







1、Teachers’ performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers.
  1. Teachers’ teaching quality is supposed to be judged by students’ mastery of knowledge. – a direct standard/ criterion VS other teaches: evaluate from a professional perspective – fancy teaching methods (e.g. multimedia, videos, games) ≠ satisfying teaching performance – Students may not grasp the knowledge.
  2. Students spend more time with teachers and thus are familiar with the teachers’ teaching styles and characteristics. – more likely to provide fair and reliable feedbackVS other teachers: first time to observe the class – do not know the students’ levels or the situations in the class – subjective and biased
  3. Other teachers: fierce competition among teachers – deliberately lower their evaluation OR save colleagues’ face – feel afraid to hurt their colleagues – not trustworthyVS students: objective and reliable

2、Teachers should assign homework to students every day.
  1. Students
  Review and apply the knowledge immediately after class – check whether they have mastered the knowledge – ask teachers or classmates for help – correct errors and avoid the same mistakes – make progress – form a good learning habit – have a positive impact on their academic performanceVS lazy – are unwilling to review – fail exams
  2. Teachers:
  Evaluate their teaching quality – better understand students’ progress and problems – reflect on their own teaching process – adjust teaching methods to suit students’ levels and needs – enhance teaching quality
  3. However, it is essential that teachers should pay attention to the amount of the homework that they assign every day. – study under excessive pressure and feel overwhelmed – have a negative impact on learning outcomes as well as students’ physical and mental health.

3、It was easier to be successful in the past than it is today.
  1. Knowledge
  Receive better education – attend top schools – have a higher degree (e.g. a mater’s degree or even a doctor’s degree) – We live in a knowledge-based economy. –have better career prospects
  2. Information and technology
  Search for a wide range of information on the Internet – have access to the latest trend – are provided with more opportunities to make money (e.g. in the financial market)
  3. Social network
  Social media – expand social network – socialize with people from various cultures and backgrounds – share information and exchange ideas – cooperate – get recommendation
  4. Money
  Higher quality of life – Parents can provide more funds for their children to establish/ found their own companies.
  5. Economy
  More job positions available (e.g. information technology, online shopping, E-commerce) – be self-employed

4、The most important characteristic to a successful politician or leader is good communication skills.
  1. Admittedly, communication skills are essential to a politician or leader. – maintain a positive relationship with citizens or teammates – negotiate with other parties for cooperation  However, there are some other qualities that are equally vital
  2. Knowledge and intelligence – make strategies – lead the country or the team to success – solve problems
  3. Honesty – win trust and respect – set a good examples for others to follow

5、The food we eat today is healthier than the food we ate in the past.
  1. Money:
  Advanced economy – find decent jobs – satisfy material needs, enhance the quality of life – spend the money they earn purchasing various types of food they prefer (e.g. meat, fish, vegetables, fruits) – balanced diet – rich nutrients
  2. Technology:
  1) Advanced transportation systems around the world (e.g. trucks and airplanes) – deliver food to any places within a short period of time – fresher;
  2) Preservation technology (e.g. refrigeration) – fresher
  3. The government supervises food safety – introduce laws and punish illegal behaviors by fine – advocate healthy diet among the public

6、The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by individuals.
  1. Money: hire experts and purchase advanced equipment – limited salary
   VS The government has sufficient funds from tax.
  2. The government has legal power to introduce laws or punish illegal behaviors by fine. – advocate environmental protection among the public
  3. Knowledge: lack professional knowledge across different subjects (e.g. biology, chemistry, physics)
  4. Time: Environmental protection is time-consuming. – limited time for individuals – efforts from generation to generation

7、Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive on the city streets during the time when there is the greatest amount of traffic.  
  1. Admittedly, it may be reasonable to charge fees when drives would like to drive during rush hours. – People can be motivated by price. – choose to take public transportation rather than drive – reduce traffic congestion in the city
  2. However, people will wait to drive after rush hours and thus it will still be over-crowded. – This policy is ineffective in the long run. – inconvenient
  3. There are other effective means to reduce traffic congestion in rush hours. (e.g. improve public transportation, improve road infrastructure, increase the price of gas)

  1. Know the company’s products, services and features – apply knowledge to practice to suit the company – make contribution VS theoretical knowledge only
  2. Maintain a positive relationship with colleagues – communicate, exchange ideas, share, discuss, help each other – enhance working efficiency – enhance team morale VS lack emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills – cannot be promoted or even be fired   
  3. Adapt to the stress and working schedule VS feel overwhelmed and work under great pressure – have a negative impact on physical and mental health

9、It is important to know what is happening around the world, even if it does not affect your personal lives.
  1. Knowledge
  Acquire a wide range of knowledge beyond textbooks – broaden one’s horizons – enhance comprehensive knowledge – have competitive edge at school or in the job market (e.g. elections, sports games, festivals, award ceremonies, space exploration)
  2. Friends
  Have different topics for conversation – socialize with people from various cultures and backgrounds – expand social network
  3. Prevent the same events. (e.g. financial crises, natural disasters [earthquake, tsunami], diseases and viruses [the Zika virus]) OR help people in need – donate money to charity or non-profit organizations, participate in volunteer work




姓    名:张靓
所在地点: 杭州市天目山路135-145号玉泉大厦2楼
擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT


