







Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



Some people like to eat out at food stands and restaurants, while others like to prepare food athome. Often it depends on the kind of lifestyle people have. Those with very busy jobs outside the house don’t always have time to cook. They like theconvenience of eating out. Overall, though, it is cheaper and healthier to eatat home.

While eating inrestaurants is fast, the money you spend can add up. When I have dinner atrestaurant with a friend, the bill is usually over twenty - dollars. I can buy a lot of groceries with that much money. Even lunch at a fast-food stand usually costs five or six dollars for one person. That’s enough to feed the whole family at home.

Eating at home is better for you, too. Meals at restaurants are often high in fat and calories,and they serve big plates of food — much more food than you need to eat at one meal. If you cook food at home, you have more control over the ingredients. You can use margarine instead of butter on your potatoes, or not put so much cheese on top of your pizza. At home, you can control your portion size. You can serve yourself as little as you want. In a restaurant, you may eat a full plate offood “because you paid for it”.

It’s true thateating out is convenient. You don’t have to shop, or cook, or clean up. Butreal home cooking doesn’t have to take a lot of time. There are lots of simplemeals that don't take long to make. In fact, they’re faster than eating out,especially if you think of the time you spend driving to a restaurant, parking,waiting for a table, waiting for service, and driving home.

Both eating atrestaurants and cooking at home can be satisfying. Both can taste good and be enjoyed with family and friends. I prefer cooking at home because of the money and health issues, but people will make the choice that fits their lifestyle best.

本文作者对于就餐方式( 在家中就餐、在餐馆就餐) 提出了自己的看法。认为在餐馆就餐方便快捷,不用自己采购、清洗、烹制。但不利之处是花费较高,食物中含有过多的脂肪热量。同时还要考虑到交通及停车场等问题。而在家中就餐经济、安全,可自己控制食量,不需要花费太多的时间。总之对于工作繁忙的人来讲,更倾向于在餐馆就餐。作者在最后明确指出自己的观点,出于经济、健康原因倾向于在家中就餐,与家人、朋友分享喜爱的食物。整篇文章对于利与弊分析透彻,观点明确,十分具有可信性。

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姓 名:牛斌
所在地点: 郑州市经三路与东风路交叉口金成国际广场招商银行大厦7层
擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT


