以下是新通外语深圳张凤妍老师 为大家整理的托福考试机经,2015年3月14日托福写作考试真题(含解析),更多托福考试机经请关注新通外语托福频道。
Sample answer:
The author of the reading passage proposes that the use of television advertisement to promote prescription medicine is harmful for audience. The lecture, however, completely refutes the passage.
Firstly, contrary to the belief in the reading that television advertisement of medicine is not objective because it does not always present the effect of the medicine, the lectures argues that television advertisement helps consumers a lot because the effect of the advertised medicine is not only the result of researches but also of numerous doctors. So when consumers see the advertisement on television, they benefit a lot rather than harm. Also, people will search for more information on the Internet or by asking doctors.
Furthermore, despite the statement in the reading that people will be attracted by the ads and buy some advertised medicine even though they do not need them, the lecture points out that television advertisement of medicine does not necessarily make the market disordered, but make people much healthier. Take the medicine to stop smoking as an example. Before, many people did not know how to stop smoking. Thanks to the advertisement of the medicine to stop smoking, people believe that it is so useful that they would not smoke any more, and they become much healthier. Therefore, television advertisement helps promote unknown medicines.
Finally, disagreeing with the claim in the reading that it is hard for governments to control the behavior of the pharmaceutical companies if they advertise medicine on television, the lectures contends that governments will punish these pharmaceutical companies, such as fine, if they do not abide by the rules, even though these companies are free from the government’s rules. Thus, the pharmaceutical companies who advertise prescription medicine on television do have reasons to follow the rules of the government.
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Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.
1. 找出题目中的关键词:people, spend money, pets, other good ways
2. 找出题目中的逻辑关系:even though: 转折、对比关系
3. 题目是在宠物上花钱和在其他事情上花钱进行对比,考生可以同意在宠物上花钱,也可以同意在其他事情上花钱,各自找好处就可以了。想理由时可以分人群进行考虑,在宠物上花钱对不同人群的好处,如对孩子,对老人,对身体有残疾的人等。
Sample Answer
Currently, the increasing number of people would like to spend more money on their pets, such as buying expensive clothes and food for pets, even though they still have to spend money on other things. Is it worthwhile for people ? Absolutely. Pets play a significant role in families because they not only can help the elderly relieve loneliness, but also can provide the disabled people with services.
First and foremost, pets provide relief from loneliness for the elderly, so that they are worth the expense. The fast development of the society revolutionizes the lifestyle of people, but at the same time gives people more stress and occupies people with more work, especially the young or the middle-aged. Therefore, the people who have to work to support their families do not have enough time to accompany their old parents. So lonely are the old people that they are likely to get some mental diseases, such as senile dementia. Fortunately, pets provide relief for them. Take my neighborhood as an example. In my neighborhood, I often see some old people walk their dogs. There is smile on the old people’s faces. Sometimes, they cuddle their pets in their arms and talk with their pets gently as if the pets were their own kids. They always dress their pets up beautifully and when the pets are ill, they will take them to pet clinic at once, no matter how expensive the medicine is. All of these things occupy the old people’s daily life. Thus, loneliness is no longer a matter for the elderly.
Additionally, it is worthwhile for people to spend money for pets because pets are so loyal and friendly that they will spare no effort to help their owners, especially the disabled people. The disabled people cannot go everywhere freely or do the things they want because of their physical disability, so that they are often restricted on beds or chairs, which is harmful not only for their physical health but also for their mental health. However, they do not need to feel sad because pets provide services for them. At home, pets can help the disabled people take the articles which are out of the reach of the disabled; meanwhile, when the disabled take their pets outdoors, the pets can also help them guide the direction or carry some heavy things. For example, for the blind, the seeing-eye dogs are their constant companions. We can often see such a picture on the street: A blind man is crossing the road with his dog. The trained seeing-eye dog will come to a halt at the crossroads to signal the blind man that they are going to cross the roads. Thus, the blind man knows where they are, pays attention to the sound of the cars and crosses the road safely. Without the seeing-eye dog, it would be extremely difficult for the blind people to cross the roads.
Admittedly, there are many other things which need the people’s expense, such as the education of their children or the new furniture for their houses. However, compared with the members of their families--the pets, these things are of less importance.
Clearly, people ought to spend more money on their pets because of the relief for the elderly and the services for the disabled, both of which are brought by the pets.
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