12月12日雅思写作Task I:
在12月的考试中,雅思小作文主要是考察了map and flow chart图形。对于后两场考试的烤鸭们来说,基本上是一个喜讯。我们80%的几率可以回避开平时大家不擅长的地图和流程图。那么很明显的是接下来的12号考试着重的是bar chart and table。
Table 图表的几率 是最高的,几个月都没有考到了
图表的考察基本上在考试中是以一种静态的形式出现 远远大于动态的风格。
我们以C 7 T1 的静态表格题为例子。来看一下这个到底以什么样的思路解析静态的table.
The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.
Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category - 2002
如图,这是一个单表格图table;写作对象是花费 expenditure /spending 而不是consumption 很多同学会在这个地方出错;时间是2002,所以主体段用过去时。单位是:百分比. 主体分段:可按照横轴上三个比较元素,分为三段。很多同学会在这个地方分段错误。按照横坐标分。这样的话就出现思路混乱的情况。
The following table indicates some information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.
It can be noticed from the table that most of the national consumer expenditure went into food, drinks or tobacco, followed by clothing or footwear, while cost for leisure or education occupied the smallest proportion among them.
Besides it also shows that food, drinks as well as tobacco were more popular in Turkey than in other countries. It took 32.14% of all spending, twice that in Sweden.
But in the area of clothing or footwear, Turkey just ranked the second with only 6.63%, quite far from that in Italy. Meanwhile, compared with other countries, people in Sweden still had the least appetite for buying clothing or footwear.
As to leisure or education, it is obvious to find that Turkey again had the highest percentage of expenditure among those five countries,whereas in Spain only 1.98% had gone into this area.
Therefore, it can be concluded that a large part of consumers preferred to spend more money on food or likewise other than clothing or leisure. But the specific distribution of spending on these itemsvaries a lot in different countries.
然而柱状图的解题思路就更加清晰。下面的这个柱状图很好得阐释了我们可以把柱状图当成Line 线图来写(图1),也可以把柱状图按照饼图的思路来写(图2)
题1:The charts below give information about USA marriage and divorce rates between 1970 and 2000, and the marital status of adult Americans in two of the years.
Displayed in the first bar chart are data about marriage and divorce rates in the U.S. between 1970 and 2000 while the second bar chart demonstrates the marital status of adult Americans in 1970 and 2000.
According to the first bar chart, the marriage rate was consistently higher than the divorce rate over the thirty-year period. In 1970 the number of marriages stood at 2.5 million whilst that of divorce was 1 million. Over the next decade, that of marriages remained stable whereas that of divorces increased to 1.4 million over the same period. Then the following twenty years saw a gradual fall to 2 million in the number of marriages. Similarly, there was also a downward trend in that of divorces, reaching 1.4 million in 1990 and ending at 1 million in 2000.动态
The second bar chart clearly shows that married people accounted for the greatest proportion of the adult American population in both 1970 and 2000 (70% and 59% respectively). As for other categories, the percentage of Americans adults who were never married was 14% in 1970 and 20% in 2000. By contrast, people who were widowed represented 8% of the population in 1970 and 6% in 2000. It is particularly noticeable that divorced couples only constituted 2% of the entire population in 1970 but in 2000, the figure amounted to 9%, a 4.5 times increase. 静态
Therefore, it can be clearly seen from the charts that the USA marriage rates were substantially higher than the divorce rates over the three decades and married population made up the largest proportion of the whole population in both 1970 and 2000.
12月12日雅思写作Task II:
在过去的12月大作文中,我们可以看出最近的大作文话题也是还是基本上考旧题目。媒体类-广告的利弊, 多么老生常谈的话题。还有一个工作类话题。所以在12月接下来的考试教育类比较重要。也要注意环境和文化的题目。同时也要注意对报告文的考察。
家庭教育 vs 学校教育
Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both view and give your own opinion.
A:1, 家庭教育对孩子个性的形成和发展很重要。
正向论证: 对于社会中许多不好的行为,不诚实,暴力等(wrong behavior such as dishonesty, violence,年轻的孩子克制力弱(weak resistance in defending this detrimental influence),需要父母的监督和指导,树立正确地人身观价值观。
反向论证:如果在性格形成期间(development of personality), 没能享受足够的家庭关怀,将产生一定的心理缺陷(psychological defects)。如:生性淡漠,不爱交际(being indifferent, unsociable)。
2, 父母更了解自己的孩子,能够因材施教(teach in accordance with their specific features)。但是容易产生溺爱(spoil)
B :1,学校是社会的缩影(A school is society in miniature)。学校教育的优势在于学生生活在集体的氛围中(the environment of the collective),青少年(adolescents/youngsters)参加各种课外活动(extra-curricular activities)可以培养(cultivate/foster/nurture)竞争意识、团队精神和独立性(sense of competition, teamwork and independence),扩宽视野,建立良好的人际关系,满足学生的全面发展的要求(meet the needs ofwell-rounded development.),以更好地适应社会(adapt to / adjust oneself to the society)。
2, 学校除了传授理论知识(impart theoretical knowledge),还应给学生以灵感(give the students inspiration), 激发想象力(stimulate the imagination), 鼓励他们在理解的基础上学习(learn sth. through understanding)。
法:家庭教育可以正确的引导孩子树立正确的世界观人生观(establish the right outlook of world and life)。学校教育(schooling/upbringing)与家庭教育(parenting)都是不可或缺的(indispensable),对于促进孩子的身心发育(promote student’s physical and mental development)起着重要的作用。
老龄化 VS 低龄化
Some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of population who are aged 15 and younger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects it may have?
In many countries, the proportion of old people is increasing. Do you think the positive effect of this trend outweigh its negative influence on society?
1, 社会劳动力不足the society is lack of labor force ,which may hinder the economic growth.
2, 社保系统压力大Put heavy burden onsocial welfare system
低龄化-国家不得不把更多的钱投资在医疗保障和教育上The government has to invest more money on the medical care and education.
老龄化-养老系统需要大量资金 the government has to raise funding for the retirement pension system, which has already been stretched to the limit in many countries.
3, 青少年是社会的不稳定因素,如果没有妥善的管理和教育,容易出现麻烦例如吸毒、赌博、青少年犯罪; Adolescents, being the instable elements, are easy to get addicted to social evils, such as drug use, gambling, juvenile delinquency.
低龄化-为未来社会的发展提供人才储备。Provide talent stock for the future (larger, stronger and more competitive) 社会更有活力energetic/vigorous
medical care system 医疗保障制度
social welfaresystem社会保障制度
retirement n. 退休 / retired adj 退休的
pension n. 养老金 youths = youngsters = adolescents 年青人
senior citizens =elderly people老年人
Life span 寿命
Many countries use fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) as the main source of energy. However, in some countries the uses of the alternative sources of energy (wind energy and solar energy) are encouraged. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this development?
1,减少环境污染;很少排放(emit/discharge)温室气体(green house gas),开采过程中也极少对环境产生伤害;( Carbon Dioxide ---global warming )
3,可更新资源(renewable energy sources)解决能源危机,地球的化石燃料储备有限(limited reserve for fossil fuels); petroleum ; gasoline
1,对现有的一些产业产生威胁(pose a threat ),譬如说石油开采业(oil drilling);
3, 并不是多有地区和国家都有条件利用可再生资源(renewable resources)
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