





以下是8月30日托福听力真题及解析。此次托福听力考试全部为美音, 没有其它口音。对话部分以个选课场景,一个打工场景,没有涉及学术内容,都属于比较好处理的类型。在lecture部分,四篇分别为自然科学,生命科学,艺术和社会科学的经典分类。更多托福要点、资讯敬请关注新通外语培训网(www.igo99.cn)托福频道,也可拨打400-618-0272免费热线!


Conversation 1

学生想要和一个在 hotel 做 Part timejob 的学生共同完成老师布置的项目,是一个环保项目,原则上是要个人完成的,所以她来征求老师同意。老师说这个项目很有意义,同意了。但是可能 hotel 不同意,学生说她们已经拿到了一个推荐信,还有一个 fund 可以资助这个项目。后面听得比较乱,待补充。


Student: Hi professor, I am doing an eco-friendly project now. I kind of wanna hear your advice on it.

Professor: Sure. What is your project?

Student: You know, now I am working with my friends. Our goal is to improve hotel’s recycle system. My friend is working in one of the hotel of the city so I kind of want the project to carry out in his hotel.

Professor: That sounds a great idea. How is it going now?

Student: We are still preparing for it. I wonder what do you think to put the project in my friend’s hotel will be a great idea? May be the statistic data sample will be too small.

Professor: Is the hotel your friend working in has a great capacity of rooms?

Student: Yes, at least 500 rooms.

Professor: Then it is quite enough for the beginning research. Did your friends talked with the hotel manger about the project you are working with?

Student: Yes he had persuaded the manager to assistant us.

Professor: That is great. My advice is you might develop your project by having a further conversation with your friends’ manager.

Student: Yes, we think we can help this hotel to save some energy by using eco-friendly material.

Professor: Correct. You can even cooperate with each other in the future. Let’s put it in a long-term plan.

Student: OK.

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Lecture 1 Art History

讲英国的巨石阵。主要在讨论巨石的成分和起源。其中有两种假说: 1 .人搬的 2 . 冰川运动把石头带下来。最新的研究可以定位石头是同一个 Spot 。尽管不确定是怎么搬运的。还说这种石头有疗伤功能。



Several studies suggest that an increase in adult neurogenesis has beneficial effects on emotional behavior and cognitive performance including learning and memory. The observation that aging has a negative effect on the proliferation of neural stem cells has prompted several laboratories to investigate new systems to artificially increase neurogenesis in senescent animals as a means to compensate for age-related cognitive decline.

In this review we will discuss the systemic, cellular, and molecular changes induced by aging and affecting the neurogenic niche at the level of neural stem cell proliferation, their fate change, neuronal survival, and subsequent integration in the neuronal circuitry. Particular attention will be given to those manipulations that increase neurogenesis in the aged brain as a potential avenue towards therapy.

Production of new neurons in the adult hippocampus decreases with age; this decline may underlie age-related cognitive impairment. Here we show that continuous depletion of the neural stem cell pool, as a consequence of their division, may contribute to the age-related decrease in hippocampal neurogenesis. Our results indicate that adult hippocampal stem cells, upon exiting their quiescent state, rapidly undergo a series of asymmetric divisions to produce dividing progeny destined to become neurons and subsequently convert into mature astrocytes.

Thus, the decrease in the number of neural stem cells is a division-coupled process and is directly related to their production of new neurons.

We present a scheme of the neurogenesis cascade in the adult hippocampus that includes a proposed "disposable stem cell" model and accounts for the disappearance of hippocampal neural stem cells, the appearance of new astrocytes, and the age-related decline in the production of new neurons.


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Lecture 2 auroras

讲极光研究的历史。极光以前被认为是电或者南极的冰反射阳光导致的。后来人们用一种望远镜,前面有一层幕布,方便人们观察日冕。发现是太阳黑子和 solar wind 的运动影响,因为两者会 emit chargeable particles ,与地球大气层的氧原子和氮原子作用。最后还提到人类通过电子设备来发现极光的intensity与其关系。太阳黑子周期还会影响通讯水平。比如加拿大的事故。


自然科学类讲座,极光发现的历史,而且极光形成的因素太阳风和太阳黑子在很多科普文章中都有,下 p021LI 中也有涉及,理科学生难度不大,内容不算生僻,难点是细节概念可能比较多。


The word museum has classical origins. In its Greek form, mouseion, it meant “seat of the Muses” and designated a philosophical institution or a place of contemplation. Use of the Latin derivation appears to have been restricted in Roman times mainly to places of philosophical discussion. Thus the great Museum at Alexandria, founded by Ptolemy I Soter early in the 3rd century bc, with its college of scholars and its library, was more a prototype university than an institution to preserve and interpret material aspects of the heritage. The word museum was revived in 15th-century Europe to describe the collection of Loralence in the use of museum in the legislation, drafted in 1753, founding the British Museum, nevertheless the idea of an institution called a museum and established to preserve and display a collection to the public was well established in the 18th century.

Use of the word museum during the 19th and most of the 20th century denoted a building housing cultural material to which the public had access. Later, as museums continued to respond to the societies that created them, the emphasis on the building itself became less dominant. Open-air museums, comprising a series of buildings preserved as objects.

关键词:8月30日 托福听力 真题 解析 托福考试  托福机经



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Conversation 2

老师找学生想问问她为什么 art history 这门课表现不好,但学生说是因为她退出了这门课。她得到了另一门课程教授的同意可以免修art history 。最后老师建议她退掉这门课,同时去向art history 教授道歉。


Advisor: Hi Tom, I want to talk to your about your Islam art history class. Do you know that you forget to drop your former class in order to enroll in this one?

Student: Oh I forgot! Sorry, I am so excited about enrolled in to Islam art history class from wait list. I will fix it now.

Advisor: Yes you better do it soon. There are still some students they are in the wait list. And you missed one appointment with your professor.

Student: I am terribly sorry about that.

Advisor: Try to talk to your professor as soon as possible. I believe he will be glad to help you catch up with the class.

Student: I believe so. I will log in the webadvisor to see my appointment schedule. There are will be some reading materials on it right?

Advisor: I bet there are some. When you have your next class, you might wanna finish the reading first.

Student: I get it. I am terribly sorry for missing the appointment again.

Advisor: It will be fine. As long as you contact your professor.

Student: Thank you.

Lecture 3 Public Museum

卢浮宫这样的公开美术馆,分类方法来源于某艺术革命时期某人的做法,一个法国人,他推动了 public museum 的贡献。一开始 museum 是 only for private and artists ,其中一个原因是因为 teaching ,普通人只能特定时候进去。French revolution之后某人运用 storehouse 存放一些文物并发展一种系统给物品分类:按年代划分。这种系统后来通用了。最后还说到了有人反对这样的公共艺术馆,但是这样的艺术馆很好可以让人们看到很多地方。


艺术类讲座,艺术史改革内容,这是经典的艺术类讲座内容,学生 TPO 如果联系熟练的话上手会比较容易。


Lasers are shown to be very sensitive probes of the Earth magnetic field. The rate of rotation of the polarization is shown to exhibit an Adler-type evolution with the azimuth of the laser propagation axis, with a locking region depending on the controlled loss-anisotropies introduced in the cavity. The evolution of this rotation rate with the excitation and the detuning is also investigated. It is also shown that the sensitivity of the laser to the Earth magnetic field increases when extra losses are introduced in the cavity, leading to a sensitivity of a few hundredths of Gauss. In every case, a good agreement is observed between experiments and the000 atmospheres and heated to over 5000 degrees Celsius—equal to that of the surface of the Sun. And, given that, humanity has had such difficulty even breaking through our relatively soft and thin crust, the prospects of our ever actually boring 2500 kilometers to center of the planet is iffy at best—and our odds are even worse for finding the warm gooey center of Jupiter. So how do we study the state of matter and their interactions with each other under these conditions? Very quickly and with the newly-upgraded laser at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in France.

Lecture4 神经系统





Parch marks in the grass, in an area that had not been watered, have revealed places where two "missing" huge sarsen stones may once have stood.

The marks were spotted by an English Heritage steward who alerted archaeologists to their existence.Previous scientific techniques such as geophysics failed to find any evidence is a prehistoric, mysterious circle of upright stones in southern England. Construction on the great monument began 5,000 years ago; the famous stones that still stand today were put in place about 4,000 years ago.

The great age, massive scale and mysterious purpose of Stonehenge draw over 800,000 visitors per year, and several thousand gather on the summer solstice to watch the sunrise at this ancient and mystical site.

The stones are aligned almost perfectly with the sunrise on the summer solstice, and it is almost unquestioned that Stonehenge was built as a spectacular place of worship.

Although the faith of the Stonehenge builders predates any known religion, the site has become a place of pilgrimage and worship for Neopagans who identify themselves with the Druids or other forms of Celtic paganism. It is also popular with New Age devotees, who report powerful energies at the site.

A visit to Stonehenge begins across the highway from the monument, at the large and efficiently-run Visitor's Centre. There is a fee for parking as well as for admission, which includes an optional audio guide. A pedestrian passageway leads under the highway to Stonehenge itself, where a designated path allows for views from all sides. For conservation reasons, visitors are no longer allowed to approach the stones except on the summer solstice, but access can be arranged by appointment or on a tour.

关键词:8月30日 托福听力 真题 解析 托福考试  托福机经



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