









Task 1
  1. 111113CN
  Many college students will get homesick when they go away to college. What do you think college students should do to reduce homesickness? Explain why? Include specific reasons and examples in your response.
  Personally, every time when I feel homesick I would either call my family or hang out with my friends. For example, when I was in college, I could only go back home to visit my family once every semester. Sometimes I felt really sad missing my family so I would call them and talk to them for a while. They would comfort me and make me feel secure again. On the other hand, I would hang out with my friends if my family couldn’t talk to me on the phone. Because I had really good friends at school and they were like family to me, hanging out with them also made me feel loved and less lonely.

  What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music.
  I enjoy classic rock and roll from the 1960s and 1970s. My favorite bands are The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, but there are dozens of others that I love as well. Not only are the songs from that era extremely catchy and fun, but they kind of transport you to a different time when you listen to them. You feel the rebelliousness in the guitar solos and the yells of the lead singers. You feel the sheer energy of the era, which was spurred on by social events both good and bad. It was just a wild time back then! And listening to the rock music makes everything seem so immediate. No picture of the 1960s and 1970s is complete without the music. I never get tired of it.


  Task 2
  1. 120505NA
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government should spend money on some projects to encourage citizens to lead healthier lifestyles. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
  I agree because the costs of caring for unhealthy individuals are ultimately passed on to citizens. With each claim, the costs of health insurance, doctor’s visits, medicines, surgeries, and long-term care increases. So, if more individuals have an incentive to do preventive health care, less will be spent on avoidable medical care costs. An additional benefit is that preventative healthcare and healthier lifestyles might save lives. For instance, early detection of certain cancers can significantly reduce the risks of losing life or limb. Government funding to encourage healthier lifestyles is worthwhile.

  2. 111209NA
  Some people prefer to collect old things such as newspaper. Other people prefer to drop them. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
  Because I am some kind of nostalgia type, I prefer keeping old things to just throwing them away as rubbish. Many old things are filled with sweet memories which can remind people of their past. Thanks to my mom, I still have many toys I played with when I was a little girl. Secondly, old items may have great value for collection. Take newspapers for example. The one with Chairman Mao’s opening speech on the Founding Ceremony for China in 1949 surely will be a good bargain in an antique market. Moreover, from an environmental point of view, recycling used items such as newspapers and magazines is a good start towards reducing carbon emission. Finally, when it comes to old clothes, an interesting thing is that fashion always resurfaces after a few years. Old clothes may become vogue again so it makes sense to keep them instead of throwing them away.



Task 3
  1. 090920CN
  【个人倡议】一个学生给校报写倡议书,说学校应在期末考试复习期间cancel 掉在宿舍(dormitory)旁办的 the comedy show.
  理由 1、the comedy show will bring too much noise, disturb students preparing for final exam.
  理由 2、因为大部分字生都 会来看这个 comedy show,所以学校的 shuttle bus service will be suspended on that night. This is inconvenient.
  理由1:如果嫌寝室太吵,students can go to other classroom like library to study, which is pretty quiet,是 perfect place;
  理由 2, the campus is quite small, it takes only half an hour to walk from one side to another side,校车根本 就不是必要的,besides, the comedy show only takes a couple of hours; it’s no big deal.
  The student letter complains about the school’s upcoming entertainment event. It argues that that students who are studying for their final exams will be disturbed by the noise, and that the suspension of bus service during this event will also cause inconvenience to the students. In the conversation, however, the girl does not share the same view. She says that for those who want a quiet environment to study, they can do so at the school library. Furthermore, the school campus is not that big. You can walk across the campus in less than 30 minutes. Plus the bus service is only suspended for 30 minutes. It’s not a big deal.




  【个人倡议】一个学生写倡议书提议学校应该邀请一个学生组织的jazz band每天在afternoon在学校的草坪上on the open lawn在举行免费concert,给下午课间休息的同学提供relaxation。
  理由1、她认为afternoon is not the best time,应改到晚上举行,因为大家白天都有课或读书,开音乐会产生的noise will disturb others。evening听音乐会感觉will feel relaxed.
  理由2、她认为音乐会应该在indoor will be better,因为在lawn上开音乐会,太多人上lawn上走,花花草草grass会被踩死,最后草坪就变成全是泥mud了。
  The school jazz band is planning to offer free concerts in the afternoon using a large opening area on the school lawn. However, in the conversation, the girl disagrees with this plan. First, she says that having a jazz concert in the afternoon is going to create a lot of noise and disturb students who are studying or reading nearby. Second, she is concerned that the school lawn may be damaged if too many students come to the concert. So in the girl’s opinion, holding the concerts in the evening and in an indoor place might be a better option.

  Task 4
  1. 100410CN
  【名词解释】behavior exposure (暴露疗法):kids可能因为担心(concerning about) negative consequence 而fear to do something new.鼓励他们 try new things gradually让他们意识到 positive consequence 他们就会 overcome their fear with the new things
  “Behavior exposure” is a technique often used to help children overcome fear and rebuild confidence by exposing children to the people or objects that they are afraid of. The professor further illustrates this term by using his own son Tommy as an example. Tommy was afraid of playing with other kids when his family had just moved to a new town in LA. To help Tommy overcome this fear, the professor asked him to buy an ice cream but wanted him to say hi to the kids on his way to the ice cream store. Tommy did so, and he also said hello to the kids on his way back. Finally, the professor asked Tommy to try to compliment on other kids’ bikes, which was meant to make Tommy accept these children in his life. After this experience, Tommy was not afraid of kids in the new neighborhood any more, and he even asked to play with them.


  2. 111113CN
  【名词解释】:anticipated emotion (预期情绪)Before making decisions, people will predict what would happen after the decision,然后根据这个估测决定自己是不是要做那件事。
  【教授举例】:教授举了1个例子。教授once he want to attend his sister's birthday party so he decided to go shopping for the gift, when he went into store shopping. He found a very nice jacket and he wanted to buy it for himself. Actually, he has no enough money.就比较犹豫。If he spent the money on the jacket,就只能buy a smaller and cheaper gift for his sister.他 predicted 如果他真的 pay for the jacket, he would feel guilty for his sister,所以最后还是 put back jacket。Put my sister in the first place he bought a very nice gift for his sister.
  The reading passage introduces a term called anticipated emotion. It means that before making a choice, people often anticipate the emotions they might experience as a result of that choice, and this will affect their final decision. The lecturer then uses himself as an example. One day he went to purchase a birthday gift for his sister, but he saw this very nice jacket. He wanted to buy the jacket very much, but he knew that if he spent money on this jacket, he would have little money left for his sister’s birthday gift. Anticipating that he must be really guilty by not brining a nice gift to his sister, the lecturer finally decided not to purchase the jacket.

  Task 5
  1. 110731CN
  【学生困难】女生要在校报上publish a paper about history of university但editor说 她 paper 写得 too long to publish.
  【解决方案】女生自己说出她的adviser (可以理解为论文的指导老师)给她的两个方案:
方案 1. just print 文章的一部分,删掉一半 cut off the paper to make it shorter就能立即出版。但女生觉得她花了lots of work to write this paper,每个部分都很重要 even included some interview in it,不愿意 cut,只能把文章的形式弄成 summary了。
方案 2. 发表(publish)到 summer issue。女生担心效果不好,because not everybody attend to summer school and朋友放假离开学校了,教授和朋友们都不太可能看到她 的 paper.
  The girl wants to publish a paper on the school newspaper, but the editor feels that the paper is too long. The adviser suggests that the girl either cut it short or publish it later in the summer issue. I would recommend the girl to take the first option. If she can summarize the paper into a shorter version, she can have it published soon for everyone to see, while if she waits until summer, most students and professors would be away from school so they won’t be able to see the girl’s paper. Furthermore, I don’t think the girl needs to worry too much about her paper being cut short. She can carefully make the revision herself so that the most valuable or interesting part of the paper is unchanged. 




2. 111209NA
  【学生困难】:男生在spring break要去Spain旅游,准备拍照,但是数码相机 digital camera 丢了。
女生说方案1、再买个新的。缺点是:很贵,旅游还要 花钱。男生说他没有enough money。
  The man is planning to take a trip to Spain during the coming spring break. He loves taking photos so he wants to bring his camera with him, but the problem is that he seems to have lost the camera. He and the girl discussed two possible solutions - to buy a new one, or to borrow one from his friend Jake. I would prefer the boy to borrow one rather than purchasing a new one. The reasons are quite simple. First, a new camera is expensive and the boy is short of money so he would probably have to save money for the camera by, for example, staying in cheaper hotels or reducing the length of his stay in Spain, which would make this trip less enjoyable. And secondly, it’s possible that the camera was not “lost” but was left somewhere. The boy may be able to remember where it was left or someone may return this camera to the boy in a few days.

  Task 6
  1. 120505NA
来源1、食物:食物里含有很多水分,absorb moisture from foods,所以他们无需再另外喝水.举例: hobe(—种猴子的名字,此拼写为回忆,屏幕上会出现)monkeys以吃树叶为生,他们爱吃很嫩的树叶(tender leaves),嫩叶新鲜多汁,所以它们可以获取足够水分,不喝水也没有问题。
来源2、雨水:雨后,找到存留在树叶上的水洼,以补充水分,举例:spider monkeys生活的地方有一种特殊plant,叶子呈杯子cup-shaped leaves, 雨后,这种叶子上会有很多积水,猴子可以用这种叶子作容器接水喝
  The lecture talks about how monkeys obtain and drink water. Two different methods are discussed. The first method is for monkeys to eat food that contains enough moisture. For example, the monkey likes to eat the tender leaves that contain large quantities of moisture, so even if they do not drink water directly, these leaves would provide much of the monkeys’ water requirements. Another method is to drink the water collected and stored in various parts of the plants such as their stems, roots and leaves. For example, the spider monkey would make use of a special plant whose leaves are shaped like a cup. By attaching these cup-like leaves to the tree, spider monkeys would be able to drink the rainwater stored in them when they need more supplies of water.


  2. 120615CN
  【讲课要点】关于Animals communication的,讲animal在hatch之前用两种方法交流。
方法1:当有很多eggs的时候,it is very important that这些eggs在同一个时间被hatch出来,而不会出现hatch晚的baby被妈妈遗弃了。比如ducks,一个duck要hatch了,就会发出clicking noise,其他的ducks也会发出同样声音,告诉妈妈我们都要出来了,别把我们忘了的意思。
方法2:让妈妈帮助自己成功地破壳出来。比如crocodile,他的eggs是埋在mud里的,baby crocodile要破壳出来的时候,就会scratch the inside of the shell告诉妈妈,然后鳄鱼妈妈就会把mud remove 掉,否则baby crocodile出不来。
  The lecture talks about a phenomenon in which animals that hatch from eggs would make some sound in order to communicate that they are ready to hatch. They do this for two purposes, first of all, when there are a lot of eggs, it is important for them to hatch at the same time, otherwise they are likely to be abandoned by their mother. For example, when a duck is about to hatch, they would make clicking noise, so would other ducks in order to tell their mother not to forget them. The second purpose of the sound is to get their mother to help them get out of the shell successfully. For example, crocodile eggs are buried in mud, when baby crocodile is about to brTimes New Roman"> dd
