






雅思口语新题:Describe a happy family event in your childhood

You should say:
  What the event was
  Who was involved in this event
  What you did in this event
  And explain why it made you feel happy


A happy family event when I was a child is Christmas Day. It’s not just when I was a child. It’s obviously the latest . So on 25th December, once a year, you will have a big family gathering. We would either go to my cousin’s house, my mother’s middle sister (she has three sisters, the one in the middle). We would go to their house for lunch and then come to our house for dinner. And our whole family, extended family with all our relatives and sometimes friends come to have lunch with us and dinner. At lunch I think one of the best memories of Christmas Day of my childhood is crackers, Christmas crackers when you pull out the side, there’s always a really bad joke in the middle so we’ll all sit around when we eat lunch and tell really stupid call joke, so just bad humor. You’ll get a silly hat, and you have to put your hat on. The first person to take the hat off because they think it’s stupid or feeling embarrassed will have like penalties. They have to clean all the wrapping paper when we exchange presents. That was also as a child one of my favorite parts of my Christmas Day. Everyone gave me toys and chocolates and things that you wanted just as gifts.

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雅思口语话题1、(雅思口语part3)What is the role of a mother or father in your family?


In our family, I think we are very traditional for an Australian family. Because my father works and he works very hard. He’s a vet.

My mother stays at home and does the household chores, and look after the children.

I don’t think that is because they have traditional values that they have a male and female inequality issue. I think it’s because my parents have eight children

Dad earns the money, and mom looks after the house.

雅思口语话题2、What do children think of family events?


I think it depends on the family events. I think most kids would like events like Christmas or Easter because they get presents

It’s like the most boring thing a six-year-old can do.

Should we treat boys and girls in the same way?

Personally I think yes. I think equality has been an issue in the society these days so I think that in all aspect except for physiology, (their bodies are different)so don’t treat them the same in the way of that, but in everything else, in education,and opportunity and rights everything like that, they should be treated exactly the same. 

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