








雅思口语Part2和Part3划分为人、事、物、地 四个小部分。虽然2015年1月10日雅思口语话题会换题,但是只会换一小部分,有70%多还是雅思口语旧题,大家可以先按照这个雅思口语预测进行练习,有雅思口语新题出现,新通小编会第一时间更新!

雅思口语预测:A friend you remember well

You should say

What he or she looks like

How you met him or her

What you usually do together

P3 Is it important to have a friend?

Is there any different friendship between children or adults?

Which one is better, to have a few close friends or a group of friends?

Which one do u prefer?

Do you make friends with those u know well or those from different fields?

雅思口语预测:A singer or band you like

You should say

Who the singer or band is

What kind of music they play

Why you like them

When you listen to their music


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P3 what kinds of music are popular in China? Name a few.

Do you like singing?

How do you practice singing?

What are the benefits of singing?

Do you think everybody can sing well?

雅思口语预测:A sportsperson who did well in games

You should say

Who the person is

How you know about this person

What sort of life they had before they became famous

How this person performed

P3 do you think men and women like the same sports?

Do you think children in China have enough time to do sports?

What can be done about it?

Is sports important to children?

What are the differences between male’s favorite sports and female’s?

How do people become famous?

Do people like to imitate famous people?

Do you think people are famous as a result of some real talent or are they famous for some other reasons?

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雅思口语预测:A person you respect(who you want to be similar to) when you were a teenager

You should say

Who the person is

When you first met him or her

What impressed you about this person

Why you want to be similar to him or her

P3 do you think you are similar to the person now?

Do other people also want to be similar to this person?

What kind of people do young people in China admire?

Do you think it is good for young people to use entertainment stars as role models?

Why do some companies advertise products by using famous people?

Do you think this has a good effect on children?


