






Describe the season that you like best
You should say
• What it is
• What you can see in it
• Where you can do in it
• And explain why you like it  

Sample answer 
The city I live in has a warm temperate climate, which means every year I have to stand for about four months of bitter coldness of winter. And after that, I have every reason to embrace a warm spring.
The favorite season of mine comes with the spring equinox, when day is again as long as night. After that, as nights get shorter, days just become longer, and longer. And the season lasts for three months, usually from March to May, during which the landscape of our city, is completely transformed. The lifeless winter land will soon be covered with a carpet of green grass, while the branches of sycamores begin to unfold their new leaves. And before long, blossoms will burst on apple, peach, apricot and cherry trees. Honeybees will go from one flower to another, busy collecting pollen. And birds just sing as loudly as they can cus it is the right season to find a mate. 
As for me, I’m just glad to see everything becoming vivid and vibrant again. And I will also be kind of more energetic. I’ll find it much easier to get up every morning, especially with the natural choir of birds outside my window.
