
雅思口语常考话题:An intelligent person





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 雅思口语话题题目:An intelligent person

An intelligent person雅思口语话题参考范文1:

I personally think that an intelligent person does not have to have a high IQ. I think an intelligent person is someone who can hold a good conversation with you. Intelligence comes in many many different forms in my opinion. Everyone is intelligent in some way, just because one person cant see it, it doesn't mean that someone else who shares their passions can't. I also personally think that someone who is actually intelligent and flaunts it are not sociably intelligent, its not smart to flaunt intelligence around.

An intelligent person雅思口语话题参考范文2:BARACK OBAMA

I think Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States, is undisputable one of the most intelligent people in the world. The reasons are quite obvious. Above all, he is the first black president in the American history. This is truly groundbreaking and it can only be achieved by someone as smart as Senator Obama I believe. Just His campaign themes—Hope and Change, very smart, and proved to be a great success after all. Also, as many politicians, he has a legal background, but Harvard Law School, man, is definitely not an easy task.

A black boy with such a humble family background can go so far, can you believe it? I reckon there would surely be some good reasons for this. His sharp mind, his character, his experiences, and his confidence are all part of the picture, but none of these are not suggesting he is by far an intelligent person. He is! And even among the presidents, he is almost second to none in terms of brain capacity at least. By the way, I truly love to listen to his speeches. They are just so sparkling with wisdom, flown with power while instilling hopes.

An intelligent person雅思口语话题参考范文3:BILL GATES

I’m afraid Bill Gates is the most intelligent people in the world. I know wealth and wisdom don’t normally mix. But he is just an exceptional example of a combination of both. There could be quite a number of rich people in the world can show their high IQ readings through the ability of making money. But there are very few can demonstrate a really sound mind through the way they spend their money. Bill Gates, the richest people in the world has long been known not just as the brain of the world’s top brains, but for his generous donations to fighting world hunger and afflicting diseases.

But more than these, this time he astonished the world by his walking away from corporate life and dedicating himself to world health charity work. It may sound not that smart to some people. However when giving it a second thought, you could find it a decision only the most intelligent person can make, a person who knows what the heart wants and what the life purposes are; a person who only focuses on what matters in life; also a person who has cracked the hardest question about life. Isn’t he amazing? I do think so.



