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1. 111113CNS1
University students often feel home sick when they are away from home. What do you often do to deal with home sickness?
I think the key to beating homesickness is keeping a positive attitude. More specifically, find an activity to do when you miss your family. Painting is a good choice. You can always send your creation back home so a part of you will be with them. This also helps you from focusing on home too much. More importantly, make sure you have a friend. You will be homesick much more often if you’re lonely. Having a friend provides a distraction from feeling bad, and it also gives you someone to talk to about it who can comfort you and make you feel better. If the above two solutions don’t work. Try think this way: you are indeed lucky to have a place or people that are worth missing. Wouldn’t it be worse if you didn’t miss them at all?
2. 110731CNS1
What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music. Include reasons and details in you explanation.
I enjoy classic rock and roll from the 1960s and 1970s. My favorite bands are The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, but there are dozens of others that I love as well. Not only are the songs from that era extremely catchy and fun, but they kind of transport you to a different time when you listen to them. You feel the rebelliousness in the guitar solos and the yells of the lead singers. You feel the sheer energy of the era, which was spurred on by social events both good and bad. It was just a wild time back then! And listening to the rock music makes everything seem so immediate. No picture of the 1960s and 1970s is complete without the music. I never get tired of it.
3. 111209NAS2
Some people like to collect old things such as newspapers. Others throw things away after they have used them. Which do you prefer and why?
Because I am some kind of nostalgia type, I prefer keeping old things to just throwing them away as rubbish. Many old things are filled with sweet memories which can remind people of their past.Thanks to my mom, I still have many toys I played with when I was a little girl. Secondly, old items may have great value for collection. Take newspapers for example. The one with Chairman Mao’s opening speech on the Founding Ceremony for China in 1949 surely will be a good bargain in an antique market. Moreover, from an environmental point of view, recycling used items such as newspapers and magazines is a good start towards reducing carbon emission. Finally, when it comes to old clothes, an interesting thing is that fashion always resurfaces after a few years. Old clothes may become vogue again so it makes sense to keep them instead of throwing them away.
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新通外语北美考试中心高级教师。 新通阅读、写作教师,09年被评为宁波十佳‘优秀星级培训教师’。英语专业八级,托福、雅思高分,教学风格严谨又不乏幽默,对留学考试阅读和写作有着深入研究,总结编写多部内部资料,涵盖基础英语类、雅思、托福、SAT、SSAT、SLEP等,经广大学生验证,应试效果强大,深受学生信赖。
4. 120505NAS2
Should the government spend money on projects which can encourage its citizens to lead a
healthier lifestyle?
I agree because the costs of caring for unhealthy individuals are ultimately passed on to citizens.With each claim, the costs of health insurance, doctor’s visits, medicines, surgeries, and long-term care increases. So, if more individuals have an incentive to do preventive health care, less will be spent on avoidable medical care costs. An additional benefit is that preventative healthcare and healthier lifestyles might save lives. For instance, early detection of certain cancers can significantly reduce the risks of losing life or limb. Government funding to encourage healthier lifestyles is worthwhile.
5. 100828CNS3
【学校通知】有学生组织了一个乐队,他们想利用中午的时间在学校的草坪上(a largeopening area)上做免费演出。【学生意见】反对。第一:中午并不是一个好的时间,学生时间其实很紧,他们在这个时候可能也会学习,或者reading。第二:产生 noise,吵到别人。第三:lawn 也不是个好地方,学生有可能是些 in-door type,而且坐在草坪上会压坏 grass。所以,建议在晚上,这个时候学生多是 relax 的时候,并且选择一个 in door 的地方。
The school jazz band is planning to offer free concerts in the afternoon using a large opening area on the school lawn. However, in the conversation, the girl disagrees with this plan. First, she says that having a jazz concert in the afternoon is going to create a lot of noise and disturb students who are studying or reading nearby. Second, she is concerned that the school lawn may be damaged if too many students come to the concert. So in the girl’s opinion, holding the concerts in the evening and in an indoor place might be a better option.
【公开信】学校在考试复习期间举办什么娱乐活动,期间取消校内公交车,有人感到不满给校长写信,原因一是噪音影响在宿舍复习的人,原因二是取消校内公交车对要乘车的人很不方便。【学生意见】对话中女生认为这两个理由都没有说服力。首先要看书的人可以去图书馆看,不一定非要在宿舍,图书馆很安静。其次学校很小,去哪里都可以步行,不行横穿学校只要 30 分钟,况且公交车只取消几个小时而已,no big deal 然后题目是女生的观点理由是什么。
The student letter complains about the school’s upcoming entertainment event. It argues that students who are studying for their final exams will be disturbed by the noise, and the suspension of bus service during this event will also cause inconvenience to the students. In the conversation, however, the girl does not share the same view. She says that for those who want a quiet environment to study, they can do so at the school library. Furthermore, the school campus is not that big. You can walk across the campus in less than 30 minutes. Plus the bus service is only suspended for 30 minutes. It’s not a big deal.
【名词解释】anticipated emotion。人们采取行动之前会对自己做了这个事情之后会有一个怎样的心情有一个估测,然后根据这个估测决定自己是不是要做那件事。【教授举例】lecture 里,教授举例子说有一次去给妹妹买生日礼物,发现一件很想买的 jacket,但是买了 jacket 之后就只能给妹妹买很便宜的小礼物,于是他就想如果真的买了 jacket 的话他肯定会很愧疚,所以最后决定还是不买了。
The reading passage introduces a term called anticipated emotion. It means that before making a choice, people often anticipate the emotions they might experience as a result of that choice, and this will affect their final decision. The lecturer then uses himself as an example. One day he went to purchase a birthday gift for his sister, but he saw this very nice jacket. He wanted to buy the jacket very much, but he knew that if he spent money on this jacket, he would have little money left for his sister’s birthday gift. Anticipating that he must be really guilty by not brining a nice gift to his sister, the lecturer finally decided not to purchase the jacket.
8. 100410CNS4
【名词解释】exposure behavior,是说鼓励儿童反复做他们害怕的事,然后建立自信,最终克服恐惧。【教授举例】听力中教授用它自己儿子 Tommy 的例子,说他们家搬到LA,Tommy 原来不敢和新小朋友玩,只敢趴窗上看,后来教授借买冰淇凌之机鼓励他向小朋友们问好,回来又问一次(两次间儿子表现已有所不同),回来后儿子甚至主动要求出去和他们一起骑车,最终,Tommy 和其他小朋友过上了幸福的日子。
―Behavior exposure‖ is a technique often used to help children overcome fear and rebuild confidence by exposing children to the people or objects that they are afraid of. The professor further illustrates this term by using his own son Tommy as an example. Tommy was afraid of playing with other kids when his family had just moved to a new town in LA. To help Tommy overcome this fear, the professor asked him to buy an ice cream but wanted him to say hi to the kids on his way to the ice cream store. Tommy did so, and he also said hello to the kids on his way back. After this experience, Tommy was not afraid of kids in the new neighborhood any more, and he even asked to play with them.
9. 111209NAS5
【学生困难】the man can't find his camera before his trip to Spain. 男生在 spring break 要去西班牙玩,准备拍照,但是数码相机丢了。【解决方案】can either buy a new one, or borrowhe one from his friend Jake. 女生让他买,但是他说没有 enough money,他自己说他朋友(貌似说了具体的名字)可以借给他,但是他不想用,女生说:对,万一 broken 或者 stolen 就不好了。
The man is planning to take a trip to Spain during the coming spring break. He loves taking photos so he wants to bring his camera with him, but the problem is that he seems to have lost the camera.He and the girl discussed two possible solutions – to buy a new one, or to borrow one from his friend Jake. I would prefer the boy to borrow one rather than purchasing a new one. The reasons are quite simple. First, a new camera is expensive and the boy is short of money so he would probably have to save money for the camera by, for example, staying in cheaper hotels or reducing the length of his stay in Spain, which would make this trip less enjoyable. And secondly, it’s possible that the camera was not ―lost‖ but was left somewhere. The boy may be able to remember where it was left or someone may return this camera to the boy in a few days
10. 110731CNS5
【学生困难】女生要在校报发表一篇 paper,但文章写得too long to publish。【解决方案】男编辑给她两个方案:方案 1:cut off the paper, and make it shorter 就能立即发表了。但女生觉得每个部分都很重要,不愿意 cut,要弄短就只能 Summarize 了。方案 2:到暑期版summer issue 上再发表。女生不太愿意,因为暑假大家都放假了,教授和朋友们都不太可能看到。
The girl wants to publish a paper in the school newspaper, but the editor feels that the paper is toolong, so he suggests that the girl either cut it short or publish it later in the summer issue. I would recommend the girl to take the first option. If she can summarize the paper into a shorter version,she can have it published soon for everyone to see; however, if she waits until summer, most students and professors would be away from school so they won’t be able to see and appreciate the girl’s work. Furthermore, I don’t think the girl needs to worry too much about her paper being cut short. She can carefully make the revisions herself so that the most valuable or interesting part of the paper is unchanged.
11. 120615CNS6
【讲座主题】Animals that hatch from eggs 会在蛋壳里的时候就会制造出一些声音来communicate that they are ready to hatch. 【相关例子】第一个目的:当有很多 eggs 的时候,it is very important that 这些 eggs 在同一个时间被 hatch 出来,而不会出现 hatch 晚的baby 被妈妈遗弃了。比如 ducks,一个 duck 要 hatch 了,就会发出 clicking noise,其他的 ducks 也会发出同样声音,告诉妈妈我们都要出来了,别把我们忘了的意思。第二个目的是让妈妈帮助自己成功地破壳出来。比如 crocodile,他的 eggs 是埋在 mud 里的,baby crocodile 要破壳出来的时候,就会 scratch the inside of the shell 告诉妈妈,然后鳄鱼妈妈就会把 mud remove 掉,否则 baby crocodile 出不来。
The lecture talks about a phenomenon in which animals that hatch from eggs would make some sound in order to communicate that they are ready to hatch. They do this for two purposes, first of all, when there are a lot of eggs, it is important for them to hatch at the same time, otherwise they are likely to be abandoned by their mother. For example, when a duck is about to hatch, they would make clicking noise, so would other ducks in order to tell their mother not to forget them.
The second purpose of the sound is to get their mother to help them get out of the shell successfully. For example, crocodile eggs are buried in mud, when baby crocodile is about to break through their eggs, they would scratch the inside of the shell to tell their mother, who would remove the mud. Otherwise, the baby crocodile would not be able to get out
12. 120505NAS6
【讲座要点】:讲猴子在树上,但是在那里,水只能在地底下得到。那么猴子是怎么得到水支撑生活的。第一个是absorb moisture from food,讲了一个 hobe 的猴子,它们吃的嫩叶子里面包含了水分,所以它们不用吃水也没有问题。第二个是喝雨水,一个 called spider 猴子的,它们用cup like plant 来 Link 在树上,当有水的时候就用那个 cup like plant 来接水喝。
The lecture talks about how monkeys obtain and drink water. Two different methods are discussed.The first method is for monkeys to eat food that contains enough moisture. For example, themonkey likes to eat the tender leaves of trees that contain large quantities of moisture, so even if they do not drink water directly, these leaves would provide much of the monkeys’ water requirements. Another method is to drink the water collected and stored in various parts of the plants such as their stems, roots and leaves. For example, the spider monkey would make use of a special plant whose leaves are shaped like a cup. By attaching these cup-like leaves to the tree,spider monkeys would be able to drink the rainwater stored in them when they need more supplies of water.
13. 120922CNW1
lecture 讲英国的 written book Pearl Poet 真正作者到底是谁,因为只有一个署名儿在这书中的一个 poem 的 title下面叫什么 P. 文章就开猜了,有三种可能性。【1】第 1 个被认为可能的人 John Massey,因为流传下来的他们的作品的 handwriting 是一样的;【2】第 2 个是 Hugh,因为 H 的其中一首 poem 描写的region 和书中一手叫什么骑士 Knight 的描写的地方一样【3】第 3 种猜测是那四首诗是一个 collection,Pearl Poet是一堆人。
【1】第一个理由,过去的作品都是靠 copy 传播的,原版被reproduce 很多次。所以人们看到的可能只是同一个人手抄copy original 的书,不能表明作者相同;【2】第二个理由,教授说不是他,因为诗使用的 dialect 不同。这俩个人处于不同的地方,会有不同口音dialect,所以那种修辞在不同口音的情况下是不同的;【3】像词语 vocabulary 的用法啥的都是重复那么多次频率这么高这肯定是一个人写的,不可能有很多人 collection 都有这些unique 的特性。
侏罗纪时代的生物灭绝了,文章说可能是因为彗星撞地球,依据就是一些发现的古老的生物还是什么的碎片,然后它们可以 dating back to XXX 年以前,并且在中国,日本还有某个国家都有发现,然后发现某个沟壑还是海峡有可能就是那个坑speech 说第一那些碎片的化学物质没有因为地壳运动受热而改变,所以时间应该很短,应该没有 250-millionold 这么老。第二碎片只在那三个国家被发现过,如果冲击力那么强的话,那碎片应该是散落在全世界的。第三,类似那个坑的坑到处都是,火山运动也会是造成沟壑的原因,该是地球内部地质活动形成的。
The reading and the listening boss discuss comet collision, a theory that explains the mass extinction of creatures in Jurassic. However, what the listening suggests is quiet different from the main idea in the reading.
First, in the reading, some debris 250-millom-old meteorite fragments , could date back to Jurassic. In contrast, the speaker does not think so, and says that the chemical components of the debris do not change during the movement of crust, which generates heat. Therefore the age of such debris fails to 20 million old. This directly contradicts what the reading indicates.
Second, the author of reading considers the three places, where meteorite fragments spread, isanother evidence for comet theory. On the contrary, the lecturer refutes such idea by pointing out that because fragments are only found in these countries rather than the whole world,is does not match the powerful impact caused by comet collision. This is another part where the listening contravenes the reading.
Third, the reading passage asserts that a crater found in Australia is the result of the mass impact. Nevertheless the professor thinks that such crater mentioned in the reading exists everywhere, and that normal activities such as volcano can also cause crates. Thus, the crater found in Australia is caused by the internal activity of the earth. Unfortunately, the lecturer disagrees with the final point in the reading.
15. 130215NAW1
阅读:某个地方的洞穴 Erdstall 可能有三种用途
【2】当 shelter,躲避强盗 attack
【1】洞会漏雨水,储存食物不方便。在冬天 Erdstall 都被淹没了,而且也没发现里面有谷类残留
【2】Erdstall 太小了,只能勉强装下一家人。而且存氧气很少,只够一个人的量。另外,只有一个入口,不太可能像为了逃跑设计的。
The reading passage proposes three hypotheses regarding the functions of the Erdstall, a narrow,underground structure built in [ name of place mentioned in the reading ]. However, the lecture points to the weakness of the three hypotheses.
First, the Erdstall could have been used to keep livestock or to store food. However, the lecturer argues that the Erdstall is not rainwater-proof. Particularly in the winter, the Erdstall could have been flooded. So it is not an ideal place to store food. Furthermore, no traces of grain have been found in the Erdstall. Therefore, the storage hypothesis is unlikely.
Second, the Erdstall could be a shelter against attack or burglary. This is also not possible in the lecturer’s opinion, because, as he argues, the Erdstall is so small that it could barely accommodate one family, and the oxygen inside the Erdstall is sufficient to sustain only one person. Another obvious weakness of this hypothesis is that the Erdstall has only one entry point and does not have an exit, making it unlikely to serve as an escape route.
Finally, it is theorized that the Erdstall could have religious functions, serving as a chamber of soul for the deceased. Yet if this were true, according to the lecture, the Erdstall should have been found in every village across the whole region which shares the same religion. The fact, however,is that the Erdstall is only present in some, not all, of the villages. So the religion hypothesis is unconvincing, either.
16. 110709CNW1
阅读:GM plant 有好处
【3】可以让大米里含更多维生素 a,防止维 a 缺乏。
听力部分认为 gm 的好处被夸大了,因为:
【2】农民往往用去年的种子播种,用 gm 种子的话就得年年买新种子,多花的钱也许比多赚的还多。
【3】含维生素 a 的蔬菜有的是,含量还比这种 gm 大米高,为什么不建议人们吃蔬菜就得了。
The reading passage introduces to the readers the benefits of genetically modified crops, while the lecture tries to convince us that these benefits are over exaggerated.
The first benefit is that GM crops are good for the environment because they possess pest-resistant genes which can reduce the need to use pesticide. However, the lecturer argues that if these resistance genes spread to wild crops, they will grow out of control which may bring more damage to the environment.
The second benefit is that GM crops can increase farmers’ profits because GM crops can produce good yields even in dry seasons. However, the lecturer points to the fact that farmers of GM crops have to pay a heavy sum of money to GM seed companies, and they have to do it annually. This brings up the cost of growing GM crops significantly.
The third benefit is that GM plant can add important nutrients like vitamin A to the diet of people who lack those nutrients. However, according to the lecture, the nutrients introduced through GM crops are far from enough. The correct and more effective way to deal with nutrient deficiency is to encourage people to eat more vegetables like sweet potatoes.
17. 121207NAW2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teaching is harder than it was in the past.
I agree that teaching is harder now than it was in the past. There are multiple viewpoints and cultures that have to be considered, it’s harder to keep the attention of contemporary students, and some schools do not have enough money to properly teach certain things.
Topics that were discussed in school used to be more straightforward. Whoever was doing the teaching would take the point of view of their own culture (and the culture of his or her students). For instance, American schools used to teach that the explorers who discovered America, like Christopher Columbus, were brave and admirable. American schoolchildren were made to feel simply good about themselves and their country’s history. That must have been easy to teach! But these days, we are so much more sensitive to the stories of other cultures. Teachers have to consider the feelings of the native people that the explorers mistreated and killed, to begin with. With any historical lesson, it is now normal for teachers to sympathize with the oppressed, the women, and the people that for centuries had no voice. And the beliefs of other cultures and countries are explored just as much as the customs of one’s own country. This is a good thing, certainly! But it is more complicated and takes a lot more time to teach.
It is also harder to keep the attention of students these days, with so much technology everywhere. In class, they can sneak peeks at their cell phones and text their friends. If they are college students in a lecture hall where laptops are allowed, they might be playing games on their computer rather than taking notes. Students doing their homework on their computer can find the internet to be a distraction.
But technology can also be a problem if there isn’t enough of it. The world has come so far in the world of science that a school can greatly suffer if it doesn’t have the proper equipment. What if a biology class can’t afford microscopes? What if a video editing class can’t afford the latest editing programs? It can be difficult to keep up and that must make teaching harder.
Teaching is more difficult today than it was in the past because things are more complicated. Many different viewpoints must be taught, technology can distract students, and yet a lack of proper technology in the classroom can disadvantage students.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to succeed in doing a new job, the ability to adapt oneself to the new environment is more important than the excellent knowledge of this job.
A competent employer always matches the expertise of the employees with the work they will do. However, certain skills employers look for have nothing to do with particular job competencies. These skills indicate development potential and are favored over knowledgelevel. One of these skills is adaptability. An adaptable employee thrives on change and can work independently or collaboratively. Adaptability is more useful in the workplace than specialized knowledge.
Employees must be able to meet the rapidly changing priorities of the companies they work for. Employers are hiring fewer people to do the same amount of work. Workers rotate among jobs within the company and take on additional projects. Multi-tasking, working flexible hours and changing locations are common workplace demands. Employees cannot afford to cling to tasks specific to their area of expertise, no matter how essential. It diminishes their value when compared with similarly skilled, but more adaptable workers.
Today’s workers must be capable of working independently to accomplish goals assigned to them. Employers are focused on outcomes. They don’t have the time or the desire to micromanage employees. They expect their employees to solve problems, to self-direct, and to accomplish tasks autonomously. Having specialized knowledge makes employees valuable only if they can innovatively apply it in original ways that benefit the company.
Employers hire people who are likable and can work within a group. Collaboration is essential to increased productivity. Those who are open to new ideas work well on project teams or on committees. Their adaptability fosters creativity. Employees who cannot effectively communicate their specialized knowledge add little value.
In the knowledge-based economies of the world, there are far more available workers than positions. The best job candidates will have mastery over their area of expertise, but more importantly, they will eagerly demonstrate their adaptability. They will be able to work independently or collaboratively; they will embrace change and enjoy success.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend money on new buildings than to preserve historic or traditional buildings and homes.
Over the years, several changes have been made in the architectural field. In this case, architectshave been able to come up with new construction styles which are more sophisticated than the ancient ones. Modern architectural designs have led to the construction of skyscrapers which are preferred to the old traditional buildings. This leaves us with the question of whether governments should utilize more resources in maintaining modern buildings than the ancient ones. In my view, governments should encourage the preservation and restoration of traditional buildings because of the following reasons.
Ancient buildings depict the history, culture, and traditions of a country. This is because traditional buildings remind people about their origins and the experiences they have had over the years. Consequently, a country can lose its history if it does not preserve ancient buildings, which act as historical evidences. By preserving the traditional buildings, it will be easier to maintain cultural values in future generations. Traditional buildings also help foreigners to learn more about the historical background of a given country.
Ancient structures enhance the natural beauty of cities; hence, making them distinct and attractive. Besides this, such structures often serve as landmarks especially in busy places. Moreover, the unique features of ancient structures spur tourism activities, and this benefits a country economically. The traditional buildings can also serve as museums which can create employment opportunities.
However, some individuals contend that ancient buildings are extremely precarious owing to the kind of materials that were used in constructing them. According to the critics of old buildings, modern buildings are properly designed and well constructed using durable building materials. Nevertheless, some modern constructions are not friendly to the environment due to the nature of the materials used in constructing them. Modern buildings are also considered to be more comfortable since they are furnished with nice fittings.
In conclusion, the urgent needs to preserve ancient structures in areas of the world where they are poorly managed cannot be overstated. The government should not neglect the old structures because they help in maintaining a county’s cultural heritage.
20. 120202CNW2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.
Movies and television have long been a part of modern life and culture. While these technologies have made some valuable contributions to society, much concern has been expressed about the negative effects these media are having on the behavior of young people. In part, this concern arises from certain types of programming that have become popular in recent years. First, there is the concern that commercial advertisements have become more prevalent, and that they target young people more aggressively. Second, movies and television programs often deal with themes that are of a violent or explicit nature, thereby suggesting ideas to youths that they would not know about otherwise. Finally, much of the news coverage features highly negative stories thatgive young people a distorted view of the world and of how adults are supposed to behave.Commercial advertising has always been a part of television programming, but recently movie theaters have also begun showing commercials prior to shows. While advertising does serve a useful purpose, many commercials present a view of life and success that is unduly materialistic. Young people are especially susceptible to marketing techniques, and advertisers often exploit their adolescence by suggesting that the way to be popular or have a lot of friends is to possess certain material goods. Youths sometimes end up buying things that they neither need nor want just because they have succumbed to the effects of advertising.
Many movies and television shows portray situations and adult-oriented themes that are often extremely graphic or violent. While some young people are able to process the images they see in a healthy way, others are not. Some youths can become deeply disturbed by what they see and, because they are young, lack sufficient maturity to fully comprehend the images. Smaller children also have difficulty separating what they see in movies and television from real life and they sometimes imitate certain inappropriate behaviors, thinking they are normal or acceptable. Additionally, television news coverage tends to favor stories that are of a violent or graphic nature. The phrase ―if it bleeds, it leads, is a colloquialism used by editors to decide the top stories featured on news programs. It means that stories that are explicit or sensational, such as accidents or homicides, will be featured first because they are psychologically more engaging than other stories and, therefore, more likely to hold the viewing audience’s attention. An overemphasis on such stories, however, can distort a young person’s view of the world. It can create a false sense of reality, as though the only newsworthy events are those that are tragic or violent. Young people are by nature emotionally vulnerable, and overexposure to bad news can create feelings of hopelessness and despair, which can lead to a number of bad or self-destructive behaviors.By themselves,movies and elevision can be beneficial technologies when used appropriately. All too often, however, advertisers and producers make choices that either model bad behavior to young people, or present them with a distorted view of the world. Not all young people behave badly as a result, but many do. Producers and advertisers need to be more careful in choosing what they present to young people, and parents must be vigilant in what they allow their children to watch.
21. 130223NAW2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to attract good students, a university should spend a lot of money funding social activities.
sample answer:
I disagree with this. The high quality of classes, professors, and lessons should be the focus for attracting good students to universities. It’s rare that students choose colleges based on social activities. Also, university clubs and other social organizations usually do their own separate fundraising anyway.
When good students are researching colleges, they certainly want to know that the classes are high quality. These are kids who have studied hard and excelled throughout high school. They like learning. They want to know that for the next four years, they will continue to learn and be excited and challenged by their teachers. For the majority of college-bound students, this is their priority. Therefore, assuring them that they will get an excellent education is the best way to attract them. Also, I don’t think many students are thinking about a college’s social activities when they arechoosing which school to attend. Once they get to college, sure, they can delve into clubs and such.
But students are so stressed out about everything else when they are first applying, like whether they’ll live in the dorms or how much tuition costs. I don’t believe campus social activities are at the forefront of their thoughts. Is it really that big of a deal if the dances have a live band instead of a local DJ? Or if there are five different environmental clubs? These things are secondary. Throwing money at them won’t necessarily bring in good students.
Finally, it seems irresponsible for a college to spend a lot of money funding social activities when typically campus clubs and organizations do their own fundraising. Bake sales and car washes and other fundraising activities have worked well enough so far! The university itself should stick to official business, like paying professors and staff members. It would be a shame if their salaries got cut because some of the college’s funds were re-routed to pay for social activities. It would just harm the school instead of helping it.
That’s why I don’t think universities should start spending a lot of money on social activities, in order to attract good students. Hard-working students care the most about their education, clubs and activities are not their priority when choosing a college, and social activities work fine funding themselves anyway.
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