Part 1 基础题
Collecting,watching the sky,sleeping,trees,reading,clothing, visitors
Breaks, housework, weather and seasons, advertisements, camping, handwriting, nature, colors, holidays, shoes, teachers, friends
自行练习的考生可以从以下几个方面给自己提问,并尝试回答:what (and why), where (and why), like and dislikes (and why), importance and purpose (and why), past & present & future (and why), others’ preferences (and why).
Part 2 卡片题
童谣/儿歌 A childhood song you remember well
儿时的美好 A happy family event from your childhood that you remember well
对讨厌的人友善 A time you were friendly to someone you didn't like
多彩的地方 A place you went to that was full of colour
大厨 A person you know who is good at cooking
过去讨厌,现在喜欢的学科 A subject you didn’t like before but have interest now
谎言 A situation that others didn't tell you the whole truth
好消息 A piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet
惊喜 A pleasant surprise you had
迷路 A time when you got lost
特别的建筑 An unusual building you’ve visited
网站 An interesting website you have visited
玩具 A special toy you had in your childhood
网上学 Something interesting you learnt from the internet
未完成的夙愿 An ambition you have not achieved yet
想合作的家人 A family member you would like to work with
想重温的电影 A movie you would like to watch again
有领导力的朋友 A friend who you think is a good leader
A band or singer you like
A historic place that interests you
A prize you would like to win
A time you borrowed something from others
A time you waited for someone
Something you would like to learn in the future
A gift to someone that you made by yourself
A long journey that you had
A person you know who is beautiful or handsome
A project or homework assignment you did
A time you experienced a long-time traffic jam
An activity you do to stay healthy
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An old person
A good habit of a friend that you would like to develop
A person you wanted to be similar to when you were a teenager
A radio or TV program you like to talk with others
A sportsperson who played well in an important match
An APP that you think is very useful
An interesting conversation you had
Something you did which was a waste of time
A meal you invited others to have at your home or a restaurant
A time when you stayed far away from your home
A time you received good service from a company or a shop
An important job in your country
Something you did with a group of people
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- 姓 名:刘昆
- 所在地点: 成都市人民南路二段18号川信大厦26楼
- 擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT
- 联系电话:028-86199237-803电子邮箱:erickunliu@shinyway
兴趣引导践行者 ★名师简介:英语语言文学学士,翻译理论与实践硕士。英语专业八级高分获得者。多年英语教学实践成就一套快乐学习方案,秉承快乐学英语的理念,将英语学习与生活实际相融合,考试成绩和语言运用能力并重提升。 ★最擅长:雅思听说、托福听说、语法等课程。 ★教学特点:教学风格风趣幽默,极富感染力,课堂氛围轻松活跃,重视与学生的课堂互动,多次荣膺最受欢迎的听口老师。
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