









Task Two

Do you agree or disagree the following: we are more informed of the world events than our parents when they were young. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Sample Answer:

I'm strongly for the statement. I hold two points to support my stand. Objectively speaking we're in the era of globalization. Along with the rapid development of technology, more and more high-tech inventions have come into being such as communications satellites, audio-visual equipments and internet. Today young people can get an easy access to any information by simply searching on the websites. Subjectively speaking young generations today care more about the world events than their parents for their own sake. For example, the world wide economic recession resulted from subprime mortgage crisis. So being in debt and squandering future money is not a very wise choice. As previously mentioned, our parents could not be as informed as we are at all.


Task One

describe a gift that you want to give someone.

Sample Answer:

Seriously, I want to give a rose as a regular daily gift to my beloved girl and tell her I love her. I've read a book 'Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.' From this book, I've learnt that when women are complaining, they're not complaining actually, they're expecting for empathy and being listened attentively. When women repeatedly ask you 'Do you love me?' That is not because they are diffident but making sure they are still worth your caring and love. That is what Venusians usually do. Women don't care about how successful that men can be, how much money that men can make. What women want is a regular daily rose and a gentle word 'I love you.'

Task Three

阅读:学校制定了一项节约电耗的计划(reduce energy consumption),准备在图书馆安装节能灯(efficient light bulb),并且把夏天时空调的温度调高. (turn the heating up)

听力:女同学不同意,因为学校另外一个活动中心安装了这种节能灯,发现光线很暗(the light was dim),学生通常不喜欢使用,而且经常把所有的灯都打开,不一定能够节约电耗. 另外, 空调如果调高,那夏天同学就只有呆在宿舍,但宿舍又很吵,这样以来,学生就没有一个perfect的学习的地方了.


Sample Answer:

The university plans to install efficient light bulb in and raise the temperature level of the air conditioner in the library during summer in order to reduce energy consumption.

The woman disagrees. First, the student center on campus installed efficient light bulbs already. The light is very dim, so students usually turn on all the lights there, so it won’t save energy. Second, it’ll be very hot to study in the library during summer. Students can only stay in the dorms, but it is very noisy. In this case, there won’t be any perfect place for students to study in.

Task Four

General的观点,human behavior是consists of a serial of simple behavior。有一种方法叫behavior chaining,教授给个例子,他给她女儿教的洗手动作分解:(divide motions up into a series of steps) 1.开水龙头,2.把手伸出来,3.打肥皂,4.把手收回,5.关水龙头。然后他女儿就会洗手了。(turn on the tap, put hands out, soap hands, pull hands back and turn off the tap)

Sample Answer:

The professor gives us an example to illustrate the concept of behavior chaining. For example, one day the professor taught his daughter to wash hands. He divided motions up into a series of steps—turned on the tap, put hands out, soaped hands, pulled hands back and turned off the tap.

Task Five

男学生下周有一个Job interview,但是他把他的Suit忘在家里了.女同学给他两个建议,一是可以找他的roommate借,问题是roommate的衣服稍微有一点大,looks sluggish.另一个建议是去买一套,但是这就意味这这个男人要把自己本来用来买自行车的钱花掉,而且这个自行车是他一直想要的.问题: 请叙述这个男人的问题,并且说明女人给他的建议,你认为那个好?

Sample Answer

The man has a problem. He’s going to a job interview, but he left his suit back in home. There are two solutions available. He could either borrow a suit from his roommate or buy a new suit.

I personally recommend him to buy a new suit. Even he wants to use this money to buy a bicycle. Look, we have to look upon matters with a long-term perspective. If he gets the job, he could use his wage to buy the bicycle. By contrast, if he borrows his roommate’s suit which is a litter bigger. He would look sluggish and lose the job opportunity close at hand.



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120 3-5人班 11-22/29 预约免费试听 在线咨询
192 3-5人班 11-22/29 预约免费试听 在线咨询
120 3-5人班 11-22/29 预约免费试听 在线咨询
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