










1阅读材料讲wetland 里面鬼火will-o'-the-wisp 的原因,三个:


②是一种electric spark。



① 可燃气体是不动的,但是人们看见的鬼火是move around。

② electric spark 是在wetland 下面的rock 中生成的,不会跑到上面来。

③ 这种蘑菇的发光物质在体内,要broken into pieces 才有用,但是这种物质不sticky,所以会从鸟身上掉下来

2、侏罗纪时代的生物灭绝了,文章说可能是因为彗星撞地球,依据就是一些发现的古老的生物还是什么的碎片,然后它们可以 dating back to XXX 年以前,并且在中国,日本还有某个国家都有发现,然后发现某个沟壑还是海峡有可能就是那个坑 speech 说第一那些碎片的化学物质没有因为地壳运动受热而改变,所以时间应该很短,应该没有 250-millionold 这么老。第二碎片只在那三个国家被发现过,如果冲击力那么强的话,那碎片应该是散落在全世界的。


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The reading passage presents three pieces of evidence to support the theory that the Permian–Triassic mass extinction was triggered by a meteorite impacting Earth. However, the lecturer rejects this theory by pointing out its weaknesses.

The first evidence is the recent discovery of meteorite fragments containing mineral grains which dated to 250 million years ago, the same time when the extinction occurred. However, the lecturer rejects this theory as unconvincing, arguing that any substance would be transformed completely after 250 million years of gradual chemical process, so the minerals now preserved in the fragments must have been formed quite recently.

The second evidence is the scattered meteorite fragments in China, India and [], indicating the magnitude of a disastrous meteorite impact that could wipe out almost the entire species on Earth. Yet according to the lecture, the fact that the fragments were only found in three countries, and not in the rest of the world such as Europe, was actually proof that the meteorite collision was not strong enough to cause such a massive extinction.

The third evidence is a large crater found off the coast of Australia. Its size matches that of a meteorite, indicating that it was an impact site for a meteorite collision. Nevertheless, the lecturer proposes a different theory. He explains that this crater may have been caused by Earth’s internal forces such as volcanic activities.

3阅读:GM plant 有好处

【1】可以导入抗虫基因,少用杀虫剂,有利于保 护环境


【3】可以让大米里含更多维生素 a,防止维 a 缺乏。

听力部分认为 gm 的好处被夸大了,因为:


【2】农民往往用去年的种子播种,用 gm 种子的话就得年年买新种子,多花的钱也许比多赚的还多。

【3】含维生素 a 的蔬菜有的是,含量还比这种 gm 大米高,为什么不建议人们吃蔬菜就得了。

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The reading passage introduces to the readers the benefits of genetically modified crops, while the lecture tries to convince us that these benefits are over exaggerated.

The first benefit is that GM crops are good for the environment because they possess pestresistant genes which can reduce the need to use pesticide. However, the lecturer argues that if these resistance genes spread to wild crops, they will grow out of control which may bring more damage to the environment.

The second benefit is that GM crops can increase farmers’ profits because GM crops can produce good yields even in dry seasons. However, the lecturer points to the fact that farmers of GM crops have to pay a heavy sum of money to GM seed companies, and they have to do it annually. This brings up the cost of growing GM crops significantly.

The third benefit is that GM plant can add important nutrients like vitamin A to the diet of people who lack those nutrients. However, according to the lecture, the nutrients introduced through GM crops are far from enough. The correct and more effective way to deal with nutrient deficiency is to encourage people to eat more vegetables like sweet potatoes.

4.阅读说 bee 在 200 million years 前就存在了的观点受到质疑,理由: 1 没化石。没花没食物。化石结构可能不是 bee 的。

speaker 反驳

① 没有化石是因为那时候没树,无法 preserve 化石。

② bee 不是一定要 feed on 花的,也可以是 pine tree 什么的。

③ 通过化学物质可以断定化石那就是 bee 的。

The reading passage and the lecture present contrasting views regarding the hypothesis that bees existed prior to 200 million years ago.

According to the reading, all fossil records of bees, including the earliest one found in the state of Arizona, date the existence of bees to no more than 200 million years ago. However, the lecturer explains that this is because trees did not exist until about that time, so only after then was it possible for tree resins to preserve a fossilized bee. Clearly, this does not rule out the possibility that bees may have predated the existence of tree (and tree resin) and so have an ancestry longer than 200 million years.

Furthermore, the reading presents a similar argument, saying that flowers and flowering plants did not exist until 200 million years ago, so pollen-dependent bees could not have existed before then. However, the lecturer argues that the earliest bees did not necessarily feed on flowers. They could have fed on non-flowering plants such as pine trees or ferns, and only gradually evolved to depend on flowering plants.

Finally, the reading cautions that the fossil nest might not be that of bees because there is a crucial lack of spiraling structure in the bee chambers that is prevalent in modern bee nests.

However, the lecturer points to the same water-proof substance found in both the fossilized chamber and modern bee chambers, arguing that the makers of the fossil nest were indeed bees.


5.文章是讲的关于Harappan civilization decline 的原因的三个假说。第一个是受到游民族nomadic tribe 入侵。第二个是气候变化导致农业垮了,没有食物。第三个是水源被污造成一种通过水传播的流行病,所以就搬迁。


第一个是当时H 文明的地盘很大large scale 游牧民族虽然打了他几个地区但是还不至于导致他decline。

第二个是同时期的埃及文明和另一种文明同样遭受了气候变化但是都调整了农业有了surplus 的food。所以H 也不可能因为气候变化而decline。第三个是H 人都是出色的工程师,他们创造了先进的水系统可以防止疾病通过水传播。

The reading passage puts forward three hypotheses to explain the decline of the Harappan civilization. However, the lecturer challenges these hypotheses and uses evidence to prove that all of them are based on flawed speculations.

The first hypothesis is that the decline of Harappan civilization was caused by invasion from a nomadic tribe. However, the lecture argues that the Harappan culture covered a huge expanse of territory, so even if the nomad people invaded Harappan land, such invasion was confined to a small number of Harappan cities only, so it’s unlikely to have led to the total destruction of the Harappan culture.

The second hypothesis is that climate change had led to the collapse of Harappan agriculture.

With no food available, the Harappan people had to abandon their home. Reasonable as it may sound, there are flaws in this argument too, because, as the lecture indicates, the Egyptian civilization, a contemporary of the Harappan civilization, was able to make adjustment to its agriculture and managed to coped with the same unhospitable climate changes. There is no reason why the Harappan people could not have also adapted successfully to climate change.

The third hypothesis puts the blame on water contamination, suspecting that a water-borne disease had forced the Harappan people to migrate to other locations, leading to the decline of the entire civilization. This theory is not valid according to the lecture. The profan'">开班时间 咨询 雅思 雅思精品5.5分全日制班 周末/周一 雅思特训6冲6.5分全日制班 周末/周一 雅思7分名师班 随时开班 托福 托福精品100分全日制班 周末/周一 托福90分3-5人直达班 周末/周一 托福基础培训3-5人班 随时开班


姓    名:赵瑜斌
所在地点: 上海市徐汇区漕溪北路88号圣爱大厦1904
擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT




