







口语Part1一般持续4-5分钟。Part1的问题都是关于一些日常生活话题,如:爱好、家庭、朋友、食物等。Part1的答案建议不要给的太长,尽量简洁明了,切莫长篇大论。另外建议宝宝们回答问题一定要开门见山,directly show your opinion。

1月30日雅思口语Part 1话题预测——study
1. What do you study?
I study English because it’s a really interesting subject and I’m hoping to pursue it as a career in the future.
2. Do you enjoy studying it?
Yes, I do love it. I find English fascinating because it can not only help me to communicate with foreigners more smoothly but also instill the cultural differences in me.
3. If you could change to another subject, what would it be?
I planned to study medicine, but then when I was at the first sight of blood I fainted actually, so definitely not that. I’m a real history buff and read books about World War 2 all the time, so I suppose it would have to be Modern History.

1月30日雅思口语Part 2
1. Describe a person you know that has made a contribution to the society.
2. Describe someone who is older than you that you admire.
3. Describe a person whose job is important to the society.

  Describe a person whose job is important to the society.
  You should say:
Who this person is
What job does he or she have
How you know this person
and explain why his/her job is important to the society

宝宝们在回答这道题时一定要审题清楚核心词是people,所以归根结底是要描述一个人,而不能一味地在描述important job,从而偏离了主题。

答 题思路:一个拥有对社会很重要的工作的人。可能宝宝们脑中立马会想到习大大、毛爷爷之类的大人物,他们的工作的确对社会很重要。但在这提醒一下:描述人物 题时尽量避免描述政治人物,一方面是政治是敏感话题,另一方面宝宝们在接下来的四个sub-question中也会面临很多困难。对社会很重要的工作通常 都是服务性比较强的工作,如doctor,teacher,fireman,cleaner...。

确 定了工作之后我们不要忘了要具体到人,所以拥有这份工作的人可以是uncle Li,可以是friend’s parents等等。第一个问who无疑就是介绍一下这个人的background information (name, age, title/honor, career, reputation,hobby, appearance, character...)。第二个问what job则可以简略介绍一下这份工作。关于第三个问how do you know则是考察你tell a story的能力了,在这还是建议宝宝们最好联系自身经历。最重要的一个问是why,所以我们应该在why上花最多的时间,给最多的内容。P2我们常用的 一些方法有例证法(example)、对比法(comparison)以及让步(if no)的方法。譬如如果我们这道题回答的是cleaner,那我们可以说没有清洁工那我们的社会会变得怎么样,还可以将cleaner和cleaning machine进行对比,以突出cleaner的优点。

Who + What job
It was actually quite difficult to choose whom to talk about, because everyone’ s job is important in some way or another. But in the end I’ ve decided to talk about aunt Li, who is a cleaner. She has been a cleaner for about 20 years. She is a warm-hearted and frugal woman with short gray hair. As a cleaner, she normally wears uniform to work and gets up far earlier than us every day. Cleaners are usually very busy on holidays and festivals.
Since I was a primary school student, I have already known her. At that time, our school held environmental protection activities every term. Once I took part in an garbage recycling activity and met aunt Li. She was the leader in our group and taught us how to classify the rubbish. She knew clearly the standard of classification. We had a very pleasant cooperation that time. We became good friends afterwards.
The reason why I find her job is important to the society is that it plays a vital role in maintaining the harmony and cleanliness.
If there are no cleaners serving us, our society will be a mess. For example, if there is no cleaner tidying the classroom up for students, learning environment and efficiency will be out of the question.
It's true that we have a lot of machines to keep our surroundings clean and tidy, however, cleaners are irreplaceable since they are more careful and patient. Moreover, machines' maintenance will cost much money. In the long term, it is not so sustainable.

