








Task 1

Which type of artist do you respect the most? Photographer, painter or musician? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why you respect this type of artist the most. [2011.8.5北美]

Task 2

Some people prefer to read paper books; Others prefer to read electronic books on their computers or other electronic readers. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.[2011.8.5 北美]

Task 3

【学校通知】:大学通知说大学计划在next semester, offer students a community service trip,让volunteers 去附近城市帮忙维修公园设施。好处1、这个活动是free的。学校将提供交通工具和食宿给volunteers。好处2、工作持续时间,为期一周。

【学生态度】男生赞成此计划。好处1、因为是学校付费paid,学生不用担心交通和住宿cost,学生会很乐意interested参加。好处2、他有个朋友之前在另一学校也参加过这类活动,但工作时间不到一个周。结果,他们接受培训training用了好几天。培训结束后,还没来得及开始工作,就回来了。这次活动为期一周,时间足够长,学生在training以后,还有足够时间get the work done。 [2011.8.5北美]

Task 4

【名词解释】:Passive-aggressive behavior (消极攻击行为)意思是:在别人做了对不起自己的事后,一个人通常在当即不表现不满,而是在事后,无意识找机会发迪不满。

【教授举例】:教授举了自己开生日派对的例子来阐明这个原理。很多年前的一天,教授要过生日,开生日party。他邀请了很多人参加party 。结果开party的前一天,他sister给他打电话说她有a big project没空来参加他的生日party 了!教授在电话里告诉她姐姐他understand her, it's OK。但他内心深处还是感到失望和愤怒。过了一段时间,他和他sister约好吃lunch,他迟到了 1个多小时。教授后来才发现自己迟到1个多小时,其实是对他姐姐上次爽约他party的一种报复。[2011.8.5北美]

Task 5

【学生困难】:女生took professor C的creative writing course,虽然很喜欢这个老师(这个教授是她很喜欢的一本书的作者),可上这门课的学生太多、教室太crowded。她担心她没足够机会在课上去跟老师单独交流。

【解决方案】:男生给女生两个方案:方案1、换另外一个教授的writing course。学生会少一些。但女生说她不知道另外一个教授会不会和这个教授一样好。方案2、下学期再上这个受欢迎的professor的课,下学期的课会安拍在一大早,所以学生可能会少一些,因为大家要睡懒觉,但女生说地其实想现在就得到一些关于写作上的建议。[2011.8.5北美]

Task 6

【讲课要点】蚂蚁的巢穴经常会缺水干燥,所以它们需要从别的地方把水运送到巢穴里,以保持自己巢穴的有一定的湿度。两种方法:方法1、在远处植物的叶子上找水珠,储藏在jaw里,然后带会巢穴,如此这般一直下去。用此办法1次只能搬1滴水珠,费时费力。方法2、在洞口外面放一样可接住或储藏露水的东西(聚水器water trap ),晚上collect water,早晨直接从洞口往洞里搬水。例如:用羽毛,等羽毛储藏好水之后再搬回去harvest。[2011.8.5北美]

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Task 1

Describe one improvement the school you have recently attended should make and explain why. Use reasons and specific examples to explain why you respect this type of artist the most.

Task 2

Some people think that bicycles will still be popular in the future. Others think that bicycles will be less popular and will be replaced by other transportations in the future. What is your opinion and why? Include reasons and examples in you explanation.

Task 3

【学生倡议】:一学生写信给art department 建议increasing attendance on student art shows。1、 send email containing information about it 有art 的照片to students。2、改变画展时间time : show的时间是再学期末,可以挪到学期中move the show from the last week of the semester to the middle of the semester.

【学生态度】:女生赞成此计划。好处I、作为艺术系的学生major in art,要看这种照 片。现在的宣传不好,只提供text,不形象,多为贴在哪里的。即使校报刊登campus newspaper calendar,也不容易被notice,同学们barely see。用邮件通知formal announcement via email, email 可以提供photo,更吸引人,the way of advisement is effective because art is a visual thing, 知道的人多了,去的人就多了。好处2、以前画展是在期末 the end of semester, 大家都呆在屋里或者图书馆复习考试students all stay in dorm or library, students have to prepare for the exam and write the final papers in the end of the semester,没时间参加。如果改在期中,大家没什么事情,就有时间来看展览了。

Task 4

【名词解释】: Stimulus reduction:学生注意力不能集中,老师帮学生排除干扰、集中 注意力。

【教授举例】:教授以前在an elementary school当老师的时候:有个叫Steven的学生是坐 在靠窗的位子上课。他在听候总是看窗外的birds和trees。注意力很不集中,只能做 几分钟。考试成绩很差。后来授给Steven调了座位rearrange the seat,让他远离窗户,就不 能再看到窗外的景色了,Steven的注意力就集中了,能够认真学习了,考试成绩也提高了。 教授总结说此法很useful。题:用例子阐述此方法。[2011.9.9北美/2012.7.15]

Task 5

【学生困难】| :男生是一个literature major,大四senior 了,last semester,马上要毕业了。 He needs to get a credit in literature,还需要选one more literature class to choose, He plans to take Mark Twin Writing, which takes place at the night of Tuesday 和Thursday,但这门课上课 时间和他每周二晚的basketball games (就是宿舍间的)时间冲突,HE HAS BASKETBALL GAME AT THE NIGHTS OF TUESDAY AND THURSDAY 。

【解决方案】:男生自己想出两个解决方案:方案1、放弃Mark Twin Writing专心篮球,换另外一位作家的课choose another course about中世纪literature诗歌,但他对那个作家不感兴 趣dislike。那个教授他特别喜欢,方案2、坚持上Mark Twin Writing只在周二打篮球赛,但 有一半时间不能打球。就算篮球训练迟到半个小时也不会被开除,因为有他室友做替补find another guy to replace him,人员也够。很想比赛。[2011.9.9北美/2012.7.15]

Task 6

【讲课要点】:植物protect themselves from harmful insect:方法 1、当被enemy insect 袭击的 时候emit —种certain chemical to attract friendly insects to fight against the bad insects。例子: 葡萄Grape Vine被spider mite袭击后,发出某种物质chemical,吸引是spider mite的天敌 ladybug。这样grape vine 和spider mite 同时受益。方法2、keep friendly insects all around by providing what they like to eat to prevent harmful insects‘ attack.


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Task 1

One of your friends has suddenly received a large amount of money and has asked you for advice on how to handle this money. What advice would you give to your friend? Give reasons for your answer.

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? People should dress according to the latest fashion.

Task 3

【学校通知】:教授布置了 a special assignment,要让学生们visit the local museum看ancient Egyptian sculpture exhibit,然后写关于所学知识和雕塑如何体现的联系的paper。好处:1帮助 学生更真实地感受雕塑艺木 make more sense than the textbook, 2 the professor is going to get a group discount on the tickets for them

【学生态度】:女生赞成这个assignment理由1.这样做,可以给学生提供一个近距离、围着 看多角度can watch the art work from different angles亲眼鉴赏课本里讲到的雕塑the work的 颜色材料等各种细节.更加生动more meaningful,有利于帮助学生加深印象this experience would be unforgettable理由2、museum票价很贵,这个女生之前一直想去参观这个wanted to go there before 就是因为门票 normal price was too expensive for students,一直没去成., 教授可以拿到团体折扣半价 having group discount is a great opportunity to visit the museum,便 宜.

Task 4

【名词解释】:Audience profile (受众的需求)讲做广告之前;要gather and analyze潜在 消费者potential consumer的需求,针对他们的personal喜好和需求设计广告【教授举例】:教授举了一个牛奶公司的例子。有个milk company公司想推销它的牛奶。 首先做了在超市大众问调查investigated about,问了很多问题比如who would buy milk, why, how often. How much would they buy it,确定 primary 客户后,发现 they found that 大部 分购买牛奶的客户primary buyers都是women而且母亲mother居多。这些女性客户购买牛 奶的时候买个她们的孩子for kids,看重的是牛奶是否有营养,而不是口味concern about the health benefits of the milk more than taste,于是牛奶公司打的电视广告里是这样的画面:在谈 该公司所售牛奶的营养高,含有很多维生素等营养物质invited a doctor to emphasize the health benefits of their milk in the advertisement;帮助孩子身体成长,完全不提味道,结果牛 奶就大卖了 the sale of the milk was increased.

Task 5

【学生困难】:男生Steve想在春假during the spring break不回家,(因为家太远)而是想留 校dorm写write up his history paper.但学校宿舍在春假期间要关门,所以男生没地方住。 【解决方案】:女生给方案1 stay with his friend Nick和Nick‘ s family,好处:Nick家离学校 近。男生可以和Mick的家人一起度假hang out,坏处:男生担心,但是假期结束后有paper 要交,他怕聊天就可能没时同写paper ( have no time to prepare the paper)男生自己说出方案 2, to live in his professor's house教授全家要去意大利旅游vocation 了,男生可以be the housekeeper for a professor, housekeeper, help his professor to feed the pets,好处:男生可以有 很多时间专心写focus on the paper,坏处:他害怕一个人会很lonely无聊,且教授的house is out of town,他又没车,所以很不方便,[2010.8.21北美/2012.5.20]

Task 6

【讲课要点】:教授讲为天文台observatory选址location cannot set anywhere,应考虑如下两个features: the two features of the locations where the observatory sext-stroke-width: 0px">           

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Task 1

Describe an activity you tried and enjoyed to do recently. Explain why it was enjoyable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response(北美 2009.6.20/2010.11.27]

Task 2

Some people prefer to write diaries or take photos to record things they've experienced, while others don‘t. What is your opinion and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

Task 3

【个人倡议】:一学生在school newspaper上发表一 proposal标 題是 withdrawal periods should be extended, 倡议说:大学应 extend the period of withdrawing courses for students from 1 week to 3 weeks. 理由 1 students want to take more courses.理由 2、students can find their interesting courses.

【学生态度】:女生同意此倡议。理由1 the first year students think new courses are as easy as those courses they took before, they are over ambitious so they often tend to take too many courses,但 they do not realize how hard they are. it will be too late for them to drop when they can not handle the course well 。延长退课时间,可让他们更好地考虑。理 由 2 . normally (do the routine things),很多课程 in the first week, professors only talk about basic course introduction,不深入探讨实质内容。students need more weeks to know whether they are interested in some course,so they can drop and then take another new class。 [北美 2009.6.20/2010,11.27]

Task 4

【名词解释】:bail pricing (诱购标价)marketing strategy, which means that stores can use low price items in advertisement to attract more customers to enter the store, salesperson persuade customers to buy other more expense goods and make profits.

【教授举例】:In the lecture, the professor gives an example. His friend wanted to buy a laptop. When she saw an amazingly low price of laptop advertised on a newspaper, she headed to the store for the cheap one The seller introduced other expensive models to her and told her that cheap one was quite basic, after listening to the seller‘ words, the woman ended up with buying a more expensive one, because that one has a higher quality, was lighter (portable, easy to carry) and clearer. As a result- the store made a profit, [北美 2009.6.20/2010.11.27]


【学生困难】:女生要举办一个学生摄影展photograph show,要 display ,总共有 50 张(2 times as last year)'日层片 photographs. However is not big enough to exhibit 50 photographs。

【解决方案】:女生说出方案1、Pick up 20 photographs out of 50 photos to exhibit in the lobby, ensure the high quality of the photograph。但男生担心没被选上的 同学会upset男生说出方案2、 move to a big conference room which is in the administration building (or administrative building)展出全部照片,但女生说 administration building 偏僻 students seldom went to the conference room (男的说自己大概一个月去一次)怕到时候来看摄 影展的人太少.

[北美 2009.6.20/2010.11.27]

Task 6

【讲课要点】:inter species communication: different species 之间 can talk and cooperate with each other, such as between birds and mammals.举例:honey guide 和 a mammal蜜獾 honey-badger- Honey-badger 善欢吃 honey Honey-bird 喜欢吃蜂蜡beeswax bird are good at finding the bee's nests because they fly over, once bird finds the nest, 它又没法把 bee 赶走,because of the bee's protection. Bird will sing a specific song to let the badger know。bagger follow the bird go to the nests 然后 bagger 可以emits —种 bee 不能容 忍的臭气 foul smell, which can make the bees in the nests fly away, then both of them can get what they want。[北美 2009.6.20/2010.11.27]


Task 1

Describe a tool or object that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

Task 2

Some people prefer to solve a challenge all by themselves. Others prefer to depend on other people's help. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

Task 3

【公开信】:小报上刊登了来自一个学生的公开信,倡议大学应该to build an electronic board at student center。

好处1、Make student get information about coming up events easily rather than acquiring news at different places on campus by posters

好处2、学校也会更整洁,因为墙上没海报了。【学生议论】:女生反对这个计划,it is better to get news from different locations on campus。

理由1、They are everywhere (more than one place). If they do not go to student center, they will miss the notice.举了她在图书馆看到海报,所以didn't miss a show / concert的例子。

理由2、Even though the new bulletin board was established, students will still do posters because of it is convenient (没有人会提交information, 然后再等它post出来)。

Task 4

【课文要点】:Negative ideation: a method used by people to resist desires by adding something negative. 就是说通过联系不好的情况来resist坏东西,帮人解决坏习惯。

【教授举例】:教授举的他自己戒除巧克力的例子。教授loves chocolate bar because it is tasty, but chocolate is not good. So he used the method of negative ideation to refuse chocolate. 后来whenever he wanted to buy chocolate bar he would think it is associate with mud which is the mixture of dirt and water,来reduce the temptation,就戒了he stopped buying。

Task 5

【学生困难】:男生想弄个announcement on newspaper 让更多的人来参加阅读演出 singing group. He did not submit the announcement for upcoming event this week to the school's newspaper before the deadline. He is worrying about there will not be many students come to see the performance.


方案1、To postpone 延期到下周,但but it not easy to book the music hall where the performance will take place。

方案2、To notice students by posters at different locations on campus since students are everywhere. 男生说考虑一下。

Task 6

【讲课要点】:Wetland's two benefits for animals.


Task 2

Some people to get news or current information from newspaper or magazines; others prefer to get news or current information from TV or other source Which way do you prefer and why ? Include reasons and examples in you explanation.

Task 3

【学校通知】:new housing policy:学校出通知requires所有undergraduate students以后都 live on campus,好处:1、好多大三大四的学生都live on campus,很多寝室空着,学校因此损 失了不少收入,本科生住校,学校可在不提高dorm fee 的前提下也能增加收入。2、校园活 动也很少有人参加,本科生住校,可为学生创造一个好的community sense吸引undergraduates 更多地participate 学校的activities,增强大家的归属感 觉得自己是学校的一部分)。

【学生态度】:女生反对,理由1、新生会觉得学校会 limit他们的options of housing,因此, 他们可能be discouraged to申请这个学校而选择其他学校。这样一来,学校的收入就不可能 增加,最终,学校还是会提高住宿费。到时候,住校的学生会更少,理由2、学生不参加活 动,不是因为他们不住校,而是因为现在的学校活动 have no fun/boring,要求学生住校不会带 来任何的改变,除非学校增加投入、想办法给学生offer more funny activities to attract students 参与。

Task 4

【名词解释】:Sampling error(样品错误)。统计学家搞统计,sometimes the group is so large that it is impossible to analyze it.就必须抽取a smaller part作为sample,根据样本的数据来推测the situation of the large group. When a sample is accurate, it can represent the whole group的情况。 But when it is inaccurate, sampling error would occur。

【教授举例】:教授举他的一个教授朋友a researcher的例子。The researcher conducted an experiment to research the amount of fish of different sizes-big fish, middle size fish, small fish. Because there were many fish in the lake so he tried to select a sample from the lake by his net. But 他 surprisingly 发现 there were just big fish and middle size fish in his net,但 No 小鱼。He then figured out that其实湖里面是有小鱼的,只是他用的渔网的网眼都是大于1 centimeter的,那些小于1厘米的small fish has escaped from his net .这个抽样结果就不准确,不能反映整个湖的情况。

Task 5

【学生困难】:女生请了 一位well known教授明天来参加environmental seminar给environmental club members 做关于river clean 的 lecture, 但the lecturer cannot make it, andcanceled the lecture at the last minute.

【解决方案】:男生给了她两个解决方案。方案1. To invite a local expert来替讲river clean,虽然 is not as well-known as the former one,研究 river clean up,能 share experience,而且, 他maybe available.女生说那个人不famous,同学们可能会失望。方案2.go to library弄名人的 lecture video regarding the topic在研讨会上给dub Ambers放。女生说这样的话,听众就不 能和真人直接互动了,而且也不能share live experience.同学们可能会失望。

Task 6

【讲课要点】:research shows that mother female animals are supposed to have relative stronger mental ability than non-mother female animals,尤其是好的记忆力,于是它们雜'更轻易地找到 食物,更好地照顾和保护young animals,教授举了一个实验:用成熟的female rats,一些是 mother rats.—些是 non-mother rats。让它们在—个只有 only one right way的迷宫 maze 里 search food,实验结果:Mother rats had a stronger memory of food path,so they didn‘t need to waste time to try paths over and over They found food and came back home taster to take care of baby rats and protect them from predators。题目:lecture 里说了 什么,并用其中的例子说明。

关键词:10月 五星预测 托福口语 托福机经



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