







  Some people believe that countries have moral obligation to help each other. However, others argue that the aid money cannot get to the poor of the world. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  moral = ethical adj. 道德的
  obligation ≈ responsibility n. 责任
  这个考题表明了现在人们都非常关注人道主义援助(humanitarian assistance)的问题, 在开头段的背景句中可以用到这样的一个句子表明关注度的提升”Awareness about humanitarian assistance has been heightened in recent years.”
  我们不妨来思考一下,一般来说国家之间援助的最基本手段是什么?很显然,是经济援助financial aid。那么经济援助可以给落后国家带来的意义是什么?往往经济落后的国家背负着大量外债,因此意义①help to pay off foreign debts;除此之外,对于本国内部的经济情势来说,得到经济的援助可以帮助发展各个产业。而各个产业的发展往往会带来就业机会进而提升当地人的收入水平(create more chances of employment→raise the level of income for the local),这又有利于促进社会稳定(ensure social stability)。
  那是因为经济落后的国家往往政府管理不善,存在着很多政治问题,例如腐败(corruption)和无能管理(official incompetence),这就使得救济金往往无用或被滥用(render the aid money not only useless but also misused)。
  从这个问题来看,很明显,问题并不在于援助,而在于援助的手段。如果经济援助会导致腐败的后果,那么我们可以选择在援助时采取其他多方面的形式(adopt different types of foreign assistance)。
  具体来说,我们可以进行医疗援助,具体的做法包括设备捐赠和医疗队的派遣(medical donation & send dedicated medical teams),这使国内的疾病(prevalent diseases)可以被有效控制(control)和根除(eradicate)。
  此外,还可以进行教育援助,具体的做法譬如建设更多学校(set up more schools),使更多人能接受教育(have more accesses to education)。这对于整个社会的长远发展有实际意义(promote social stability)。
  6月的大作文考题话题趋于主流。比较典型的是6.21涉及到主流话题——教育类。题目:Some people think that schools should teach students to form good behavior in addition to providing formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  1. Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic abilities while others believe that students with different abilities should be educated together. Discuss both and give your opinion.

  2. After leaving school or university, young people should choose a job that they love, rather than one that pays a high salary. To what extent do you agree?

  3. Some countries have introduced laws to limit the working hours of employees. Why do you think such laws have been introduced? Is this a positive or a negative change?

  4. 4. In some countries, the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures should be taken to solve them?

  5. People can perform everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting each other face-to-face. What are the effects on an individual and the society?

  6. Some people have benefited from modern communication technology, while others have not benefited from it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  7. People think that public libraries will be replaced by computers in our homes. To what extent do you agree?

  8. Many people think that private companies, rather than the government, should pay for cleaning up the environment. Do you agree or disagree?

  9. In many countries, prison is the common solution to the problem of crime. However, some people think that it would be more effective to provide people with better education so that they would not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  10. A report shows that the rate of young female crime is rising. What are the causes? Suggest some solutions.

  11. 11. Differences between countries become less evident each year. Nowadays all over the world people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating habits and TVchannels. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the advantages?



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