2014年10月18日托福机经预测:综合写作 (6题)
Passage说亚利桑那州发现化石疑似蜂巢痕迹,也许 200million年前蜜蜂就存在了。人们怀疑这个说法,三点理由:没有蜂巢化石;蜜蜂和开花植物的关系表明应该有花才有食物但没有花;化石结构不是蜂巢什么的
教授反驳说1.没化石也许是因为那时没有那种产生化石形成需要的tree resin的树,蜜蜂也许在树之前产生 2.蜜蜂和花的关系也许在蜜蜂产生后才逐渐形成,之前吃别的 3.Chemical analyze之后证实是蜂巢
Great Zimbabwe 的作用,文章提供三个传统解释,教授一一驳斥
1,谷仓 因为养cattle 需要garbage
2, gold minging place 周边发现很多golden mining sites
3, astronomical observatory 提到 伦敦的巨石阵Stonehenge,说是跟巨石阵一样的功能
lecture 反驳根据一些modern discoveries
1,外表看起来像garbage,inside只有2 small room, morever, no grain found there
2, radiation carbon finds that towers and wall were built before the golden minings, 也就是说build towers and wall 时候人们不知道有gold
3, angles and distance between the towers not designed to comit particular observatory tasks of the stars and so on
提到3个减小coal burning的污染:提高反应效率,加压或者升温。所以在long run上来看可以减少污染。
1. 反驳说人口增长都有30%,你提高碳的燃烧率才10%。
2. 用水冲洗煤炭,除掉硫化物就不用有二氧化硫污染环境. 但听力反驳说这只是把硫化物转移到水系统,会污染河流和湖泊。
3. 收集燃烧时排出的二氧化碳。教授反对说现在收集二氧化碳的技术还未成熟,而且一旦泄露会污染环境。
1. 此鲸在冰下寻食,角可以把冰弄碎,角伸出冰面呼吸,有人在冰面上看到过这种角。
2. 雄性鲸,可以用角来作为武器,保护领地。
3. 此角与鲸的神经系统相连,可以感知海洋的温度、咸度、气压等来有助于生存。
1. 用手摸会发现角很软,可以弯曲,只能弄碎很薄的冰面。人们看到冰面上的角,是因为本身冰就破了,它们只是把角伸出来,并没有把冰弄碎。
2. 从远处看,以为鲸在打仗,近看会发现其实它们在用角很轻的互相touch, 这是它们的一种交流方式。
3. 很多雌鲸没有角,寿命却比雄性长,所以此角有助于生存是不正确的。
1. 里面有vessel,就是有血液循环,可以帮助散热。
2.一般都是母鹿保护小鹿。可是母鹿不长角的。另外有证据表明 他们的主要predator是狼,可是狼有被鹿kicking的痕迹。
Chocoas(ancient people stem from US)had no system to write, so there is no records about how the roads were built.There are three possible reasons for that.
1.move people and commercials
2.for regional faction like ceremony, because a North Road有一段很长的南北方向的路。可能因为人们认为他们的神会通过路找到他们
3.escaping way for their troops when the enemies came
the professor challenged the ideas from the reading
1.there were no vehicle and animals to move commercials, so the only way is on foot. But 10 meters wide road is too wide for that.
2.虽然有这样的路,但是没法确认their belief was the same with local people(没听清是现在当地人,还是当时什么地方的人)。
3.They had enough garding for the road,没必要逃跑.besides the road was used not only by the Chocoas people but also by the enemies.
2014年10月18日托福机经预测:独立写作 (12题)
1. A or D ? Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant changes for the quality of people’s lives have already taken place.
2. In the past young people depended on their parents for making decisions. Today, young people are better able to make decisions on their own.
3. The most important problems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime.
4. Parents should be strict with their kids if they want them to succeed in the future
5.在经济危机时期(times of economy crisis),你认为政府应该减少下面哪一方面少花钱?
-Education / -Health Care / -Support for unemployed
6. Some people think that the important role of university professors is to do research , others think the main role of them is to educate students.
7. Young people nowadays are more likely to make time and efforts to improve the world than young people in the past
8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should spend more money on improving facilities (eg. labs and general equipment) than on hiring famous professors.
9. A or D ?Do you think success is important, or it is more important to remain happy and optimistic when you fail
10. celebrities are more important to younger people than they are to older people.
11. a university want to attract good students, it must spend a lot of money on social activity for students.
12.there is no reason to be impolite to others .
新通托雅梦想导师 ★名师简介:成都新通外语学校教学总监,英语语言文学专业科班出身,7年教学经验,阅历丰富,多次获得最优秀教师称号,教学思路十分清晰,深入浅出,张弛有度,帮助学生获得本质上的提高。 ★最擅长:托福、雅思、GMAT写作等出国考试类写作 ★ 教学特点:思路清晰,教学风格循循善诱,通俗易懂,重视学员每一点进步,善于剖析应试技巧,盛产高分学员。