








I wouldn’t want to have meals all by myself. Eating alone at home is one thing: I just cook, then sit at the table and eat; maybe I can read or watch TV at the same time; no one would observe me. However, eating in public places such as a sit-down restaurant is quite another story because it makes me feel uncomfortable because other people around me would think that I am a lonely wolf with abnormal personality. I mean, human beings are supposed enjoy each other’s company. People eating alone would be regarded as aloof and difficult to approach and not being able to get along with other people

口语2: 你觉不觉得现在年轻人比以前的年轻人更加不诚实

Well, in my opinion, young people are as honest as young people in the past. First of all, nowadays, young people, at least in my country, are financially better off than in the past, they have more material resources available to purchase what they want, therefore; their desire for being dishonest is not as strong as before. Secondly, the development of high-technology has made tracing dishonest young individuals more easily than ever before. For example, professors are now equipped with the latest computer technology to find out who plagiarizes in their papers. As a result, students are deterred from committing plagiarism.

口语3:【学校政策】建新的洗衣房让更多学生可以用,这样就不需要学生等了(因为现在的洗衣房太小学生总是要等)。【学生态度】对话里学生觉得unnecessary。 理由1. 学生嫌新建的地方太远不方便,来回费时间。理由2. 现在只是在weekend需要等,但平时没什么人。

The university is planning to construct a new laundry on camps because the existing laundry is too small and students have to worry about waiting to get their clothes washed. The woman in the conversation finds that unnecessary. First of all, she thinks that the site for the new laundry is too far away so it’s inconvenient for students to go as it will take a lot of time. Secondly, actually students have to wait only on weekends; there aren’t many people at the laundry on weekdays.

4. 名词解释【reserve training】:一般,公司里是有经验的员工带没经验的员工,但有一种相反的形式,是让新的员工教有经验的员工。【讲座内容】比如说,教授的朋友在出版社上班,不会用internet也不会用email。一个新员工教他search for information for research purpose.

Reserve training is a practice by which newly recruited employees without work experience are be asked to teach old employees. For example, a friend of the professor’s worked in a publishing house and he is unable to make use of the internet to search for useful information or send emails; therefore a young man who has just joined the company is asked to teach the man how to make the best use of the internet, so he can search for the needed information for research purposes.

5. 学生丢了副眼镜在父母家里,是让父母寄过来,还是自己回去拿

The problem the man has is that he forgets his glasses in his parents’ house but he has not time to get them back because he has to prepare for tomorrow’s biology exam. He has two solutions: first of all, he could drive for four hours to his parents’ house and get his glasses back; or he could go without his glasses for a few days until his biology exam is over. If I were him, I would take the first solution because from my experience I think it would be really inconvenient to go without glasses because it would interfere with my life and study and I am sure the students could always find time to review for his biology exam.

6. 鸟怎么在沙漠中生存不会那么热,降低体内温度。

方法1. 利用air around it and the power of wind,拍打翅膀,冷却身体。2. 热的时候,血会流到没有毛覆盖的地方,比如头部和脚部,保持身体凉爽

The lecture talks about how birds which live in desert areas can prevent heat. The first method is to use air around it. When a bird flies in the air, it can flap its wings forcefully and by using the power of wind, it can get some of the excessive heat off its body. The second method is to conduct its blood towards parts of the body which are less warm. For example, the head and the legs of birds are not covered by feathers so these parts are less exposed to heat and have a lower temperature. The bird will circulate more blood towards these parts in order to cool off its body.


课程名称 开班时间(每个时间段开班3-5次) 授课课时 班型 咨询
7月1日-7月28日 120课时+晚自习 全日制
7月14日-8月8日 120课时+晚自习 全日制
8月11日-9月2日 120课时+晚自习 全日制
7月14日-8月8日 120课时+晚自习 全日制
8月11日-9月2日 120课时+晚自习 全日制




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