







一. 人生、成败类典型话题集合

1. Is it more important to remain consistent than to change one's mind when circumstances change? (2013年12月)—此道题与以下两道考题极为相似:Should people adapt to their new surroundings, or should they refuse to change? (2010年10月)Should people change their decisions when circumstances change, or is it best for them to stick with their original decisions? (2009年1月)
  2. Does being content with the way things are prevent people from improving themselves and doing better? (2013年10月)
  3. Is preparing for the future more important than enjoying the present? (2013年5月)
  4. Is it a mistake to value action over thought? (2013年5月)
  5. Is it best to determine how wise people are by how happy they are? (2013年5月)
  6. Are people likely to be dissatisfied rather than content once they have achieved their goals? (2013年3月)
  7. Is money the most significant factor in determining a person's quality of life? (2013年1月)
  8. Should people change their behavior depending on what situation they are in? (2013年1月)
  9. Is it better to aim for small accomplishments instead of great achievements? (2012年11月)

二. 创新、发展、科技类典型话题集合

1. Does progress result only from struggle and conflict? (2014年1月)
  2. Are people who do not follow society’s traditional paths to advancement more likely to be successful than those who do? (2014年1月)
  3. Should we hold on to the old when innovations are available, or should we simply move forward? (2014年1月)
  4. Does society place too much value on convenience? (2013年12月) — 此题与同年10月一道考题较为相似:Do people place too much value on newness? (2013年10月)
  5. Is imitation of others always harmful? (2013年11月)
  6. 3. Is it necessary for people to imitate others before they can become original and creative? (2013年3月)
  7. Is there really much more for people to invent and discover in the world today? (2012年12月)

三. 道德、社会、教育、艺术类典型话题集合

1. Do consumers have a responsibility to purchase goods only from companies and people whose actions are beneficial to others? (2013年12月)
  2. Do material possessions make us truly happy? (2013年11月)
  3. Does money lead to selfishness? (2012年5月)


四. 个人、集体、权威类典型话题集合

1. Should people make more decisions on their own and rely less on the advice of experts? (2014年1月)—此题与2009年底的一道考题相似:Is it a mistake to believe something simply because an authority claims that it is true? (2009年12月)
  2. Are teams or groups beneficial for individuals, or does group membership prevent individuals from forming their own moral judgments? (2013年12月)— 此题与两年前的一道考题很相似:Does accepting the values of a group allow people to avoid taking responsibility for their own thoughts and actions? (2011年6月)
  3. Is flexibility the sign of a strong and wise leader? (2013年11月)
  4. Has the emphasis on individualism in our society caused people to forget the importance of belonging to a community? (2013年5月)
  5. Are people too willing to agree with those in charge? (2013年3月)
  6. Should leaders be judged according to how well they treat people? (2012年12月)
  7. Do the actions of high achievers benefit all people? (2012年10月)


1. Are advertisements harmful to teenagers? (2013年11月)
  2. Do we place too little value on privacy? (2013年10月)
  3. Does having too much information about public figures distract us from the important issues? (2013年10月)
  4. Do advertisements contribute to unhappiness and dissatisfaction? (2012年5月)



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