







Writing Task I:

在七八月的考试中,我们小作文主要是在基本图形的考察。具体来说是线图1次,柱图3次,饼图2次,地图1次。那么很明显的是我们可以预测九月初的考试应该会加强对于表格table 和 流程图的考察。因此希望广大烤鸭们能好好得练习我们这两种图形。当然基础的图形也不能放弃。

Table 图表

图表的考察基本上在考试中是以一种静态的形式出现 远远大于动态的风格。 我们以C 7 T1 的静态表格题为例子。来看一下这个到底以什么样的思路解析静态的table.

The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.
  Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category - 2002


如图,这是一个单表格图table;写作对象是花费 expenditure /spending 而不是consumption 很多同学会在这个地方出错;时间是2002,所以主体段用过去时。单位是:百分比. 主体分段:可按照横轴上三个比较元素,分为三段。很多同学会在这个地方分段错误。按照横坐标分。这样的话就出现思路混乱的情况。



The following table indicates some information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.

It can be noticed from the table that most of the national consumer expenditure went into food, drinks or tobacco, followed by clothing or footwear, while cost for leisure or education occupied the smallest proportion among them. Besides it also shows that food, drinks as well as tobacco were more popular in Turkey than in other countries. It took 32.14% of all spending, twice that in Sweden.

But in the area of clothing or footwear, Turkey just ranked the second with only 6.63%, quite far from that in Italy. Meanwhile, compared with other countries, people in Sweden still had the least appetite for buying clothing or footwear.

As to leisure or education, it is obvious to find that Turkey again had the highest percentage of expenditure among those five countries,whereas in Spain only 1.98% had gone into this area.

Therefore, it can be concluded that a large part of consumers preferred to spend more money on food or likewise other than clothing or leisure. But the specific distribution of spending on these itemsvaries a lot in different countries.

Writing Task II:

在过去的几个月大作文中,我们可以看出最近的大作文话题也是旧题加创新的方式在出现。而且有很多10年和11年考过的真题。而且考了考题范围比较小的类别。犯罪类和文化类。所以在9月的考试, 基本上还是会考察社会类和教育类的话题。那下面我们来分析几道题目。

网络教育(distance learning / Online learning)

Some people think that distance learning has more advantages than schools and schools will disappear from our lives. What is your view?

  1. 培养学生自主学习能力(independent study)。能从网上搜索到更多知识进行自主学习。
  2. 通过多媒体的多元化的教学方法(diversified teaching methods through multi-media),加速学生对知识的理解 (accelerate the understanding of knowledge),刺激想象力(stimulate the imagination),激发学生的学习兴趣。(arouse student’s interest in study)

  1. 遇到问题不能及时的进行提问。互动性(interaction)较差。同时缺乏情感交流(emotional communication)造成眼睛疲劳(cause eye-strain),有害健康。



Some people think that intelligent students should be educated together with other students. Others, however, think that they should be educated separately. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

  1. 高智商学生可以接受更多挑战(challenge)
  2. 智力水平相近的孩子在一起学习更加容易沟通(communication)

  1. 对聪明的孩子单独教育(separateintelligent students from their peers),普通的孩子会觉得不公平(unfair), 降低自信和自尊(lower their self-esteem and self-confidence)
  2. 聪明的儿童无法起到带头的作用(role models)

法:给聪明的儿童提供难道较高的选修课(optional class)


Some people think that students should take a wide range of courses. However, others believe that students should focus on the subject that they are good at or they are interested in.Discuss both views and give your opinion.

A :
  1. 广泛学习课程可以开阔视野(expand the outlook).
  2.学习很多课程有利于学生们有更多的工作机会(A sound understanding of a wide variety of subjects helps students find jobs more easily after graduation.)

B :
  1. 学习自己擅长的科目,可以提高效率(Concentrating on certain subjects allows students to gain specializedknowledge and skills more efficiently).
  2. 对少数科目的掌握会更牢靠(solid grasp family: Times New Roman">问题:

  1、四高状态-高房价high housing price高污染serious industrial pollution高交通traffic congestion高犯罪率rising crime rate
  2、城乡差距widening the gap between the urban and rural areas,乡村劳动地短缺labor shortage

  1、建立中小型城市build satellitetowns around large cities
  2、改善农村基础设施improve the infrastructure in rural areas
  3、 鼓励公司迁址 encourage companies to relocate to stimulate the local economicdevelopment and raise the standard of living for the local residents. 



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