





雅思口语Part1话题之“ 时间管理”做饭话题的问题分类及范文结构、答题技巧~更多疑问可拨打新通外语上海雅思培训免费电话400-618-0272。


雅思口语 IELTS Speaking Part 1: Time Management

1. Are you good at organizing time?

If yes:

Yeah, I’d say I’m not too bad at it actually. I mean, I always get my work done on time, and I also set aside a bit of time each day to do exercise, like going for a jog or something. So um, yeah, I’d say I’m pretty organized in terms of my time.

get my work done - 完成工作

set aside time to… - 抽出时间,留出时间

If no:

No, I’m pretty bad at it, to be honest with you! I don’t normally write much down, and I don’t really spend that much time organizing what I need to do. I kind of just live each day as it comes, if you know what I mean! So yeah, I guess it’s something I need to get better at!

live each day as it comes - 有一天过一天; 得过且过

If something isn’t urgent, I tend to put it off until later, which isn’t really a good way of doing things! -拖延

I have the habit of leaving things to the last moment - 把事情都推到最后一刻才做


2. How do you usually organize your time?

I mainly organize it by using the uh ….what do you call it?! … the uh… calendar APP on my phone, cos I can put all my appointments and things onto it. And whenever I need to check something, I can just look at my phone. So I find it extremely helpful, and ever since I started using it, I’ve been a lot more organized.

what do you call it – 叫什么来着!(or you could say “what’s it called”!)

That’s pretty much all I do - 我基本上只做这个。

3. Do you think planning is important for time management?

Yeah, most certainly. You know, I think, for anything, planning is important, and time management is no exception, because if you don’t plan your time, how can you manage it?! So I think they kind of go hand-in-hand.

most certainly = most definitely (it shows a stronger feeling than just “certainly”)

... is no exception – 不例外

go hand-in-hand - 密切相关

4. Why do you think some people pay to learn time management?

I guess for some people, it’s extremely important. You know, for them, time is money, and if they don’t manage their time efficiently, they won’t be earning as much as they could. So they kind of figure that, if they pay an expert to help them manage their time well, then in the long-run, they’re gonna earn more money. So I guess you could say it’s a kind of investment.

Figure – 认为;猜想;估计

in the long-run - 长远来说

5. Do you think children should learn to manage time?

Yeah, I actually think it’s a really useful thing for them to learn, and in fact, a lot more useful than many other things they’re taught at school! You know, if they learn how to manage their time at an early age, then it’s gonna help them throughout their life. So yeah, I think it’s a very good idea to do this.

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6. Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans?

I guess there could be a number of reasons depending on the person. I mean, off the top of my head, one possible reason could be that some people make unrealistic plans, which are very hard to follow through on. For example, someone might, let’s say, plan to…I dunno, like, spend two hours a day at the gym, or practicing their English, and in reality, it might be quite difficult to do, especially for a long length of time.

So this would be one reason, and I suppose another reason would be that people might be very set in their ways and have bad habits which are difficult to break out of. Like for me, I spend a lot of time reading the sports news, which is not really a very productive thing to do! And that time could be better spent doing other things, which I’m very aware of, but I still do it. So I think these kinds ofingrained habits prevent many people from carrying out their plans.

off the top of my head – 不经过仔细思考,

unrealistic -不切实际的; 不现实的

follow through on - 执行到底

set in their ways - 一定之规

have bad habits which are difficult to break out of – 难改掉的坏习惯

productive -富有成效的

ingrained habits -长期的习惯; 根深蒂固的习惯

7. How would you teach your children time management?

That’s an interesting question, and I guess probably the way I would teach them would be to set a good example for them, in terms of how I manage my own time. So for example, show them my calendar and how I update it, so they can see how it’s done, and then hopefully do something similar themselves!

set a good example - 树立一种好榜样


I would encourage them to get into the habit of doing something immediately, instead of putting it off to another time. For example, if they were given some homework with a one week deadline, I would encourage them to do it straight away instead of leaving it to the last moment. What else? Um…. I’m sure there are other ways, but this is all I can think of right now!

get into the habit of - 养成…的习惯

deadline - 最后期限

straight away = immediately

I’m sure there are other ways, but this is all I can think of right now – 肯定也有别的方法,但我现在只能想到这些。

8. Do old people and young people manage their time in a similar way?

It’s really hard to generalize I think, but on the whole, I’d say they don’t really, no. I mean, young people mainly manage their time based on their studies and work. You know, that’s what their dayrevolves around – it’s the focus of their day. So that could be managing their time based on their homework, on their class timetable and working hours. And for older people, it’s basically just free time they’re managing! So their plans, I guess, are more flexible, and not so detailed.

It’s (really) hard to generalize – 很难概括

on the whole – 总的来说

revolves around - 围绕在……上

working hours – 工作时间

basically just – 基本上只是

flexible – 灵活

detailed -详细的

Another difference:

I think it’s probably fair to say that young people use technology to manage their time, for example using APPs on their mobile phone, whereas I guess the majority of old people just write down their plans in a calendar or something like that.

I think it’s (probably) fair to say that – 我觉得可以说……

Whereas – 而

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