





雅思口语考试中高频口语话题之“Describe a success your friend has had that you are proud of”,供烤鸭们参考!


Describe a success your friend has had that you are proud of.

You should say:

What it was

When it happened

How easy or difficult it was

And explain why you thought it was a success.


Ok, well what I’d like to talk to you about is the time when one of my friends got into the semi-final ofChina’s Got Talent. And this is completely true, by the way – I’m not making it up! Although I have to admit, I was pretty gobsmacked when I first heard about it, because I mean, that’s an incredible achievement, as I ‘m sure you’d agree, especially considering (just) how many people enter the competition, which must be in the tens of thousands!

Anyway, it must have been about three years ago, by now, when it happened, and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened the link he emailed me and saw him performing all these old revolutionary songs on the show. You know, it was almost like he had transformed into another person! And what was amazing was that he seemed so at ease up on stage. I mean, the fact that millions of people across the country were watching didn’t seem to faze him in the slightest.

And I have to say that his performance was simply amazing. You know, the audience absolutely loved it, and I think they even gave him a standing ovation at the end, which he thoroughly deserved.

So yeah, as I mentioned earlier, I think it was an unbelievable achievement, not only in terms of how well he did in the competition, but also considering the tremendous amount of courage it must have taken to do what he did. So I really admire him for it and hope to see him do more stuff like it in the future, because it’s obvious to me that he’s a born performer, and I’m sure he can go a long way!


Gobsmacked - 目瞪口呆的;瞠目结舌的 If you say that you were gobsmacked by something, you are emphasizing how surprised you were by it.

At ease - 安逸,自由自在; 自然; 心净

Faze - 使胆怯;使惊呆;使惊慌失措 If something fazes you, it surprises, shocks, or frightens you, so that you do not know what to do.

Standing ovation - (演讲或表演结束后观众的)起立鼓掌 If a speaker or performer gets a standing ovation when they have finished speaking or performing, the audience stands up to clap in order to show its admiration or support.

Born performer - 天生的演员

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姓    名:赵瑜斌
所在地点: 上海市徐汇区漕溪北路88号圣爱大厦1904
擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT




