







1. 有些职业运动员和娱乐行业者转业到政治家,你同意他们从政吗?

2. A/D: : People should not spend a lot of time on communicating by technologies, such as through social media or with text messages.

3. A/D: People now are more interested in improving the neighborhood (the area that they live) than in the past.

4. Nowadays, it is much easier to achieve success with help from one's family than what is like before.

5. In times of an economic crisis, in which area should the government reduce its spending?

1. Education 2. Health Care 3.Support for the unemployed.

6. A/D: The most important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves.

7. Some parents do not agree with the way teachers are teaching their children. Do you think that parents should express their disapproval to the teachers?

8. A/D: Governments have done enough to educate the people the importance of a balanced lifestyle and healthy eating

9. A/D: Nowadays people are more willing to help strangers than they were in the past.

10. 有人认为在 city 生活比在乡村生活更满足,有人认为住 village 的人更满足,你的想法?

11. 对于老师来说,即受学生欢迎又让学生高效学习是很困难的,你如何看待?

12. Some people think that giving students time during a class to discuss ideas with each other is a good way to help students learn; others think giving students time for discussion is ineffective or a waste of time. Which idea do you agree with, and why?

13. A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take? Why?

14. Your community has a piece of land and is considering introducing a business to this land. Which business would you prefer? 1. A shopping mall 2. A performing art center 3. A hotel.

15. A/D: Older children should help parents to take care of young children at home.

16. A/D: A leader should have strong opinion and should not change his or her mind.

17. A/D: Children are benefited in important ways by taking care of pet.

18. When you visit a strange city, do you prefer to participate in a guided travel or explore by yourself?

19. It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than relax by doing physical exercise.

20. Who is better for group work: a person that does what the group want him to do, or a person that holds strong opinions different from what the group wants?


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