








121028 CN

S1 Your University is planning to allow students to watch TV in theirs dormitories. What is your opinion and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV in dormitories?

081130 CN

S1 What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a teacher should have? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why this characteristic is important.

S2 Some people prefer to make friends with people who have similar interests to theirs. Others prefer to make friends with people who have different interest to theirs. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?

071208 CN

S1 Describe a special gift you gave to someone else. Explain why it is a special gift?

120118 NA

S1 Which of the following do you think is the most important for maintaining good health? Doing exercises, eating healthy food, or going to bed early?

130622 NA

S2 Do you prefer a job with a lot of business travels or without business travels?

120728 CN

S1 What do you think we should do to decrease the usage of car or other vehicle and solve the traffic problems?

121013 CN

S1 Your University plans to ask each student to do 40 hours of community service per year. What is your opinion on it? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this program? Please include reasons and details to support your response.

S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A good school must have many textbooks. Please include specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

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110313 CN

S1 Which technology has made the greatest impact on people’s life in your country: airplane, computer or television?

S2 Some people believe that it is better for children to grow up in big cities. Others believe that it is better for children to grow up in small towns or rural areas. What is your opinion and why?

091114 CN

S1 Describe the most unforgettable success in your life. Explain why this success is unforgettable to you.

S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never too late for an old person to receive higher education and get a university degree.

110212 CN

S1 Describe a special experience that has changed you in a positive way. Explain how it changed you.

S2 Do you prefer to learn from people and events in the past or people and events that currently exist? Explain with specific reasons and details.

110326 CN

S1 Describe the steps, through which you once learned a new subject and explain how you learned it. Please include details and examples in your response.

110813 CN

S1 As we are facing serious environmental problems, what suggestions would you give on how to save our planet?

S2 Are you willing to carefully choose the gift which your friends like or choose whatever gift you like? Explain with specific reasons and details.

100424 CN

S1 Describe your favourite teacher. Explain why you like him or her so much.

S2 Some people prefer to make decisions quickly. Others prefer to take their time to make decisions. Which way of decision-making do you prefer and why?

090118 CN

S1 Among the following three professions, which one do you think makes the greatest contribution to society: teachers, farmers or doctors?

S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to stay happy, you must have a job that you love doing.

100221 CN

S1 Describe a person who you would like to spend time with. Explain why you want to spend time with him or her.

S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should always study in a quiet place.


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101031 CN

S1 Describe an important day in your life. Explain why it is so important to you.

S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching television is not a good way to spend one’s time.

110925 CN

S1 In your opinion, why is it hard for university students to manage their time effectively?

S2 Some people think students in the future will have classes on the Internet, but others think students will still have classes in buildings. What is your opinion on this issue?

120728 CN

S4 Reading: Interest Boosting. Teacher sometimes use this to boost the interest of students in class by showing the material of the subject. Listening: For example, the speaker's wife teaches students in high school, when she tried to showing something (I forgot the name), students do not seem to care about that. Then his wife use the strategy by bring the copy of the movie which related to the subject, because she thinks that students love that movie and the main actor, as a result, student really pay more attention on that.

关键词:12月21日 托福口语 预测 托福机经



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120118 NA

S3 要在数学楼里建一个餐厅,可以解决两个问题:一个是课间学生有地方吃饭,另一个是可以给电脑充电。女学生同意。第一是学校食堂在 student centre,非常远,建了食堂解决此问题。第二是一般学生都会带电脑上课 数学楼太老没地方充电,建了就解决了。

S4 开头的 feeding( 应为 commensal feeding) 两种物种的共生关系。其中一种能从这种关系取得好处,另一个不受影响。给例子是给了一种鸟和 cattle 的例子。这种鸟吃一种昆虫。这种鸟跟随 cattle。当 cattle 吃草的时候鸟就容易找到那个昆虫,cattle 不受影响。

130517 NA

S4 Reading: Close communication bias 是讲你跟你很熟悉的人反而交流有障碍,因为你对熟悉的人不会再去可以解释你的习惯和习性。Listening: 教授说了一个例子。一个学生和以前的教授很熟悉,他们经常去意大利餐馆吃饭。他决定和新来的教授和以前的教授一起去吃个饭。跟新来的教授讲餐馆的信息很清楚,位置、时间都很详细,跟以前的教授直说去经常去的餐馆的老位置。新来的教授准时出现在餐馆,但是以前的教授却去了另外一家餐馆。请你根据例子解释一下。

S5 Problem: 学期末,女生在一个很好的饭店订了星期四的位置让同学来聚一聚,但是有两个同学没有办法来。Solutions: 她有两个选择:一、还是在周四,但是不能带这两个同学;二、安排在周五但是周五很多同游要回家或者没时间,那他们就不能在定好的那个好餐馆。

121028 CN

S3 Reading: 大学计划增加校车班次和实施合理路线。优势1、对学生来说更方便。优势2、学生可以不用开车来学校了。

Listening: 女生赞成。理由1、如果她有两节连着的课话,可能分在两个教学楼里,从一个去另外一栋楼很不方便,很有可能会迟到。 理由2、目前校车班次太少,她以前坐校车经常迟到,所以她只有开车来学校,但现在汽油很贵,这个计划可以为她节约很多开支。

081130 CN


071208 CN

S3 Reading: The Announcement: The University have decision about saving energy.:1. Turn off the original lights instead of efficient light bulb; 2. Switch off the air-condition in library. Listening: Students' discussion: Disagree:1. The university should turn off the lights that the classrooms are not using. The efficient light bulb is too dark and they have to bring their reading lamps;2. If the university turn off the air-condition, in a hot day, the library will be uncomfortable. In that case, no one are going to study at there. They only can study in the dorm, however, the dorm is too noisy, very hard to concentrate.

S4 Reading: Human behaviour consists of a serial of simple behaviour. An educational method called "behaviour chaining".

Listening: Professor stated he taught his 3 years old daughter how to wash hands. The action break down into 5 steps. a. turn on the water b. wet the hands c. put some soap d. wash hands e. turn off water. The professor taught his daughter step by step until she knew every steps. After linking all the actions, his daughter knew how to wash hands finally.

S5 Problem: The man is going to attend a job interview, but he forgot his suit at his parents' home. Solutions: 1. Borrow a suit from his roommate, but the roommate's suit too large. If he go for audition dressing the large suit, may give the employer a bad impression; 2. Buy a new one, but the man said it was too expensive, because he wanted to save the money to buy a new bike.

130713 NA

S3 Reading: 学校支持学生买报纸,两种方法提高读者数量,降价和送货上门。Listening: 女学生不同意, 1价格已经很便宜了50分, 价格没什么影响。2 没有那么多工作人员,没有人力和车。

S4 Reading: natural consequence 阅读讲的小孩做错事,大人可以不用惩罚,由着做错事的结果来惩罚孩子。Listening: 教授给了个例子,教授5岁的女儿经常把玩具放在后院,平常教授都帮女儿收拾。 一天女儿还是把玩具放在后院,教授没有帮收拾,那天晚上下雨,把她的玩具损坏了,女儿在这件事后认识到自己的错,以后再也不帮玩具放后院了。

S5 Problem: 男生要打印东西,但是他要去学校和不方便。Solutions: 1. 从同学那买个二手的打印机,但是比较容易坏,并且打印效果不好;2. 买新的,贵,但是男生还有两年毕业,可以买个新的也比较值。

130622 NA

S3 Reading: Students in the university orchestra will perform in local school. They will have more chances to perform and inspire the kids to learn musical instruments. 学校要把concert举办到校外去,一来给学生多一些机会锻炼,二来可以提高学校的reputation,引起schoolchild学音乐的兴趣。Listening: The man likes this idea. He gives two reasons. The first one is that students in the university orchestra only can perform once at the end of the semester. They practice and rehearse a lot. So it is a shame to perform once and the policy will give them more chances to perform. Secondly, they perform the concerts in local schools which will inspire the kids to learn musical instruments. It gets harder to learn when older. The man did not learn violin very young. He had spent quite some time to catch up with others. He thought if he started learning violin at a younger age, it would be easier for him. 男的支持,因为一来现在每年只有一次的concert,二来可以帮助孩子提高音乐兴趣。

S5 Problem: man的roommate要搬到in campus,所以他要找一个新室友。Solutions: 一个是前室友的朋友,人不错但是有些messy。第二个是学校里贴advertisement。问你支持哪个,为啥。

S6 Lecture: 广告让受众接受产品的两个方法,一个是在合适的时间让受众看到,举的例子是玩具车的广告要在孩子们喜欢的电视节目的时间段播出,第二个好像是要和实际的产品结合,举得例子似乎是他女儿和朋友们有个小玩具,然后最近要有关于这个玩具的节目上映了。

关键词:12月21日 托福口语 预测

