It is important for everyone to know about what’s happening all around the world even though the events have not affect on our daily life.
At first glance, the topic seems to be a tough one to get started with. Especially for those students who are not quite concerned about the news around the world, the essay they completed in half an hour might not be satisfying even for themselves due to the lack of details. But if a second view was taken, it would provide a wider perspective for them when they noticed the word “everyone”. Therefore, a detailed debate on whether people from all walks should pay attention to the world news will be easier to carry on.
Sample Essay:
If we take a close look at what people are searching on Google recently, it would be of no difficulty to find “Ebola” to be the one that goes way beyond the other keywords searched in terms of search counts. TV news about it are all over the air and reports are all over the papers, but it is nevertheless true that there are still a large portion of people in no awareness of this disease, let alone the public attention on presidential elections or suicidal bombing that happen regularly in Central Asia. Actually to a very large extend, as I believe, there’s no need for everyone to be informed of the things happening all over the world. In the following aspects, my viewpoints would be explained in details.
这位同学的开头还是写的很不错的。他采取了另外一只方式开头,而不是直接切题。通过热点话题开头肯定是一个吸引人眼球的方式,同时,他的句式变换也是大家需要学习的。比如,这里的it is nevertheless true that, let alone 等等。词汇的运用方面,也没有用词的不准确性和错误的地方。各位同学当然可以把这里的这个开头的方式纳入自己的作文中,从google搜索的排名引出热点话题,再到要讨论的点,不过大家一定要注意的是,前往不要生搬硬套,对于引入到话题的过渡是非常起重要的,不过,对于这样一篇文章,大家还是需要注意时间的分配。
News about warfare and new epidemics that is happening on the other half of the earth would inevitably lead to chaos if broadcasted all over the country to increase public attention. Terrorism rouse from sheer pursuit for the interest of power and wealth, and it will find whatever reason to launch on its operations. Oftentimes, the terrorists or the cynics would target on those news that would easily generate fear in public and then twist them, because what follows is what they want - panic. Just like what happened in the near history when a country-wide scale of boycott on Japanese products has lost control and eventually deteriorated into a social chaos of smashing Japanese cars and looting Japanese shops and restaurants. Although the local police has ceased the event from getting worse, the results was distressing.
这一段落写的语言确实是上乘之作,还是与很多可取的地方的,但是对于新闻媒体导致社会不稳定这一块的论证还是不够详细,在抵制日货的那个例子上,也需要再斟酌一下,涂老师个人觉得,还是把问题写的更细节一些会好一些,并且这篇文章有一个致命的问题在于,作者对于这个例子有一个想当然的问题在于,抵制日货并不等于文章最开始观点句所讨论的warefare和epidemics,所以有些偏题,如果改成国家对于非洲流行病的报道导致社会不稳定,导致恐怖事件和商家欺骗,这就会好很多。当然,这也是很多同学喜欢犯的毛病, 很多同学在论述的时候,通常会在写例子的时候出现直接摆例子或者例子写偏题的情况,所以涂老师建议大家,在大家的写作完成之后,一定要看看自己有没有写偏题,逻辑的论证是否完整。不过,这一段同样存在写的太长的问题,虽然涂老师有些学生在考试的时候可以打到480个词,但是涂老师还是建议大家,控制时间,350-410词是比较合理的范围。
It is time-consuming for any individual to even just scan the news from all fields.
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