








  Each passage below is followed by questions based on its content. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in each passage and in any introductory material that may be provided.
  Questions are based on the following passage.
  Not long ago I visited a New England
  lake that has been preempted and civilized by
  human beings. All day long in the vacation
  season high-speed motorboats, driven with the
  reckless abandon common to the young of our Line5
  society, speed back and forth. If I had had
  some desire to swim or to canoe in the older
  ways of the great forest that once lay about
  this region, either notion would have been folly.
  I would have been gaily chopped to ribbons by Line10
  young people whose eyes were always
  immutably fixed on the far horizons of space,
  or on the dials which indicated the speed of
  their passing.

  1. Lines 3-9 indicate that the word “civilized” (line 2) is being used
  A. cautiously
  B. sarcastically
  C. humorously
  D. hopefully
  E. wistfully

  2. The underlying sentiment in the sentence beginning “If I had” (lines 6-9) is the author‘s
  A. nostalgia for experiences that are no longer possible
  B. grudging admiration for young people
  C. regret for something he had failed to do
  D. amusement at his own foolishness
  E. feeling of moral paralysis


  Questions are based on the following passage.
  Artistic, youthful, unattached, inventive, or
  suspect, Bohemian styles are recurring features of
  modern life. Have they not always existed in
  LineWestern society? In a way, yes: wandering
  medieval poets and eighteenth-century literary Line5
  hacks also exhibited features of Bohemians. But
  written references to Bohemia as a special, identifiable
  kind of life appear initially in the nineteenth
  century. It was in the France of the 1830’s and
  1840‘s that the terms “Bohemia,” “La Boheme,” Line10
  and “Bohemian” first appeared in this sense. The
  new vocabulary played on the common French
  word for gypsy—bohemian—which erroneously
  identified the province of Bohemia, part of old
  Czechoslovakia, as the gypsies’ place of origin.Line15

  3. Which statement best summarizes the point made in lines 1-6?
  A. Bohemians have always been subjected to suspicion and scorn.
  B. The Bohemian is an inescapable feature of urban society.
  C. Bohemianism, as a way of life, is not unique to the nineteenth century.
  D. Eighteenth-century Bohemia was similar to nineteenth-century Bohemia.
  E. The province of Bohemia was home to aspiring young artists.

  4. The passage is best described as
  A. a refutation of an ancient misconception
  B. an explanation of a term
  C. a discussion of one historical era
  D. a catalog of nineteenth-century biases
  E. an example of a class struggle






