
雅思口语新题范文:a good law in China





9月为雅思口语变题月,到月末题目会发生40%变化。伴随着大量的雅思口语新题涌出,很多雅思备考不充分的考生往往会措手不及,因此越早进行雅思备考越有利。小编整理了雅思口语新题范文——a good law in China,供考生们参考。

9月为雅思口语变题月,到月末题目会发生40%变化。伴随着大量的雅思口语新题涌出,很多雅思备考不充分的考生往往会措手不及,因此越早进行雅思备考越有利。小编整理了雅思口语新题范文——a good law in China,供考生们参考。

雅思口语范文:a good law in China

Q:Describe a good law in your country
  You should say:
  What the law is
  How you first learned about this law
  Who benefits from this law
  And explain why you think this is a good law

听名师讲解雅思口语范文,中国式英语let it go! 



A couple of years ago, it’s like back in 2009 , I read a piece of news on the Internet saying something about the upcoming Food Safety Law in China. I guess this law came into force in June 2009. I don’t remember all the details about the law, but I’ll do my best to tell you more about it.

For starters, why is this law being implemented? Almost every Chinese knows the baby milk scandal that killed 6 infants and sickened some 300,000 back in 2008. Because of this, China’s food safety record fell to a historic low. Prior to this, other food poisoning cases had caused widespread panic among people.

What if such cases were to continue to increase? Well, all of China’s food exports would drop…in fact it already did… to such a level that no other countries would want to buy from China anymore. Now, this would be terrible for China’s economy in the long run. So I think this law came at a crucial time.

If my memory is not mistaken, the penalties for breaking this law will be very tough. In fact, 2 people were sentenced to death for their roles in the milk scandal. It might be harsh to some people, but I think this is exactly what needs to be done.

Well, it turned out to be a good law, although I must say it took quite a while and there was tremendous difficulty in enforcing it because China is a huge country with different levels of governments. It will ensure general health of our next generation as well as our current generation, be it in China or the rest of the world. 

新通秋季雅思强化班 名师亲授学习秘籍!【 








