






Part 1


Are you a student or do you work ?(高频)

Well, I used to work in a logistic company, dealing with import and export household goods. But I just tendered my resignation this month.

How long have you been working in that company.

I started working in that company since I graduated. Roughly it has been more than two years. Wow, how time flies.

Why did you choose this job?

You konw, I majored in logistic in college. And I always thought this would be a promising industry. Plus I got an offer immediately after graduation from this company. So I was like “ why not? After all, this is major-related” and I accepted accordingly.

What’s your plan for the future?

Now that I resigned, I plan to spend all my time studying English so that I could get a decent score. Then I will apply for some colleges overseas and recharge myself. You know, learning a new skill sort of things.


Do you use maps?

Yes I do sir. Personally, I don’t have the sense of direction and I can easily get lost in the city, let alone in strange places. In this way, map really helps.

Do you like using paper maps or electronic maps?

Well, electronic map is always my one and only choiece. You know, for people who don’t have sense of direction, reading a paper map can be really annoying. Electronic map, on the other hand, is a lot easier.

Do you think electronic maps will replace traditional maps?

They will eventually. Because technology is developing so fast nowadays. Besides, compared with traditional maps, electronic maps have more merits. For example, it can pin you down easily and automatically via GPS. Therefore, you don’t have to struggle with finding a reference in order to locate yourself.



Do you like cooking?

Truth to be told, I am a lousy cook. So normally I don’t cook for other people. You know, I don’t want them “die” because of me.

When you were a child, did you help your parents prepare meals?

Well, it is shameful to say this but I never helped my parents prepare meals. Because I am the only child in the family. And I was spoiled by them and they thought it was their obligation to do everything for me not the other way around.

Do you think children should help their parents prepare meals?

Judging from my experience, I totally think children should help their parents prepare meals. Not only meals, but also everything within their abilities. Because only in this way could they learn to be independent. Moreover, I think parents should encouage their children to do so.

Part 2

Describe a letter you have written to other people.

Well, I actually had a pen pal when I was in college. And we kept writting to each other for about 2 years until he went overseas for further study. Among all the letters I wrote to him, the most improtant one would be the one I wrote during our freshmen year.

Believe or not, he used to be an outcast in his class just because he was too shy to talk with people around him. Accordingly he was alienated and laughed at even by his roommates. Once, he wrote in his letter that he didn’t know what was the point of studying in college when he could totally be self-taught at home. Therefore he didn’t need to face those people. And I could read his disappointment, frustration and self-doubt in the whole letter. So I decided to write him back encouraging him and hopefull it could help him bulild his confidence.

In my letter to him, I first quote a famous athlete’s experience who was kind like him when he first joined the national dive team. Subsequently, I tried to relate myself to his experience and talk him into taking part in more college activities like speaking contests, drama associations and glee club. If he could do that, he would be forced to speak out and communicate with other people. And in the end I told him that all the need was to push him a litter harder and take a leap of faith.

Thank God. He took my advice and joined some clubs. And it turned out those activities were really helpful, well even though it was hard at the beginning. In the following letters I could read his changes. Amazingly and proudly, he was chose as the exchage student in the third year and went to Australia. He got his Bachelor and Master Degree there and settled down.


Part 3

Do you prefer to make phone calls or write letters?

Well writting letters always strikes me as a more plausible option. Unlike talking on the phones, you can always choose your dictions to express yourself more precisely. Besides you can write as much as you can without worrying about the fees or radiation from the phone. Personally, I think seeing the handwritting of the writters makes me feel closer to them. Most importantly, lettes can be preserved for as long as you want and whenever you feel nostalgia, you can read them and re-live those memorabel moments.

Under what circumstances do you make phone calls?

When I need to contact my clients or colleagues of course. Writting letters won’t be a good way, right? Besides, if I want to ask my friends out for a date or something, I will definitely call them. And when it comes to emergencies, making phone calls are absolutely first choice. So I guess, most situations.

Do you think letters will disappear in the future.

As much as I hate to admit, this is a main trend and I believe eventually letters will totally disappear. Well, thanks to technology, writting letters is considered as old fashion now. After all, we have many new ways of communications. What’s more people will probably laugh at you for still writting. And as you can see, mail boxes on the streets are disappearing gradually and will one day be wiped out. I am not gonna lie, when that day comes, I will feel disappointed.

What are important during face-to-face communications?

Some people just think that as long as you can express yourself, it will be fine in any face-to-face communications. But I will say there are more than that. For starters, eye contacts which are often ignored, are really important. Not only is it etiquette, but also it shows that you are a good listener. Then I believe appropriate gestures are necessary since they help you express your ideas. Besides, your facial expressions contribute a lot to smooth conversations casue your moods are showed by these. Most importantly and essentially, logical thinking. Otherwise, people will get confused, then lose their interests and attentions really soon if you talk illogically.




姓    名:刘昆
所在地点: 成都市人民南路二段18号川信大厦26楼
擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT


兴趣引导践行者 ★名师简介:英语语言文学学士,翻译理论与实践硕士。英语专业八级高分获得者。多年英语教学实践成就一套快乐学习方案,秉承快乐学英语的理念,将英语学习与生活实际相融合,考试成绩和语言运用能力并重提升。 ★最擅长:雅思听说、托福听说、语法等课程。  ★教学特点:教学风格风趣幽默,极富感染力,课堂氛围轻松活跃,重视与学生的课堂互动,多次荣膺最受欢迎的听口老师。
