







托福水平测试   免费定制托福学习方案

Task1:Your friend has suddenly received a lot of money. What do you think is the best way for your friend to spend this money? Include reasons and details to support your response.

像这种收到一大笔钱的题目非常常见,有时候可能会说是中了乐透的头等奖,hit the jack pot, 还有些是学校如果有一大笔钱的话应该拿来做什么最好。做多了task1的同学应该知道这种题目只要想一个方面然后全程套用就好,既然是很多钱,那就要做一些对社会主义有贡献的事情吧,让胸前的红领巾更加鲜红一些。所以推荐同学讲环境保护类话题,这种话题在答题之后还能套用在环保类的题目里面。

Sample:I think making a donation to the environmental protection organizaion will be really meaningful. Because instead of wasting the money, the organizaion could actually make good use out of it, by doing something like making purchase of bicycle, putting them into public use. Taking my hometown xxx for example, two years ago, it was a city filled with complaint. Becasue the air pollution there were so bad that many people started to move out. Then the government came to sense and started to give out subsity for public transportation, encouraging her people to use bicycle or bus instead of private cars. Then the air quality improved gradually because of this act.

Task2:Some students prefer to work on their course paper one or two days before its due date. Others like to work on the paper bit by bit every day. Which do you prefer and why.


As far as I’m concerned, my preference goes to the second one. Because spending long time on the paper will help to establish better understanding of the topic and do a better job afterwards. Take my personal experience for example, when in high school, all I was thinking was finishing the homework as soon as possible. And I never got a score better than B. While now I started to work on the paper bit by bit. Everyday I got deeper comprehension of my topic. And according to my professor, the point of I took was rather unique and sharp. 



A student writes a letter to propose that the school is really doing a great job about offering food in the cafeteria. Additionally, adding the sandwich to the menu and broadcasting light music during the lunchtime would be so much better. The woman in the conversation agrees with this proposal. Firstly, the cookies indeed do not do much help when students are hungry. Secondly, the music there is too noisy now, she has to go back to her dorm to read instead of reading there.


Interests boosting is a technique in teaching by connecting with what the students are interested in. The professor uses the example of his wife’s teaching experience as an example. His wife was a chemistry teaching. One day she was lecturing about Marie Curie. At first, students were not interested and distracted. Then she showed a movie about Marie Curie, mainly about her life story and invention. Besides, the movie actor was very popular. This intrigued students and they started to concentrate.


In the conversation the man is having the problem that the dorm is closed during spring break. But he doesn’t feel liking going back home. There are two possible solutions to the problem. The first is to live with friend Nick. The second is to live in professor’s house and help to feed his pets. I personally prefer the second one, because he can concentrate on his paper this way and don’t have to bother Nick and his family. It is not a good idea to postpone the paper till the end of the spring break.


The professor mainly talks about how babies and their raiser establish their emotional bond. Feed was believed as the main cause. Reliance grows as parents feed babies. However it was negated later. Warm and loving touch nurtures the reliance. The professor uses one example to explain this. There are two substitute mother made of metal wire for baby monkeys. But one mother was covered with furry surcoat. The first group of baby monkeys were fed by their mothers, while the second group was fed by stuffed toy. The baby monkeys can touch their “mothers” besides feeding time. It turns out whoever did the feeding, they all like their mothers. So this experiment shows that touch is emotional. 


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