





随着2014 年上半年的结束,雅思考试在各个城市顺利举办了27 场。详细咨询欢迎来电! 免费咨询电话:400-618-0272!



2014 年1 月雅思口语迎来第一次题目更新,第一部分和第二部分分别有题目更换,如下:

Part 1 考题回顾


Part 2 考题回顾 (蓝色为本月新题)

1. House moving

2. An intelligent person

3. A comic actor/actress

4. A future plan you have

5. A family business

6. A science class

7. A film you dislike

8. A TV program you like/dislike

9. A competition you took part in


10. An ancient/old building

11. A restaurant impressing you a lot

12. A place where you learnt about a new culture

13. An antique or old object your family has kept for a long time

14. Something you saved money for       

15. A recent change to your life

16. A difficult time you went through

17. Something you forgot to do

18. A training course you had

19. A positive event in your teenager time

20. A subject you disliked in high school

21. An old man you enjoy talking to

22. A famous/successful person in your country

23. A friend you haven’t met for a long time

24. Someone with an important job

25.A stranger who helped you/who you helped

26.Someone who paid you a visit at your home recently

27.Favorite singer/musician/music band

28. A foreign place (been to/want to go to)


29. A city (been to/want to go to/important city in your country)

30. A place you go for music

31. A park or garden you like

32. A beautiful flat or house you visited

33. A room you spent a lot of time in

34. A book( you read for many times/you want to read again)

35. A photo which you are in

36. An important letter or email you received

37. A popular product made in your country

38. An electronic equipment (not computer) you bought for your home

39. A piece of clothing (in important situation)

40. A historic event

41. A childhood story

42. A sport event/something good for health

43. A performance you watched

44. A conversation with a stranger

45. Your favorite season or time in a year

46. A decision taking a long time to make

47. A group activity you took part in

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48. Experience of moving to a new place to live

49.A party you want to throw

50.A job you’d like to try

51.A radio program you like

52.A useful website you often browse

红色的为一月份的新题,这次的新题变更包括一些全新的题和一些往年出现过的翻新题。从这些题目的变化趋势可以看出, 题目的难度是逐渐增加的 go to Beijing last year. 等语法错误,简单语法出错频率较高的考生在准备话题以及练习过程中可以先放慢语速,保证准确度,再反复练习,也可以通过录音记录自己的错误并对其改正。



五月换题对第一部分来说没有太大的影响,基本保持了1-4 月题库的大多数题,轮换的新题其实也是一些翻新题,只有一道MAPS 题是全新的题。就题目难度而言,第一部分相对比较稳定,没有出现难度系数很高的题。



Part 1 考题回顾

五月换题对第一部分来说没有太大的影响,基本保持了1-4 月题库的大多数题,轮换的新题其实也是一些翻新题只有一道MAPS 题是全新的新题。就题目难度而言,第一部分相对比较稳定,没有出现难度系数很高的题。

Part two 考题回顾 (蓝色为本月新题)

1. Describe something that you bought but not use very often.

2. Describe a piece of advice someone ever gave you.

3. Describe a foreign film you enjoyed.

4. Describe something you want to share with other people.

5. Describe a neighbor you ever helped.

6. Describe an indoor game in your childhood.

7. Describe a famous person in a country (not your own).

8. Describe your first cell phone.

9. Describe a family celebration that you have attended.

10. Describe a popular law in your country.

11. Describe a school where you studied in your childhood.

12. Describe a foreign country you like to visit for the first time.

13. Describe a city you have ever visited.

14. Describe a language except English that you want to learn.

15. Describe a piece of broken equipment (washer, TV, ect).

16. Describe a holiday you enjoyed.

17. Describe someone who has an interesting job.

18. Describe a beautiful place where you want to have a home.

19. Describe a time when you are busy.

20. Describe a time when you moved to a new school or home.

21. Describe a positive change in your life.

22. Describe a sport you like to watch or do.

23. Describe a wedding you attended.

24. Describe something you once forgot to do.

25. Describe a comic actor in your country.

26. Describe an intelligent person you know.

27. An old person you enjoy talking to

28. Describe a historic building that you visited.

29.Describe a park or garden you visited and liked.

30. Describe a place near water that you enjoyed visiting.

31. Describe a decision you took a long time to make.

32. Describe a high school subject you do not(or did not) like.

33. Describe a film you didn‘t like.

34. Describe a group that you would like to be part of.

35. Describe an advertisement that you think is successful.

36. Describe an important letter you received.

37. Describe an antique or an old object in your family.

38. Describe a foreign culture that you like.

39. Describe something that you saved money for.

40. Describe an interesting job you would like to do in the future.

41. Describe a competition you want to take part in.

42. Describe a friend you haven’t seen for a long time.

43. Describe something special you brought home from a holiday.

44. Describe a hotel you enjoyed staying.

47. Describe a wild animal.



1. 人物题全面化: 人物题包括描述国外名人,国内名人,老年人,朋友,有智慧的人。人物类型范围比较规范全面。

2. 地点题室外化: 地点题主要以描述室外环境为主,比如:国外景点,国内景点,公园等等。地点题加入了一道相对崭新且难度稍大的题——描述小时候待过的学校。

3. 物品题无形化: 物品题的题目更新是最多的,而新题中部分题目要求考生描述相对无形的物品,如:法律,有用建议,别人向你咨询的课程等等。

1. Describe an old object in your family.

2. Describe a magazine you enjoy reading.

3. Describe a good low in your country.

4. Describe your first cell phone.

5. Describe a time you have to share something with others.

6. Describe a neighbor you helped.

7. Describe a time when you were very busy.

8. Describe an important event that changed your life.

9. Describe an important historical building.

10. Describe a famous person from other country you want to meet.

这10 道题分别为 1--4 物品题,5—8 事件题,9 为地点题,10 为人物题。五十多道题目中物品题考的相对较多,这也符合物品题占比重最大的特点,这几道高频物品题没有要求太复杂的语法范围,即考生在描述过程中可以大量使用一般现在时描述该物品的一些基本特征。



1.Describe a time when you were very busy.

2. Describe a neighbor you helped.

3. Describe an important event that changed your life.

5.Describe a piece of broken equipment (washer,TV, ect).

6. Describe a culture you learned from other places.


1. Describe a piece of advice someone ever gave you.

2. Describe something you saved money for.

3.Describe a language except English that you want to learn.

9. Describe your first mobile phone.

10. Describe a magazine you enjoy reading.

11. Describe a good low in your country.

12. Describe an advertisement that you think is successful.


13.Describe a school where you studied in your childhood.

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14.Describe a famous person in a country (not your own).

7 月份的考试中没有任何新题出现,Part 1 中题目分配的比例较为均衡,没有明显偏重。Part 2 依然保持了6 月的题目频率,事件题是重点考察的题型。







姓    名:徐姗姗
所在地点: 合肥市包河区芜湖路万达广场7号写字楼20层
擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT



