








小作文:流程图,8个stages写smoked fish的制作过程;

大作文:it is not necessary to travel to other palces to learn about the other culture. we can learn as much as from books, films and internet. to what extent fo you agree or disagree?





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1. Interaction:互动

2. Sense of isolation:疏离感

3. Landscape:风景,景色

4. Multi-media:多元媒体

5. Three dimensional:立体的

6. Recognition:认识,认知

7. Undermine:破坏,危害

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Granted that cultures in various countries start to resemble one another, which is by no means to a large extent, it is still worthwhile to travel to other countries to appreciate what can only be obtained on a foreign soil.

Superficially, the world’s culture is merging faster than we expected or could tolerate. That is partly why people get the same experience no matter where they go. If travel means to get on a plane, to stay in some hotel, to go to some museums and to do some shopping, then it could be quite alike in all major cities around the world. But traveling should not be limites to this narrow sense. It means much more and therefore renders each trip a new experience.

To travel is to get to know the local people. People may wear the same clothes, eat the same kinds of food and do similar jobs, but they are different from country to country, an ordinary Chinese could hardly believe that a totally stranger in America will dismantle his own bike and replace your ruptured tyre with one of his own if he has never been to that country. Media reports and second-hand information can never compare with your personal interaction with the local people during your stay there.

Apart from knowing the people ,traveling affords you incomparable opportunities to appreciate the natural beauties of a foreign country. Admittedly, the internet, satellite TV and multi-media technology are bringing the world closer to us. It is now easy to view exotic landscapes on a screen in the comfort of your home; virtual reality technology promises three dimensional experiences at the touch of a fingertip. However, is this various experience really satisfying? Hardly. Travel brings us closer to nature, the wonders of which can only be truly appreciated first hand.

There is hope that technology will one day supply all the experiences we ever wish to have, which sounds exhilarating yet perhaps also disconcerting-it reminds me of the movie The Matrix. Also, people will remain unique enough to excite our desire to meet them in person.



