








110619 CN

S1 Describe a skill you have already learned and want to improve. Describe what you plan to do to improve it.

S2 Advertisements have too much influence on consumers' choices. What's your opinion on it? Please give reasons to support your response.

101031 CN

S1 Describe an important day in your life. Explain why it is so important to you.

S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching television is not a good way to spend one’s time.

110529 CN

S1 Describe a person that you look up to as a role model. Explain how this person has influenced your life. Include details and examples to support your response.

S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young children should learn to draw or paint. Include details and examples to support your response.

120224 CN

S1 Describe an activity you enjoy doing in your school recently. Why do you enjoy it? Please include specific reasons and details to support your response.

S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person needs talent to be an artist. Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

101114 CN

S1 Describe an event in history that you would like to learn more about. Explain the reasons why you want to learn about it.

S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The way people dress themselves reveals their personality.

120428 CN

S1 Describe your favourite studying place. Explain why you like to study in this place. Please include reasons and examples to support your response.

S2 Some people prefer a job which deals with the same tasks every day. Others prefer a job which deals with many different tasks. Which do you prefer and why?

081130 CN

S1 What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a teacher should have? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why this characteristic is important.

S2 Some people prefer to make friends with people who have similar interests to theirs. Others prefer to make friends with people who have different interest to theirs. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?

111218 CN

S1 One of your friends is going to study math as his major. What suggestions would you give to this friend? Please include examples and details in your answer.

S2 Some people would borrow money to buy things they need. Others would save up money until they can afford it. Which do you prefer and why? Please include examples and details in your answer.

131116 NA

S1 Which of the following activities would you do with friends rather than alone? A. taking a walk B. watching a movie C. traveling.

S2 When going on vacations, some people prefer to go camping in tents, others prefer to stay in hotels. Which do you think is better?


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131122 NA

S1 Talk about what you like to do during your spare time. Give specific reasons and details in your explanation.

121028 CN

S1 Your University is planning to allow students to watch TV in their dormitories. What is your opinion and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV in dormitories?

071208 CN

S1 Describe a special gift you gave to someone else. Explain why it is a special gift?

120118 NA

S1 Which of the following do you think is the most important for maintaining good health? Doing exercises, eating healthy food, or going to bed early?

121130 CN

S1 Your friend wants to drop out of university or college. Do you agree or disagree with his decision? Please explain your opinion with details.

120728 CN

S1 What do you think we should do to decrease the usage of car or other vehicle and solve the traffic problems?

131207 NA

S2 Here are two jobs with equal amount of time and pay. One you need to work with other employees in a group and the other requires you to work individually. Which do you prefer?

121013 CN

S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A good school must have many textbooks. Please include specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

130622 NA

S2 Do you prefer a job with a lot of business travels or without business travels?


121013 CN

S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A good school must have many textbooks. Please include specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

130202 NA

S2 In some cities there is a law against making noises at night such as loud music or TV. Some people support this law, while others do not. What is your opinion?

关键词:1月31日/2月1日 托福口语 预测



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131116 NA

S5 Problem: The man has to choose a farther route with more traffic jam because his old route is being reconstructed, and he has been late for the history classes for several times.

Solutions: 1. Wake up earlier than usual. Pro: He can arrive at school on time. Con: Sometimes he has to work until late at night, and he won't be able to wake up early the next morning. 2. He can take this class the next semester. Pro: It won't be a problem because it's only been 2 weeks since they started this semester.

120728 CN

S4 Reading: Interest Boosting. Teacher sometimes use this to boost the interest of students in class by showing the material of the subject. Listening: For example, the speaker's wife teaches students in high school, when she tried to showing something (I forgot the name), students do not seem to care about that. Then his wife use the strategy by bring the copy of the movie which related to the subject, because she thinks that students love that movie and the main actor, as a result, student really pay more attention on that.

071208 CN

S4 Reading: Human behaviour consists of a serial of simple behaviour. An educational method called "behaviour chaining".

Listening: Professor stated he taught his 3 years old daughter how to wash hands. The action break down into 5 steps. a. turn on the water b. wet the hands c. put some soap d. wash hands e. turn off water. The professor taught his daughter step by step until she knew every steps. After linking all the actions, his daughter knew how to wash hands finally.

S5 Problem: The man is going to attend a job interview, but he forgot his suit at his parents' home. Solutions: 1. Borrow a suit from his roommate, but the roommate's suit too large. If he go for audition dressing the large suit, may give the employer a bad impression; 2. Buy a new one, but the man said it was too expensive, because he wanted to save the money to buy a new bike.


S4 Reading: internal competition

Listening: 教授举了个他以前在汽车公司工作的例子,说竞争对手推出了新车上市,他们也得出新车,即使客户大部分还是买原来卖的比较好的车,但是出于竞争,他们也得出新车。

S5 Problem: 男生选了American Literature课,但人巨多,该discuss的课没机会discuss.

Solutions: 1. 组织outclass discuss group,但是很多人懒得参加,觉得那就跟多选了一门课似的。2. 是下学期再学,不过他还有一门别的课现在要写个essay,需要literature这么课的内容。

S6 Lecture: 讲有些鱼怎么躲避predator的。第一种是他们感觉很灵敏,举例子是bony fish头上长了hair之类的可以感知predator. 第二种是有一种能力可以在在水里静止然后躲起来,不让predator察觉到,举例是另一种鱼可以在水里keep still时还让水move,所以就能keep still然后等predator走了。

110828 CN

S3 Reading: 一封来自professor给学生每人都发的一封邮件,关于下学期的教学策略。内容是:首先,要求每个人在最后完成assignments之后,会被教授叫到办公室进行one-on-one talk,谈一下这个学生的成绩,解释清为何给这个成绩;另外,允许学生对他问他 questions from classwork,包括当时在课堂上没有机会问老师的问题。

Listening: 男的非常赞同。第一,学生们经常碰到最后考试成绩低于自己期望值的情况,但是又很尴尬不能去问老师到底为何这么低,这样教授提供一个解释,就让他们释然了;第二,能够问老师更多问题当然是很好的,当时课堂基本就是听教授的lecture,没什么机会提问,这又是机会了。

S4 Reading: species interact with each other, usually benefit each other. Sometimes one take advantage of the other, only one of them benefits. 这就叫exploitation.

Listening: 举例Bee & Flower. Depend on each other. Flower is the food source for Bee, Bee transport pollen for flower and help them reproduce.两个互惠互利但是有特例,一种花orchid,外表bright,吸引bees采蜜,但其实它没有nectar,去采蜜的时候,蜜没采到,结果花粉pollen stick to bee’s body, 然后还是帮助orchid传播了花粉。这就是exploitation,bee单方面的被利用了,花达到了传播花粉的目的,蜜蜂得到了什么呢?

S5 Problem: 女生买了一张今天晚上的话剧票,哈姆雷特。答应和朋友一起去。但是忘记明天有一个非常重要的生物学考试。

Solutions: 1.带着书去,在去的bus上先看一部分,等看完话剧再回来完成剩下的部分。But 男生质疑有时间在路上看么?能集中精力么? 2. 就是取消这个约会,不去看话剧了,专心复习一整个晚上。朋友会理解,But 已经买票了,而且女生很想看。

S6 Lecture: 公司一般通过经本年度的profit 在下一年进行invest来进行增长,一般有两种方式:1.Internal:投入公司内部的预算,比如buy new machine, training the employees.举例:Wilson公司有很多很老的机器,然后buy new machine,提高效率,吸引了customer因为save time,所以有了更多的客户,公司得到了增长。2.External:buy or merge the related company,可以得到该企业的客户,实现增长。举例:Wilson并购了local supermarkets,得到了他们的客户,因为客户还是会在原来的超市购买。因此 Wilson 的客户 dramatically increased.

081130 CN


130713 NA

S3 Reading: 学校支持学生买报纸,两种方法提高读者数量,降价和送货上门。Listening: 女学生不同意, 1价格已经很便宜了50分, 价格没什么影响。2 没有那么多工作人员,没有人力和车。

S4 Reading: natural consequence 讲的小孩做错事,大人可以不用惩罚,由着做错事的结果来惩罚孩子。Listening: 教授给了个例子,教授5岁的女儿经常把玩具放在后院,平常教授都帮女儿收拾。 一天女儿还是把玩具放在后院,教授没有帮收拾,那天晚上下雨,把她的玩具损坏了,女儿在这件事后认识到自己的错,以后再也不帮玩具放后院了。

130622 NA

S5 Problem: man的roommate要搬到in campus,所以他要找一个新室友。Solutions: 一个是前室友的朋友,人不错但是有些messy。第二个是学校里贴advertisement。问你支持哪个,为啥。

S6 Lecture: 广告让受众接受产品的两个方法,一个是在合适的时间让受众看到,举的例子是玩具车的广告要在孩子们喜欢的电视节目的时间段播出,第二个好像是要和实际的产品结合,举得例子似乎是他女儿和朋友们有个小玩具,然后最近要有关于这个玩具的节目上映了。

121110 CN

S3 Reading: 学校通知学校计划让现在的 resident advisor去培训新来的 RA,之前的 advisor 都是学校的教职工给新的培训,现在要改成由担任过advisor的学生给新加入的培训。

Listening: 女的说她同意这样做,理由有二。(1) 她做过advisor,說这样做可以帮她的经验介绍给新的advisor,有助于解决 roommate 间的conflict;(2) 因为开学会有很多学生 move in, housing staff会很忙,有助于帮助 dormitory 分配房间。

S4 Reading: 讲生物分工的(task partitioning),为了获得更高的效率。

Listening: 举的 leaf cutter ants的例子,分 3步:(1)一部分负责从树上把树叶弄下来;(2)一部分负责把掉下来的树叶cut成能运回nest的小分;(3)一部分负责把切好的树叶运回。

S5 Problem: 一男的想把notes还给Tina,因为她要用,他在约好的地方等,Tina没出现,这个男的打电话Tina又不接,明天就要考试了,男生马上也有事情。

Solutions: 女生给了两个建议:(1) 放她 dorm ,男的说这样他part time job就迟到了;(2)可以通过campus mail,然后给 Tina手机留言,但是男生说怕Tina下午才能收到笔记来不及复习。

S6 Lecture: The barrier of opening new business. The first one is financial barrier. For example, to open a new gym, we should spend a lot of money on the expensive equipment and so on. The second one is customer loyalty, the same example, people are used to go to the popular gyms that are opened before, and it is difficult to stop them to go there.

121130 CN

S3 Reading: 化学专业top student应该拿奖学金。原因:1. 可以让学生们更好学习 2. 对学院获得的钱可以很好利用。

Listening: 一个男生不同意:1. 他觉得有证书就足够了,可以反应在简历上。2. 这笔钱可以有更好的用处,比如lab的很多设备都要换了,新的设备不仅对top student好,对其他学生也很好。

S4 Reading: 公众效应,人周围的环境会影响一个人的行为。

Listening: 教授拿他女儿举例子,说某次生日party,女儿收礼物,当她收到她想要的礼物时会很开心,不是想象中的时候就会失落,教授怕她女儿表现不好,于是就跟她说她party的时候不能不高兴,因为这样会伤害给她礼物的人。后来party上,女儿收到grandma的礼物,是件衣服,女儿太小还不懂,就有点儿不高兴,后来教授妻子突然说了一句好cute啊。然后女儿就拥抱了grandma,grandma也很开心。于是大家都开心了。

S6 Lecture: 美国发展快,主要原因之一就是railroad的发展:1. 方便商品运输,举例,某钟表公司,有了铁路,可以让很多人都购买他的钟表,不仅仅是那些本地的或周围的,在远地方的人们也可以购买;2. 让公司located in new area,举例,某公司依靠煤发展,有铁路后他们就可以选择更好的地点而不是只在煤矿周围,因为铁路运输可以让他们得到煤。

130202 NA

S3 Reading: 学校贴出告示说要征集环保小代表,因为觉得校园里面不环保的事情太多了,但是征招范围仅限于环境科学相关专业的学生。

Listening: 男生不赞成:1,学校认为学生环保意识不足,因为我每次都注意,在出门时关灯等。2,为何只招收相关专业的?我不是相关专业但我很有环保意识,况且还能有培训机会。

S5 Problem: 男学生要搬家需要搬家具。

Solutions: 两个方案:方案1、周末找租车公司,可是没有适合的车,要不租大车,但是车太大了,且收费高。方案2、朋友愿意借车,但是车不够大,要来回跑好几趟。让你选一个。

S6 Lecture: Small business的市场策略。对于Marketing广告,投资一般很大,小企业怎么办?两个方法:1,聚焦客户群:比如社区修电脑的仅在当地的社区报纸的科技版面登载广告;2,与大品牌联合营销Joint Marketing:比如还是修电脑的可以将广告放在社区最大电脑销售商店的Leaflet上面一起推销。

120428 CN

S3 Reading: A letter:建议学校在computer lab增加sign-up sheet,因为现在用电脑完成paper要等很长时间,预约可以提高效率。

Listening: 女学生不同意,如果规定用电脑的时间,inconvenient and low efficiency;另外,time slot学生们换来换去,loud noise.

S5 Problem: 男生要在课堂上表演莎士比亚的喜剧,他朋友帮她演了一个角色,但是现在她生病了,感冒。

Solutions: 女生建议:explain the situation to the professor,改天演;男生不同意,reschedule到下周,下周还有另一个play要演;男生自己有个想法,说朋友愿意带病演出(女生说真是good friend),但男生觉得不好(不人道)。

S6 Lecture: 公司商标上给人不良印象的2个东西:1,容易让人联想不好的方面。比如说牙膏广告,但是如果商标上有黑黑的颜色,那样人们就很难把这个商标跟洁净效果的牙膏联系起来,销量会下跌;2,让人联想到这个公司不够时尚。比如说电话和网络公司,如果商标上仍然是父母那一辈人用的电话,那么就完全没有跟上时代的感觉。

120224 CN

S4 Reading: 内在原因,当人们找事情原因时,找自己的原因叫内在原因。它可能会让人失去自信,也可以自我鼓励更加努力。

Listening: 教授举例:自己在汽车公司管理销售,第一个星期很落后,跟不上进度,找自己的原因,觉得是自己的效率不高,不够有条理,所以改进的方法,最后提高了效率。

S6 Lecture: 讲了两个不同的birds用来保护younger的办法,通过建nest。第一种是natural barrier,通过自然环境来阻止predator。e.g.:magpie,他们把nest建在branch密密麻麻的地方,纵横交错,这样predator很难reach。第二种是指own barrier,通过自己来阻碍predator。e.g.:African horn fill,他们把nest建在hollow tree,找个很小的洞建,并且用stick来把入口变小,这样predator很难发现,但是够birds把food 喂给younger。

110108 CN

S4 Reading: stimulus discrimination讲了动物可以根据判断sound,smell,movement来得知其他物种的情况。Listening: 教授列举了一种X动物,应该是海豹吧。这种动物能根据判断sound来知道别的动物是否要捕猎他们。如果对方的声音不complex,他们就知道对方没有攻击的意思,就继续自己的eating,它们才不浪费自己的energy呢;如果对方的声音complex,它们就知道对方要捕食它们了,这时就要escape了。

S5 Problem: woman's problem:she forgot her text book in her parent's home.

Solutions: 女生说可以borrow她室友Emily的text book,但她室友也选了这门课,所以她只有今天晚上能借来看,她势必要熬夜,但是她昨晚又没睡好,今晚要早点休息明天考试;男的说也是,那就说不如你明早赶紧开车回去拿,拿自己说比较好,就算你迟到教授也能理解。

S6 Lecture:comparative marketing risk1 让公众知道了competitor的名字,publicity of the name 例子某某soup的广告让观众把taste better和竞争对手的名字联系起来risk2 insult consumers 例子某A香波广告说某B广告不好,会insult某B香波的使用者。

关键词:1月31日/2月1日 托福口语 预测

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