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Conversation 1

学生想去一个保护 turtle 的 program,没钱,申请 funding。但只提供给 art 和 science 专业,老师建议他去 student center student seeking funding from university to participate in theconservation of leather back turtle -went to financial aid office.The scholarship application already due a month ago. The grants only available to arts, music.The financial aid officer advised the students to Oversea studies Board (not sure) to get more help.

Conversation 2

一个学生写 paper,关于什么 log 运输的student seek advice on research paper - impact of automobile on manufacturing..I think the prof worry that the student might not have enough sources (got question) later thestudent change it to the impact of technology on Lumber industrygot question on donkey engine (shit- i select wrongly- should be the steam engine for logging)..hahaThere is a question of how technology impact on Lumber industry - steam logging, demand more log, build railway, (got question)

Also, the impact of railroad on lumber (got question):

1) increase cost as rail needs to be built deeper inside forest

2) forgot


Lecture 1

某个文艺复兴时期的 artist 的作画的两个方法很特别,因为他很注重画所表现的故事,然后他有两个技法。1 是让被画的人摆一种 pose,但这种 pose 可能画出来会很畸形,头相对身体不成比例,所以他要求他的学生学习人体构造肌肉什么的。2 是一种空间构图的方式,产生 3D 的效果。

during Renaissance period -focus on method use to present the realism and naturalism of artduring Renaissance period

- Why Leone Alberti or Michael Angelo (dont remember) are considered Renaissance artist -coz he knows lots of things - art, music, etc (got question)

- The type of method use to draw portraits/sculptures (might be wrong)

- 1st method) one side will differ from other side, like right hand against left leg (bended) to give a real movement. (Note: there is a term called "contropposto" -not important but got question asking why such appearance- i choose to provide realistic movement.

- Also talking about they draw the portrait and focusing the proportion of head and body- how they study anatomy of body as measurement to avoid the head being too big or too small

- 2nd method) by Leone Alberti : 3D perspectives--something to do with drawing straight lines and the image you draw will create a 3D illusion.(got question on this)...


