





雅思口语Part3话题之“ Cooking”做饭话题的问题分类及范文结构、答题技巧~更多疑问可拨打新通外语上海雅思培训免费电话400-618-0272。


IELTS Speaking Part 3: Cooking

1. How often do Chinese people cook at home?

Um… I’d say quite a lot. In fact, most Chinese families I know cook at home virtually every day. Yeah, pretty much every day. Young adults are a bit different though, because they like going out and doing stuff with their friends. So it’s really the middle-aged and elderly that do most of the cooking. And especially nowadays, I think people are very aware of the fact that many restaurants aren’t that hygienic, and so it’s not such a healthy habit eating out.

Virtually= almost

Pretty much – 差不多

Hygienic – 卫生

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2. Do schools have cooking classes in your country?

Not that I’m aware of, no. schools here tend to focus mainly on academic subjects, like Maths, Physics, Geography, that kind of stuff. So um… yeah, there may be the odd school that has cooking classes, after all, China’s a huge country, but as I mentioned, I’m not aware of any.

The oddschool – means that the school is an exception 一个例外

after all – 毕竟

3. Do you think we should teach children how to cook?

Not necessarily. You know, I think it should be more of a proactive thing on the child’s part. So basically what I mean by that is that I think it kind should be born out of a child’s own interest in wanting to cook, rather than forcing it upon them, like at school for example. So really I think it’s something that should be done at home by the child’s parents, not at school. But it’s definitely a good thing for children to learn.

Proactive -积极主动的

Born out of… - …而产生的

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