
雅思机经 2014年10月雅思口语权威预测





10月共有四场雅思考试,新通外语网给考生提供雅思机经 2014年10月雅思口语预测。本预测针适用于10月全场次考试。10月为题库稳定期,口语复习覆盖率可以达到100%。


 10月共有四场雅思考试,新通外语网给考生提供雅思机经 2014年10月雅思口语预测。本预测针适用于10月全场次考试。10月为题库稳定期,口语复习覆盖率可以达到100%。

【雅思考试历年考试真题下载】 雅思考试预测机经下载

 October, 2014

Part 1:

( some general Q’s about yourself and your life )

Do you live in a house or a flat? Have you ever considered moving to another place? Which is your favourite room in your house/ flat? Do you like your neighbours?

Do you think bicycles will become more popular in the future? Have you ever travelled by train? Do you like travelling by car?

Do you think handwriting is still an important skill today? Is your handwriting easy to read?

What are the most important qualities of a good teacher? Do you like your teachers?

Do you often use maps when travelling? Which do you think are more useful - electronic maps or paper maps?

Do you think gardens and parks are important to cities? Do you like being close to nature?

Do you prefer to write letters or emails? What do you use your mobile phone for?

How do you get news these days?

Do you think the TV shows today are different from the TV shows you watched as a child?

What kinds of advertisements are popular in China? Do you often buy advertised products? Have you ever felt annoyed by an ad?

Do you want to learn another language? How are you going to learn it?

What do you do to relax? Does playing outdoor sports help you relax? Why? Do vacations help you relax?

What do you do in your spare time?

What do you usually do at weekends? Which day is your busiest day of the week?

Do you think there should be more public holidays?

Do you concentrate better in the morning or in the evening? How can you improve your concentration?

What's your favorite kind of food? Do you like fast food? What was your favorite food as a child?

Who cooks in your family? Do you want to take cooking classes? Are cooking shows popular in China? Do you think children should learn how to cook?


Do you think children should help with household chores?

What’s your favourite type of shoes? Is it more important for shoes to look good or to feel comfortable? Have you ever bought shoes online?

What’s your favourite kind of clothing? What kind of clothing do you wear for parties? Do you often help your friends shop for clothing?

What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?

Do you have many friends? Is having many friends an advantage? How did you meet your best friend?

Do you like going to parties? Why? What do you dislike about parties?

Which birthday left you with the deepest impression? Did you receive any gifts for that birthday? Do you prefer to celebrate your birthday with your family members or your friends?

Do you like taking photos? Do you like to take photos outdoors or indoors? Do you prefer to take photos with your camera or with your mobile phone?

What’re your favourite colours? Why you like them?

Do you like art? Do you often visit museums and art galleries? Do you think they should offer free admission to visitors?

What’s your favourite kind of music? Do you play any instruments?

What’s your favourite season? Does your city have four distinct seasons?

What games did you like to play when you were a child? What games do children play these days?

October, 2014

Part 2:


Describe a new house.

(Keep in mind you can reuse the same ideas for different topic cards.)

Describe a place where you wish to have a home.

Describe a garden / park.

Describe a trip by public transport (such as bus or train).

Describe a type of public transport.

Describe a holiday that you spent far away from home.

Describe a long journey.

Describe a place where you experienced a new culture.

Describe a school you went to when you were a child.

Describe a historic building in your city.

Describe an interesting building in your country.

Describe an interesting foreign country you wish to visit.

Describe a foreign culture.

Describe a city you visited before.

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Describe an occasion when you received useful advice.

Describe an interesting old person.

Describe an elderly person who you really respect.

Describe a family member you spend a lot of time with.

Describe a friend who has good habits.

Describe a person in your school who you still remember well.

Describe an interesting conversation.

Describe a famous singer / band.

Describe a comic star who’s popular in your country.

Describe a sports star.

Describe a famous person in your country. / Describe a celebrity in your country.

Describe a famous person in another country.

Describe a beautiful / handsome person.

Describe an important job.

Describe an interesting job.

Describe a person who you want to be similar to in the future.


Describe your favourite wild animal.

Describe your favourite weather.

Describe your favourite season.


Describe your favourite sport.

Describe an activity that is good for your health.

Describe a sports event.

Describe a book you’ve read recently.

Describe your favourite TV show.

Describe a foreign film that you like.

Describe a film that you dislike.

Describe your favourite cartoon character.

Describe a useful website.

Describe a useful mobile app.



Describe a group activity(a group game, a group presentation you hope you can win.

Describe a time when you shared something with others.

Describe a time when you helped your neighbours.

Describe an occasion when you waited for someone.

Describe a project or piece of homework you did.

Describe an event that changed your life.

Describe an important letter or email you received.

Describe a photo you like.

Describe a family celebration.

Describe a wedding.

Describe a birthday party.

Describe an indoor game you often played as a child.

Describe your favourite subject.

Describe a subject you did NOT like in high school.

Describe a foreign language you wish to learn (not English).

Describe something you can’t do now but want to learn in the future.

Describe something you did that was a waste of time.

Describe something you didn’t like but had to do.


Describe an ad that helped you buy something.

Describe something you can’t live without (that’s NOT a computer or a mobile phone).

Describe a mobile phone.

Describe a piece of equipment that was broken.

Describe a problem you had with a digital device.

Describe something you bought on a holiday trip.

Describe something you bought on an overseas trip.

Describe something you bought but haven’t used much.

Describe your favourite magazine.

Describe something you borrowed from a friend.

Describe a hand-made gift you gave a friend.

Describe a special item (or piece) of clothing. / Describe your favourite clothes or accessories.

Describe a toy you had as a child.

Day 10

Describe a good law.

Describe a traffic jam.

Describe a work of art such as a sculpture, a painting or a drawing.

Describe a course you took in secondary school.

Describe a special meal. / Describe a special meal you were invited to.

Describe a restaurant you like.

Describe an occasion when you received good service.

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【考试费用】  【在线抢位】  【模拟测试】  【历年真题】

>> 来自新通高分学员 


姓    名:周佳佳
所在地点: 广东省深圳市深南中路中核大厦4楼
擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT



★履历丰富,曾任英国首席建筑设计师Freddy Curiel 商务随行,秘书助理一年。随后,从事雅思口语和听力教学2年多,擅长让学生在听力和口语成绩稳步提高的同时,潜移默化地改善学生口语实际交流能力,为出国留学铺就坚厚的基石。在她的教学世界里,一个杰出的老师是去启发学生去学习,而不是简单的“传道、授业、解惑也”。


