大家只要把题库里的话题准备到位,备考是有把握的。本次解析选取了部分高频题进行分析。详细咨询欢迎来电! 免费咨询电话:400-618-0272





1 Do you like cooking?

Sure, I do. I enjoy cooking a lot. I like to learn and try new dishes at home. You know, it’s a lot of fun when you learn some new recipes and wish to have a try. Shopping for the ingredients at the grocery store, preparing and cooking while following the steps of the recipe are very interesting.

2 When did you start learning cooking?

Well, when I was in middle school, my parents were very busy with their work and not at home sometimes, and I began to learn cooking by myself at that time. In the beginning, it was very hard, and I even cut my finger once. I learned so fast, and both of my parents were surprised.

3 Who usually cook in your family?

Well, my mom used to cook a lot when I was a child. To tell you the truth, I love each single dish that my mom cooked. As I told you, I learned to cook when I was in middle school, and now I have my own special dishes. So sometimes, I would help my mom at home.


II 相关词汇和素材

Ingredients 原料

egg 鸡蛋

vanilla 香草

cinnamon 桂皮

flour 面粉

sugar 糖

oil 油

salt 盐

pepper 胡椒

nuts 坚果

baking powder 发酵粉         

baking soda 小苏打

Cooking Verbs 动词

add 添加

bake 烤(面点)

beat 拍打

boil 水煮

chop 剁

cook 烹调

cool 冷却

cut 切

fry 油炸

grill 烤(肉类)

melt 融化

mix 混合

peel 剥皮

pour 倒

slice 切片

steam 蒸

stir 翻炒

Measurements 测量

teaspoon 茶勺

tablespoon 汤勺

cup 杯

1/2 - half

1/3 - one third

1/4 - one fourth

1/8 - one eighth

Other Vocabulary

steps 步骤

potassium 钾

whole wheat flour 全麦面粉

fiber 纤维

clog 阻塞

saturated fat 饱和脂肪

lower 降低

blood 血液

bowl 碗

egg white 蛋白

yolk 蛋黄

raise 上升

ripe 成熟

grease 油腻

pan 平底锅

pot 锅

burn 炒焦

soft 软

mixture 混合物

thicken 变厚

blender//mixer 搅拌机

piece 片






姓    名:徐祺
擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT
联系电话:0574-8707 6033电子邮箱:willianxu@shinyway




y nature as it’s pleasant enough to wander in the park or to hike the hills.

3 Has the weather changed much in your country in the past few years?

I guess it has. I still remember when I was younger, the four seasons were distinctive and severe weathers like storms,droughts,typhoons and floods were not so common but in recent years, we are experiencing a lot of extreme weather conditions and natural disasters caused by climate changes, I feel, summer is getting hotter and hotter and winter is getting much colder.

4 Would you prefer to have the same climate all year, or a place that has different seasons?

I prefer a place with four seasons like my hometown, because the landscape varies so much depending on the season. I like to see the flowers blooming in the spring, the leaves getting greener in the summer,changing into red or yellow in the autumn, and snow falling in winter.


II 相关词汇和素材

frost 霜

hail 冰雹

snow 雪


wind 风

mist 雾

cloud 云

haze 霾

rain 雨

downpour, shower 暴雨

storm, tempest 暴风雨

lightning 闪电

land wind 陆风

hurricane 飓风

cyclone 旋风


whirlwind 龙卷风

gale 季节风

gust of wind 阵风

breeze 微风

fog 浓雾

dew 露水

humidity 潮湿

freeze 冰冻

snowflake 雪花

snowfall 降雪

waterspout 水龙卷

dead calm 风平浪静



Describe a time you saved money for something speical.

You should say:

What it was

How you were saving money

How much money you saved for it

and explain how you felt about it.





这年代都是月光族,哪里来的钱可以省?省钱的速度哪里赶得上iPhone更新换代的速度,哪里赶得上雅思涨价的速度??! 有木有。




To purchase a digital camera for my younger sister I had to save money for about 6 months. Itwas a Nikon SLR camera that I knew she had a great desire to purchase. Since she is still in her college, it wasreally difficult for her to buy such a camera.

After I joined in a part time job, I planned to buy it for her. I wanted her to be happy with the camera and that’s the primary reasons I wanted to purchase it. I knew she has a talent in photography and that’s why I wanted her to have agood camera so that she gets inspired. After Iwent to some branded camera shops, I found that the camera would cost me a bitmore that I would be able to effort. As I have joined a part time job at thattime, it was not easy for me to instantly purchase the camera for my sister. Then Iplanned to save money for few months and then purchase it. I had to save money for 6-7 months and then I had been able toactually buy it.

Giving present or surprise gift to someone we care is more exciting and blissful than purchasing for ourselves. As her elder brother Iwanted to give her the camera so that she becomes happy. I also wanted her to continue her hobby of photography, which was quite tough without a good quality camera. Forthese reasons it was very important for me to purchase her the camera.




1 Who do you think saves money easier (or better, or more), men or women? Why?

In my opinion, it should be men. Because as I know, a lot of ladies especially young ladies are born shopaholics.They always spend a great number of money buying things which are not so neccessary. Then they just put them aside and never use them. Gradually, they would have almost no money left in the pocket. Take my elder sister for example, when she gets her salary at the beginning of each month, she would go to shopping mall to do a lot of shopping. Sometimes, she would even buy more clothing when they are on sale. On the other hand,men always only buy something they really want. So that’s why I think men can save money easier than ladies.

2 Is saving money important?

Sure. It’s so important to save money. If not, you would find it desperate when some difficulties like getting sick is around the corner. Currently, some white collars are regarded as monthly empty people which means they would spend all of their pay buying what they want and never save any money. I think it’s really harmful. We should save money for the misfortune in the future.

3 What are the purposes for young people to save money?

It depends on different people. For young men, they do so to buy a house or flat for their future families. In China, it’s a tradition that husbands should have a flat sometimes as well as a private car. So that he could have his ideal marriage with a young lady. They feel quite stressful for that because of the high housing price. That’s why they have to save money. For young ladies, they sometimes save money to buy some cosmestics products and clothing to make themseleves more charming and sexy just like my younger cousin does.



