4. Nowadays, more people are migrating to other countries than ever before. In order to become integrated into society in their adopted countries, immigrants should abandon their old ways and adapt to local customs and codes of behavior. Do you agree or disagree? These days, it seems that more people are migrating to other countries than ever before. This raises certain questions about the integration of newcomers into society. Although there are valid arguments to the contrary, in this paper I will argue that it is the responsibility of immigrants to adapt to accepted rules of behavior in their adopted country, both written and unwritten. The reasons for this are twofold. Firstly, it is vitally important that newcomers observe the laws of their adopted country for the sake of social order. Imagine the chaos that would ensure if people refused to drive on the same side of the road. It is, therefore, necessary for all immigrants to ensure that they observe the law in their new country regardless of any differences to laws in their home country. Two further instances of practices which are permitted in some countries but prohibited in orders are the possession of firearms and gambling. Secondly and more importantly, though, in order to maintain societal cohesion it is essential that newcomers respect the social norms of their adopted country. Of course, having a mixture of different cultures and traditions gives a country colour and vibrancy; however, I would contend that too much cultural diversity undermines a society by alienating people from each other. It is my belief that similarities unite people, whereas differences have a tendency to divide. A strong society is a homogenous society with shared values and goals. By way of conclusion, I believe that this issue is likely to become even more important in the future as borders between countries become increasingly blurred. It, therefore, demands our further consideration.
5. Men and women are difficult in terms of their characteristics and abilities. For this reason, some jobs are better done by men and others by women. Do you agree or disagree? These days, it seems that more women are entering “male occupations” than ever before and vice versa. While some still hold to the conservative view that certain jobs are better performed by men and others by women, it is my personal belief that people of either sex are capable of doing any job effectively. The reasons for my position are as follows. First of all, I believe it is a mistake to base our views on broad generalizations about the characteristics of men and women as such stereotypes are often inaccurate. Although there are certainly traits which are typical of men and others which are typical of women, there are exceptions to every rule. Not all women are physically weak, just as not all men are poor interpersonal communicators; conventional gender roles are not appropriate for everybody. If a man or woman desires to pursue a career which is traditionally reserved for the opposite sex, I believe he/she should be provided the opportunity to prove him/herself capable. Secondly, I would contend that the presence of both males and females in a workplace brings a sense of balance. Men and women frequently, though by no means always, have different methods of doing things. Rather than judging these differences to be weaknesses, I feel that we should view them as opportunities for innovation and the discovery of more effective and efficient work practices. A person’s weaknesses can thus be transformed into strengths. In summary, I once again reaffirm my position that both male and female employees are an asset to any industry and as our stereotypes about men and women are not always appropriate, we must not discourage anyone from choosing an occupation simply because of his/her gender.
6. Smoking is a major cause of serious illness and death throughout the world today. In the interest of public health, governments should ban cigarettes and other tobacco products. Do you agree or disagree? There are widely differing views on the issue of whether tobacco should be banned or not. Some people would suggest that it is their right to smoke and that prohibiting cigarettes would be a violation of their civil liberties; however, I personally believe that tobacco should indeed be made illegal. There are two principal reasons for this. One point which I believe to be absolutely pivotal is the fact that tobacco is a drug. The majority of governments around the world take a prohibitionist approach to the problem of substance abuse. If governments wish to be consistent in pursuing their “war on drugs”, therefore, I believe they must ban tobacco as well. This is particularly heroin and marijuana---have legitimate medical applications, while tobacco has none. However, perhaps the strongest argument in favor of banning cigarettes and other tobacco products is that of public health. It is an irrefutable fact that smoking leads to lung cancer and other such potentially fatal diseases. Pro-smoking groups would no doubt argue that each individual has the right to determine what goes into his/her own body. Nevertheless, I would suggest that the interests and rights of society at large must override those of the individual. The medical treatment that smokers require is often incredibly costly, and it is frequently governments and society that cover these costs rather than the individual smoker. Hence, I feel that laws prohibiting smoking would be entirely justified. In reality, of course, the widespread prohibition of smoking is unlikely in the near future. However, given the seriousness of the problems that it causes, I believe that this should be the ultimate goal.