










Alice: Last page… nearly there… ohh - fantastic book!
Neil: Well I'm glad you enjoyed that. I'm glad you finished your book there Alice! We're talking about books in today's programme. What was it you were reading there?
Alice: No, never mind Neil. It's not your kind of book. You wouldn't like it.
Neil: How do you know?
Alice: Well I just think you might read something a little more intellectual.

从以上语段我们可以学到:口语中描述“一本好书”时可以使用“a fantastic book”,“读完一本书”叫做finish a book,“某人喜欢看的书”叫做someone’s kind of book,主持人说道,我觉得你可能会读一些更加intellectual的书籍,这里intellectual可以理解为需要动脑子的,知性的,我们知道这个词还可以表示名词,是知识分子的意思。因此我们在跟考官介绍自己喜欢的书籍类型时可以使用这句话表示自己喜欢读些有深度而不是快餐型的书籍。

雅思口语阅读类话题分析:下面主持人又介绍了其他类型的书籍。 【在线咨询

Alice: Yes. Perhaps you read the works of a famous writer - the classics - Charles Dickens, Shakespeare.
Neil: People will think you are an intellectual. You can show off by reading these books – the classics.
Alice: Or perhaps you read popular novels or romantic fiction – a light easy read.

我们看到,中文中常说的“名著”,在英文中应表示为the classics;主持人还提到,很多人会通过阅读名著来炫耀(show off)。除此之外,还有很多人喜欢阅读流行小说或虚构的言情小说,在英语中统称为a light easy read,比较轻松易懂的小说,注意此处read作名词。


Alice:We're going to hear part of a BBC interview with David Adshead from the Commuter Book Club. A commuter travels to work by bus, train or here in London, the Tube, a train that goes all over the city, mostly underground.


Alice: Oh that's an interesting one. Tricky to guess but I'm going to say c) fewer classic books.

被问到猜谜的问题后,Alice并没有直接回答,很显然她在犹豫,然而在犹豫的过程中她并没有像很多同学一样一言不发或者以“嗯……”等语气词拖延时间,她采用了英语回答问题时常用的“套路”。首先,她评价了这个问题:Oh that's an interesting one. 我们在评价问题时还可以把interesting替换成difficult/tough/good/tricky,然后她又用说了一句“很难猜”,用英语是it’s tricky to guess,这里的tricky同理也可换成上文提到的几个近义词。希望大家学会这种应对口语考试中较为困难问题的答题方式。


David Adshead: Exactly, to appear to others to be more intellectual. But actually, what we find in this is that it really comes down to the individual – what they like to read and actually we've seen this summer a lot of the book sales - summer reads is general lighter books, easier to get on with, to take away on holiday - but the big retailers have seen a shift actually – people moving sort of slightly higher brow, taking away more classic books. Sales in that way have increased.

这位专家提到,在夏天人们爱读些轻松易懂的、度假时便于携带的书籍(lighter books which are easy to take away),但是最近书籍零售商们发现,人们越来越爱读稍微高端些(slightly higher brow)的经典书籍了。这一内容可用作讨论人们读书品味相关问题的答案。

雅思口语阅读类话题分析:接下来,主持人探讨了人们愈发喜爱名著的原因。 【在线咨询

Alice: Absolutely. Highbrow books are read by intellectuals, or perhaps the people who read these books are just showing off.

下面,两位主持人将话题引到了另外一类书籍上,那就是言情小说(romantic novels)。

Neil: Yes, maybe they are. Well I wonder if these people have read any books by Fiona Harper. She writes romantic novels – that's stories about love.
Alice: Well here is novelist Fiona Harper talking about how she writes her romantic novels. She wants people to not stop reading her stories once they start – she wants them to be hooked.


下面引用了这位作家的原话,她分析了人们喜欢使用电子书的原因,可能是人们可以利用电子书随心所欲地看喜欢的书,而别人不知道你在看什么内容,这一观点可以用在论述为何电子书如此流行的话题中。注意在手机上看书叫on the phone,而不是in。

Author Fiona Harper: Possibly, although with the advent of e-readers, you can read anything you like and no one knows – or on your phone – no one knows what you're reading.

这位作家在表达“随着电子书的普及”的意思时,没有使用大家平时最喜欢的with the development of…的结构,而是使用了with the advent of …这一大家不太常见的结构,希望大家记下来用在口语和写作中,替换掉俗套的用法。

雅思口语阅读类话题分析:主持人接着解释了作家使用的一些用语。 【在线咨询

Neil: An e-reader - that's an electronic book. Instead of pages you read off a screen.
Alice: Well if you use an e-reader or tablet, no one knows what you're reading.

电子书可以称为e-reader,也可称为electronic book,还有平板电脑的英文说法大家也需要记住并运用在写作和口语,叫做tablet。


the classics  经典作品,名著
intellectual  知识分子
romantic fiction 言情小说
a light easy read 一本简单易懂的书
show off  炫耀
retailer  零售商
highbrow  高雅的,深奥难懂的
be hooked  被吸引
e-reader  电子书

最后,请大家利用上文的分析与总结,试着回答下列雅思口语的真题: 【在线咨询更多真题

1.Do you like reading books?
2.What kinds of books do you like to read?
3.Are the kinds of books you like reading now the same as those you liked reading as a child?
4.Describe an interesting novel you have read.
5.What kinds of books are popular in China at the moment?
6.Do Chinese people like reading novels?
7.How do people’s tastes in novels differ?
8.Why are detective novels so popular?
9.Do you think e-readers will replace printed books?
10.Why do so many people like to read electronic books?



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