









Some people think at the start of a new year, it’s important to set a goal of improving a specific aspect of life. They call it a new-year resolution. Which of the following new-year resolution would you choose?

A. Help others in your community
B. Improve your health by exercising more and eating nutritious food
C. Manage your time better




还记得在课上,我经常给大家举的例子么?如果有这么一个题目:having a dog can help its owner ease the pressure,然后开头段说”除了狗以外,猫和兔子也可以帮助主人缓解压力”。然后第二段说“猫如何帮助主人缓解压力”,第三段说“兔子如何帮助主人缓解压力”。




A harmonious community is the back rock of a healthy society, and the responsibility falls on the shoulders of every member of the society. The development of the society has offered people, especially young people, more opportunities than ever before, and thus they are no longer confined to one place to study or work like their parents were before. As a result, there are a great score of seniors and young children being left behind at home, creating many social problems. To ease the pressure requires the efforts from every community members. In the year to come, i will assemble my friends in our community to cook regularly for some of senior citizens who are unable to cook on their own. Also, my friends and I also plan to take to parks or museums once a month the kids whose parents are not around and their grandparents are not capable to do so. Although these efforts from my friends and I might not be much, i think they can bring some ease and happiness to these people. With more people joining in, we will be able to do more.

这一段就是直接谈“help others in your community”有什么好处,但是如果从正面直接让同学们谈出两点好处似乎有点难,这时候就是我们利用“由此及彼”的方法了。




第二个选项是“Improve your health by exercising more and eat nutritious food”。

多运动!吃健康食物!这是“专家”们给减肥人士的建议。但its easier said than done.说起来容易,做起来难啊。冬天这么冷,谁愿意早起,离开温暖的被窝去跑步呢?同样,绿叶蔬菜自然健康,但哪里比得上薯条,汉堡更加解馋呢?所以很多人失败了。


By exercising more and eating nutritious food I cannot only improve my health, but, more importantly, I will enhance my persistence. It might be easy to get up early to run or have health dinner once or twice, but it takes great persistence to keep doing so for a month, a year or even longer since there are always temptations out there like a warm bed or a delicious hamburger. I believe once I can overcome these temptations, I can also apply the persistence to other aspects of my life. Being a writer has always be my dream. I tried to write a book before but never finished it because of my heavy schedule or my laziness. With the persistence I acquire by exercising more and eating nutritious food, I think i will be able to finish my book and do not procrastinate again.


再说说第三个选项:Manage your time better


An effective management of time can alleviate the pressure. Sometimes it may seem that there is never enough time to do everything that need to be done. This can lead to a build up of stress. I bet most of us have been in such situations where we got angry, started to cry or said something we regretted because we found nothing’s achieved even though we’d worked all day long. This negative emotions would keep us from working, let alone working effectively. To deal with it, a better time management is required. For example, we should deal with things according to its priority and urgency, and spare ourselves from constant trivial matters. Also, we should keep track of the progress to make ourselves feel in control. By managing our time effectively, not only will we be getting things done, finishing tasks will give us a sense of accomplishment and spur motivation.

白新璐老师温馨提示,这样,一段“就事论事”,一段“由此及彼”,更显得段落间的层层递进,使论证更加合理。希望这次分享的2月28日托福写作思路能对大家有所帮助。GOOD LUCK!


