







11月21日雅思写作预测 Task I

9月雅思写作考试:line graph 3次(912,919,926),bar chart1次(903)
  10月雅思写作考试:line graph 2次,pie chart 1次,map一次
  综上所述9,10,11三个月雅思考试考到频率最高的小作文是线形图,目前table题和flow chart还未出现,因此该把注意力集中在, table和flow chart这两种比较容易出静态图的考题上,但同时也不能忽略bar chart。
  Table 图表
  The table below shows the amount of waste production (in millions of tonnes) in six different countries over a twenty-year period.

例如上图的表格中虽然有明显时间推移关系(从80-2000),但不推荐按照每个国家的上升下降来写,因为涉及到6个国家的分类会比较耗费时间,逻辑也不够清楚。因此,最直截了当的方式就是按照80 90 00将文章的主体段分为三段。每段的主要内容事实上是关于各个国家在不同年份的排名问题。因此排名相关的词汇必须牢记。假设国家的名字为A,得出以下几种关于排名的词汇句型:A ranks first/a is ranked at no.1/B and C come next to the second and third positions/E is placed at the bottom of the table/A is then followed B and C.

  The table reflects the amount of waste produced by six countries from 3 different continents    over the 2 decades from 1980 to 2000. (reflects可以换成describes,illustrates或者shows information about/将题干的名词production改成动词produce/状语是比较好改的地方建议必须改一改)

  It is obvious(或clear) that in 1980 the US produced the most waste (131 million tonnes)(极致数值一定要补充), whose number far exceeded that of Japan and Poland(有可以做比较的地方适当做比较) which ranked second and third in the table, producing 28 and 4 million tonnes respectively in the same year.

A decade later(用cohesive device自然过度到第二段), the America was still ranked at number one with 151 million tonnes of rubbish created. Japan (32 million tonnes) and Korea (31 million tonnes) came next in the second and third positions. This is then followed by Poland (5million tonnes) and Portugal which produced the least waste (3 million tonnes) in 1990(极致).
  In the year 2000, all the figures were provided(由于前两组数值分别有几个国家的数值没有提供,因此要把这段的特点先提出来顺便过度到第三段). Americans, as predicted, created the largest amount of waste(192 million tonnes),followed by 2 Asian countries Japan and Korea, producing 53 and 19 million tonnes respectively. Ireland and Portugal were placed at the bottom of the table, with both of them creating the same volume of waste (5 million).

To sum up, of the 6 countries listed in the table, Korea was the only country that reduced its waste production over the period from 1980 to 2000.

11月21日雅思写作预测 Task II


Advantage & disadvantage 范文

With the wide use of computers and the Internet, people can study and work from home without going to school or company. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?
  The advent of the Internet has made it possible for people to study and work from home. When we enjoy the convenience and flexibility of this new pattern, its negative influence should also be noted. 第一句话是对题干所要讨论现象的改写,第二句话指出这个现象既有优势也劣势。

Working from home enables employees to have a flexible schedule. As long as they can meet the deadline, they can choose any time in a day to do their work. In distance learning, the course content can be recorded and replayed, which means students can review it as many times as they want. The most attractive part is that employees and students do not need to travel to the company and the school every day, which saves them a great deal of time and energy. 主体段第一段写优势,分别从三个角度切入:一。上班族获得的益处;二。学生获得的益处;三。递进:上班族和学生共同获得的益处。

However, this work pattern probably only suits some jobs that can be done on computer such as designing, accounting, translation, etc. Due to the lack of face to face communication, colleagues are likely to become alienated, which may affect their cooperation. Another problem is the relaxing environment at home. Without discipline and supervision, some employees may find it difficult to finish their tasks on time.

In addition to this, the biggest concern is perhaps for students, whose education is not about learning information and acquiring knowledge only. When staying in school, students will learn how to interact with their peers, how to respect their teachers, how to obey school rules, etc. These elements are an indispensable part of education, but they will be missing in distance learning. 主体段第二段写劣势,前两个分论点写上班族;后一个深入写了学生群体。

To sum up, learning and working via the Internet is a convenient way sand it is expected to become more popular in the future. However, we should take other factors into consideration when we decide to work or study from home. From my point of view, the disadvantages of working or studying online outweigh its advantages.前两句话采用以退为进的方式,先承认这个趋势的优势,转折之后说出作者的顾虑。最后一句话水到渠成得出结论回应考官的提问: the disadvantages (drawbacks)of this outweigh its advantages(benefits).


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