







2016年1月9日雅思口语预测Part 1——必考题
  1. Where do you come from? "
  2. What tourist attractions are there in your hometown? Would a foreign visitor enjoy them?"
  3. Did you learn much about the history of your hometown in school? "
  4. What do you think needs to change in your hometown? "
  5. What place(s) in your hometown do you go to in your spare time? "
  6. Why did you choose to live here/there? "
  7. What do you like about your hometown? "
  8. What do you think needs to be done to make your hometown a better place to live in? "
  9. For you, what benefits are there to living in a big city? "
  10. What facilities does your hometown have? "
  11. What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown? "
  12. What's the most attractive part of your hometown? "
  13. What forms of transport do visitors use to come to your hometown? "
  14. How could your hometown attract more visitors? "
  15. Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years? "

  1. Do you work or are you a student? "
  2. What subject are you studying? "
  3. Why did you choose to study that subject? "
  4. Is that a popular subject in your country? "
  5. Do you think it's popular because people want to gain knowledge or is there some other reason? "
  6. What are the most popular subjects in China? "
  7. Why did you choose that university? "
  8. Do you have any recreational or entertainment activities at your school/university? "
  9. Do you think it's important to choose a subject you like? "
  10. What are your favorite classes/ courses/ subjects at university? "
  11. What's the most interesting part of your subject? "
  12. What are your future work plans? " "

  1. What do you do? "
  2. What is the nature of that work? "
  3. Why did you choose to do that job? "
  4. Is that a popular choice of career in your country? "
  5. Would you say your job is very important? "
  6. How do you think your subject will help you in the future? "
  7. How did you get that job? "
  8. Is it easy to find work doing your job? "
  9. Where do people get information about jobs, from newspaper or from TV? "
  10. Are there other ways for people to get information about jobs? "
  11. Which do you enjoy more, communicating with people at work, or the work itself? "
  12. Which do you enjoy more, working or studying? "
  13. What do you like about your work? "
  14. Do you think it's very important for people to do a job that they like? "
  15. What other job do you think you would enjoy, apart from your present job? "


2016年1月9日雅思口语预测Part 1——高频题
  16. What toys did you like to play with when you were a child?"
  17. Do you think you learned anything from playing with toys?"
  18. Did you (prefer to) play with those toys alone or with other children?"
  19. If you had children, what toy would you give them?"
  20. If you had to choose a toy for a child, what toy would you give them?"
  21. Is there any difference between the boys’ toys and girls’ toys?" "

  1. Do you have many (close) friends?"
  2. Are most of your friends from school (or university) or from outside school (or university)?"
  3. Do you think friendship is important? "
  4. Do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone? (Why?) "
  5. Are friends more important than family? (Why?)"
  6. What kind of people do you like to have as friends?"
  7. If you had the opportunity, would you spend more time with your friends?"
  8. What do you and your friends do together?"
  9. Do you prefer to meet your friends at home or away from your home?"
  10. How do you keep in contact with your friends?"
  11. Do you like meeting new people?"
  12. Do you like making friends with (a lot of) people? "
  13. Do you like face-to-face conversations with people? "
  14. Do adults and children make friends in the same way?"
  15. Do you think it's possible to become real friends with the people you meet on the internet,for example, on chat sites or personal introduction sites?" "

  1. How many hours do you sleep everyday? Why?"
  2. Is it necessary to sleep enough?"
  3. Is taking a nap important?"
  4. Do old people sleep a lot?"
  5. Do you think staying up late in a good thing?" "

  1. Do you like to take photographs?"
  2. How did you become interested in photography?"
  3. In what situations do you take photographs?"
  4. What kind of photos do you like to take?"
  5. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?"
  6. How do you keep your photos?"
  7. Do you frame any of your photos?"
  8. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself?"
  9. Is photography a popular hobby in China?"
  10. Why do some people do not like taking photographs?"
  11. Why do you think some people like taking photographs when they visit another place?"
  12. Do Chinese people like to visit photograph exhibitions?"
  13. What kind of photos do they like to look at?"
  14. Do you think being a photographer would be a good job?"
  15. What factors make a good photograph?" "

  1. Would you say you are good at managing your time?"
  2. Do you wear a watch?"
  3. Do you think time is very important?"
  4. Do you think time management is important?"
  5. Have you ever been late for anything?"
  6. Were there any serious consequences when you were late?"
  7. How do you feel when you are late?"
  8. When do you feel time moves fast?"
  9. When do you feel time moves slowly?"
  10. If you could go back in time, would you do?"
  11. Do you think punctuality is important?"
  12. What are some examples of occasions when it's important to be on time?"
  13. How would you feel if the person you were waiting to meet with was not on time?"
  14. Do you think older people and younger people both have the same attitudes towards punctuality?"
  15. Do you think parents should try to teach their children about time management?"


  1. Do you carry a bag when you go out? "
  2. What kind of bags do you like? "
  3. Do you prefer the quality of the style of the bags? "
  4. Lots of people now like to buy luxury bags, what do you think about it?" "

  1. Do you like flowers? Why or why not?"
  2. What flowers do you like? Why?"
  3. Do you prefer real flowers or plastic flowers?"
  4. Are flowers important in your culture?"
  5. On what occasions do people give or receive flowers?"
  6. When was the last time you bought flowers for someone?"
  7. Where do people usually buy flowers?"
  8. Do flowers have special meaning in your country?"
  9. Do people grow flowers at home? "

  1. How many shoes do you have?"
  2. Where do you shop for shoes?"
  3. What kinds of shoes do you like?"
  4. Do you like shopping shoes or clothes?"
  5. Do you prefer comfortable shoes or pretty shoes?" "

  1." Are there many people living near you?"
  2." Do you know your neighbors?"
  3." How often do you see (or talk to) your neighbors?"
  4." Do you think it's important to know your neighbors?"
  5."What do you think of your neighbors?"
  6."Would you prefer to have young people as your neighbors, or old people?" "

Street Market
  1." Do you like visiting street market?"
  2." Are street markets very common in your hometown or country?"
  3."What is usually sold in these street markets?"
  4." Do people in your country prefer to shop at a street market , or in normal shops?"
  5."Would you like to visit a street market in a foreign country?" "

  1. Do you live with your family?"
  2. Do you think family members should live together? (Why?/Why not?)"
  3. Do you prefer to spend time with your family or with your friends?"
  4. Which do you think is more important, your family or your friends?"
  5. Do you have many relatives?"
  6. When you were a child, which of your relatives did you see most often?"
  7. In the future, do you think you will have more opportunities to see your relatives?"
  8. Who do you feel is the most important member of your family?" "

Daily Routine/ Being Busy
  1. Have you been very busy recently?"
  2. When was the last time you were busy?"
  3. Do you like having a busy life?"
  4. Was there a time when you felt stressed out because of a busy schedule?"
  5. Have you experienced stress at work?"
  6. How do you handle stress?"
  7. Do you think you will be busy in the next few years?" "

  1. When did you start to learn history?"
  2. Do you like it?"
  3. Do you learn history on the Internet?
  4. Which historical figure or event do you like most?"

2016年1月9日雅思口语预测Part 2

  1. A Friend You Met For 1st Time"
  2. an intelligent person"
  3. a family member"
  4. a good neighbor"
  5. a sweet couple" "
  1. historical/ unusual building/ places/ sites"
  2. museum/ music hall"
  3. interesting country (culture)"

  1. a handicraft you’ve made/ souvenir"
  2. old product in your family"
  3. popular product in your country"
  4. phone"
  5. TV program/ radio"
  6. school course/ subject" "
  1. wrong decision"
  2. being late"
  3. historical event
