







综合写作 Integrated Writing

1. Reading: 侏罗纪时代的生物灭绝了the mass extinction,可能是因为彗星撞地球。

①. 一些发现的古老的生物还是什么的碎片,然后它们可以dating back to XXX年250-million-old meteorite fragments

②. meteorite fragments的分散在3个地方,China, Japan还有一个。


Listening: 这些都是可以解决的。Workable solutions:

①. 第一那些碎片的化学物质没有因为地壳运动受热而改变,所以时间应该很短,应该没有250-million-old这么老。

②. 碎片只在那三个国家被发现过,如果冲击力那么强的话,那碎片应该是散落全世界。

③. 类似那个坑的坑到处都是,normal activities such as volcano火山运动也会是造成沟壑的原因,该是地球内部地质活动形成的。

2. Reading: Asian carp, in the Greek Lakes, that has too much will damage the local environment. There are three measures to prevent :

①. Build a wall;

②. Use electrical devices;

③. First, use poison kill all the fish, second, reintroduce the local species.

Listening: disagree

①. Factories near the lake, they use cargos and ships there. It will cost a lot. Ships upload on one side of the wall, and another ship reload at the other side.

②. Small fish still could swim through the device, they grow up and reproduce in lakes.

③. Drastic. No prediction, cannot ensure not pollute the lakes in the future.

3. Reading:The article introduced a kind of plant which called GM (Gene Modification) crop. It has three major benefits:

①. It is good for the environment because it has the resist-gene. Using GM crop can reduce the use of pesticide.

②. It can help poor farmers around the world. GM crop can also have good yield in dry season which will profit the farmer.

③. GM plant can add missing nutrients for people in specific area. For example people eating a lot rice lack of Vitamin A, so GM rice which had added Vitamin A in it can help people gain what they missed.

Listening:The lecture totally disagreed in those three aspects:

①. If the resist-gene is got by the wild crop, it will grow out of control which brings more damage to the environment.

②. Those GM crop cannot help farmers economically because they need to buy those GM seeds every year instead of using the seeds they got from the last season. It is more costly.

③. The Vitamin A added in the rice is not enough. The more efficient way to deal with this problem is encouraging those people eating more vegetable like sweet potato.


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4. Reading: 讲一个叫ESA的program 给买小城市到大城市之间航班机票的人发补贴,文章支持这个program觉得应该继续推行。给出了三点理由:

①. 方便住在小城市的居民;

②. 利用小城市经济发展;

③. 这个项目不会给政府带来财政压力,因为飞小城市的航班都很小,补贴不了多少钱。

Listening: 男教授认为文章观点不convincing, program不该继续,至少该reform:

①. 小城市居民交通没那么不方便,一般从小城市到大城市机场也就110km,也就1小时多的车程。住在大城市的人去机场也得开一个小时车到机场;

②. 政府也该把钱花在更有经济回报的地方,教授指出小城市的人去大城市寻求更好的发展是自然趋势。政府应该把钱花在提供这些人的教育水平上,花在提供更多工作上;

③. 教授说文章有一点说对了,就是这个项目非常expensive,飞小城市的航班都特别小,市场上卖的很少,甚至有些机型已经不生产了,所以维修和换配件就会非常贵。

5. Reading: 阅读说在Rhone river发现了一个bust,说这个bust就是Caesar,是罗马的一个leader.

①. 那个bust(a kind of sculpture) 是realism地形式表现 然后Caesar的时代也是realism的时代。

②. bust的hair的表现 和真实的Caesar一致 (跟money有关)

③. 因为是在river里发现,以前人们想销毁它,,有新的leader上任,留着它是不respect.

Listening: 反驳阅读论点

①. Realism continues after Caesar died.

②. Only the style of hair matches, other features do not match at all.

③. There were others sculpture also found in that river, and they were right added that bust. And throwing it into river, just aiming to dispose the trash.

6. Reading: lionfish 从Indo 洋扩展到太平洋了,阅读中有三种方法来解决:

①. 人工捕捉它们来protect coral reef 生物系统;

②. 引入fish market,这样可以减少对 local fish 的需要,让他们能有时间 recover;

③. 人们可以把它们用于日常饮食,因为它们高蛋白,低脂肪。

Listening: 教授全部反对:

①. 人工捕捉无法区分lionfish 和其他鱼,很多 rare 的鱼也都在coral reef ,会牵连其他鱼种;

②. 引进市场会导致有人人工养殖。 Lionfish 如果从 fish farm escape ,这就造成了更严重的 invasive 问题;

③. 有些lionfish 是有毒的,吃了以后会造成 vomiting numbness arching,我们无法检验每一条鱼,所以不吃他们。

7. Reading: Arizona发现一个200 million years前的虫子的巢化石fossil,很多人认为是蜂巢,但是这个是不可信的,因为:

①. 200百万年前还么有蜜蜂,哪里来的蜂巢

②. 200百万年前连flowering plants都没有,怎么会有需要吃花蜜的蜜蜂

③. 现代蜜蜂的巢都有个盖子,那个化石没有,所以这个巢很可能是其他虫子的

Listening: 反对:

①. 没有发现有200百万年前的蜜蜂化石不代表没有200百万年前的蜜蜂,那时候蜜蜂筑巢的树比较难留下来,所以没有化石也正常

②. 古时候的蜜蜂就一定要吃花蜜吗?他们不能吃nonflowering plants吗

③. 没有cap可能因为化学原因,腐蚀掉了什么的,再说为什么要跟modern bee一样呢?

8. Reading:美国的Death Valley理300kg的大石头会动(moving stones),有人试着解释:

①. 风吹动的,因为存在关于山谷里有大风的纪录,且天下雨的时候,muddy变得很平,适合让风吹动石头。

②. 地下水晚上结冰,石头就能动了。

③. 人类恶搞的。比如麦田圈就是。


①. 没有风强到能吹到石头,并且给了张照片,石头陷在muddy里,按writer的理论,石头不应该陷下去的。

②. 是沙漠,水根本不够,且温度太高,就算晚上结冰,白天就化了,没法搬动石头。

③. 如果是人干的,那一定会留下痕迹,,这种muddy里没有人能做到不留痕迹。而现场既没有人的痕迹,也没有马的痕迹。

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独立写作 Independent Writing

1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Patience is usually not a good strategy; we should take action now rather than later.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend money on new buildings than to preserve historic or traditional buildings and homes.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The food we ate in the past was healthier than the food we eat today.

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should support artists rather than allow them to support themselves.

5. People care more about public recognition than about money. Even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder.

6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the past young people depended on their parents for making decisions. Today, young people are better able to make decisions on their own.

7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teaching was a harder job in the past than it is today.

8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is never a reason to be impolite/rude to another person.

关键词:9月27日  小范围预测 托福机经 


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