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托福TPO47听力Lecture1 (Literature)  【在线咨询

1. What is the lecture mainly about?
A. The influence of Hernani on later French plays
B. The way that Hernani challenged traditional guidelines for plays
C. The influence of Shakespeare on Victor Hugo’s plays
D. The changing attitudes toward Victor Hugo’s plays in the nineteenth century
破题关键词汇:mainly about

解析:听力文章首先介绍Hernani是浪漫主义开端,然后分别介绍它突破传统戏剧的时间地点限制,突破传统戏剧的类型限制,以及突破传统戏剧的政治限制,最后介绍它引起了极大的社会争议,对应选项B中:The way that Hernani challenged traditional guidelines for plays。

2. What is the professor’s opinion of the play Hernani?
A. It is too political.
B. It is not very creative.
C. It is not an artistic success.
D. It has been unjustly ignored.
破题关键词汇:professor’s opinion

解析:从00:41开始,老师说:Let's look at a play by Victor Hugo called Hernani, or as the French would say, Hernani.,意味着后面要出现这个问题的答案了,老师接着说:Although Hugo …, uh, his play, Hernani, isn't a great play in and of itself. It's got a really confusing, convoluted storyline.,说明Hernani本身在艺术上并不成功,对应选项C中…not an artistic success。

3. What feature of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is NOT consistent with neoclassical principles?
A. It has several main characters.
B. It uses sophisticated language.
C. It takes place in more than one location.
D. It takes place during a single night.
破题关键词汇:A Midsummer Night’s Dream

解析:从02:00开始,老师说:the entire play consisted of just one main event that was unfolding in just one specific place, usually in the course of one day,说明新古典主义是固定在某个地方上演戏剧,然后再说:For example, in Shakespeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream,意味着后面要出现这个问题的答案了,老师接着说:the play moves from indoors to outdoors, from the city to the forest, and back again. So there was a kind of mobility in...in the use of space,说明莎士比亚和新古典主义不同之处在于发生地点超过一个,对应选项C中:…more than one location。

4. Why does the professor mention clowns in plays by Shakespeare?
A. To point out that Shakespeare rebelled against neoclassicism
B. To reinforce the idea that neoclassical plays were sometimes comical
C. To introduce an aspect of Hernani that French critics objected to
D. To illustrate a characteristic of the plays that influenced Hugo
破题关键词汇:clowns in plays by Shakespeare

解析:从03:38开始,老师说:Many of Shakespeare's plays, even the tragedies, contain scenes with ridiculous, outlandish characters like clowns,意味着后面要出现这个问题的答案了,老师接着说:so that many of the plays have both qualities: a serious dramatic side and comedic scenes with the clowns that break the drama,说明当时许多影响雨果戏剧的特点,对应选项D中:…characteristic…influenced Hugo。

5. Why did Hugo invite his friends to the opening of Hernani?
A. To include people in the audience who understand his goals
B. To introduce them to a new and different kind of play
C. To try maintain a pleasant, comfortable atmosphere in the theater
D. To thank them for supporting his efforts as a playwright
破题关键词汇:Hugo invite his friends

解析:从04:50开始,老师说:So to protect himself, he rounded up his friends for opening night,意味着前面已经出现答案了,前一句说的是:Hugo suspected that neoclassical audiences would be hostile to this new form and the ideas it represented,说明雨果希望观众里有更多理解自己的人,对应选项A中:To include…audience…understand…。

6. What does the professor imply about the fights that occurred after performances of Hernani?
Click on 2 answers.
A. They were partly due to a misunderstanding of Hugo’s opinions.
B. They affected a general social conflict in France at the time.
C. They occurred because of deeply held literary opinions.
D. They prevented other writer from writing romantic plays.

解析:从05:31开始,老师说:And afterward, what had been a debate inside the theater spilled out onto the street and there were fist fights,意味着后面要出现答案了,老师接着说道:It was a complete free-for-all…controversy…,说明引起社会矛盾,对应选项B中:…a general social conflict…,老师继续说道:…expression…passions…differences of aesthetics and political opinions and taste could give rise to,说明冲突原因是意见不同,对应选项C中:…because…opinions。


托福TPO47听力Lecture2 (Biology)    【在线咨询

1. What does the professor mainly discuss?
A. Long-distance seasonal migration of seabirds
B. Two major ways that seabirds navigate
C. A seabird that flies far in search of food
D. Reasons why seabirds often live on islands
破题关键词汇:mainly about

解析:听力文章首先介绍albatross是一种每天要飞行很远去觅食的鸟,然后介绍它们的幼崽可以生存下来的两个因素,接着介绍两种可能的航行方式,最后强调这种鸟为了觅食飞行千里的壮举,对应选项C中:A seabird that flies far in search of food。

2. According to the professor, what influences an albatross’s choice of an island for nesting?
A. Air currents near the island
B. Availability of food on the island
C. Predators inhabiting the island
D. The number of albatross already nesting on the island
破题关键词汇:choice of an island for nesting

解析:从01:35开始,老师说:And second, they can't always nest on an island that's closest to the best feeding ground because,意味着后面要出现答案了,老师接着说道:some of those islands have too many predators on them,说明这种鸟筑巢时会考虑捕食者,对应选项C中:Predators…。

3. According to the professor, what helps albatross chicks survive despite the fact that their parents have to fly such long distances to find food?
Click on 2 answers.
A. Albatross raise only one chick at a time.
B. Albatross forage only for foods that are exceptionally rich in nutrients.
C. Albatross store large quantities of food in the nest.
D. Albatross chicks are adapted to tolerate long intervals without food.
破题关键词汇:chicks survive

解析:从01:03开始,学生说:Aren't the chicks gonna be pretty hungry most of the time,意味着后面要出现答案了,老师接着说道:The chicks are capable of going for long periods of time without food,说明这种鸟筑巢时会考虑捕食者,对应选项D中:Albatross chicks…tolerate…without food.
从02:10开始,老师接着说道:Another factor is albatross lay only one egg at a time. So when the parent returns with the food that one chick doesn't have to share it with a lot of other chicks.,说明这种鸟一次只养一只小鸟,对应选项A中:Albatross raise only one chick at a time.

4. What does the professor imply about theories that explain how albatross navigate?
A. They are based on studies of seabirds in captivity.
B. They are based on observation of albatross in the wild.
C. They are guesses that are not based on any evidence about birds.
D. They have not been confirmed by studies of albatross themselves.
破题关键词汇:theories that explain how albatross navigate

解析:从02:33开始,学生说:I mean, which direction to take to get to the food and how do they find their way back home,意味着后面马上就要出答案了,老师说:Good point. And the truth is we are not sure.... So we're thinking that albatross could make use of two different kinds the albatross behavior is
B. To encourage students to reflect on how impressive the albatross behavior is
C. To signal that she is about to introduce a new topic
D. To find out whether the students have understood her explanations
破题关键词汇:go a thousand miles

解析:从04:00开始,老师说:So anyway, you know, think about it, how about if you had to go a thousand miles every time you wanted to get a bite to eat,用类比的方法强调信天翁为了觅食而长距离飞行的壮举,对应选项B中:To encourage students…how impressive the albatross behavior is。


托福TPO47听力Lecture3 (Sports Management)    【在线咨询

1. What does the professor mainly discuss?
A. Different types of physical training that athletes might require
B. Strategies for getting a job as the head coach of a sports team
C. Aspects of a coach’s job beyond knowledge about sports
D. Reasons why coaches should focus on winning games
破题关键词汇:mainly about

解析:听力文章首先介绍体育教练需要关注人际关系以及组织能力,然后强调这些技能比输赢策略更为重要,接着介绍长期准备可以参加各种管理课程,短期准备那就是要非常热情,最后说道要制定并坚持基本规则但这些规则不能太多,所以全文都在谈论做教练,除了体育知识外要注重的地方,对应选项C中:Aspects of a coach’s job beyond knowledge about sports。

2. Based on the survey discussed by the professor, what are the two main areas to which new coaches should give more attention?
Click on 2 answers.
A. Increasing their knowledge of game strategies
B. Improving their organizational skills
C. Building and maintaining strong relationships
D. Stressing the importance of athletes’ academic studies
破题关键词汇:more attention

解析:从00:41开始,老师说:They were surveyed to determine what things they would do differently if they were starting their careers over again. Based on their responses, several themes emerged,意味着后面要出现这个问题的答案了,老师继续说:The largest number of responses was in the area of relationships,说明最需要注意的是要维持好关系,对应选项C中:Building and maintaining strong relationships,老师继续说:The second most critical area for these coaches was organization and administration,说明还要注意提高组织能力,对应选项B中:Improving their organizational skills。

3. Why does the professor mention pregame meals?
A. To emphasize the importance of good nutrient for athletes
B. To suggest a good time for coaches to talk about game strategy
C. To point out that coaches often spend too much time on scheduling
D. To give an example of the need for coaches to be more detail oriented
破题关键词汇:pregame meals

解析:从01:31开始,老师说:like pre-game meals, those sort of things,意味着前面已经出现这个问题的答案了,老师前面说:To them, this meant things like better managing their budgets, and delegating responsibilities, making sure that even minor things were taken care of,说明举例赛前餐是为了让教练更加关注细节,对应选项D中:…example…coaches…detail oriented。

4. What is the professor’s opinion about coaches who focus mainly on strategies for winning games?
A. They should study these game strategies outside the university.
B. They should concentrate on the sport they are most interested in.
C. They are neglecting other skills that may be more important.
D. They will probably become the most successful coaches.
破题关键词汇:strategies for winning games

解析:从02:39开始,老师说:But if coaches spend too much of their time on game strategy, well, you see, maybe that's secondary too, to the knowledge and skills,意味着后面要出现这个问题的答案了,老师继续说:you'll need for the other roles you'll undertake as a coach, especially, as that survey emphasized, skills in dealing with people, and, and administration,说明太过重视赢的策略可能会忽视其他更加重要的技能,对应选项C中:They are neglecting other skills that may be more important。

5. What does the professor imply about coaches who establish a lot of rules for team members?
A. They have problems enforcing the rules.
B. They rely on rules to avoid having to make decisions.
C. They usually relax the rules as they become more familiar with their players.
D. They are not popular but they are efficient.
破题关键词汇:establish a lot of rules

解析:从04:25开始,老师说:Actually, I don't believe in having a lot of rules. And coaches often do have too many,意味着后面要出现这个问题的答案了,老师继续说:I think people sometimes set rules just to make things easier for themselves. That way maybe later they just can refer to the rule and avoid making a choice,说明制定许多规则的人其实是想避免做选择,对应选项B中:They rely on rules to avoid having to make decisions。

6. Why does the professor say this: ?
A. To insist that the student needs to remember what he has just been told
B. To acknowledge that her suggestion is not very practical
C. To emphasize how impressed she is by the student’s achievement
D. To imply that the student is not yet ready to begin coaching
破题关键词汇:starting next month

解析:从02:20开始,老师说:Oh, oh, but wait a minute. You said you are starting next month,说明老师在给出一系列意见以后发现自己说的这些需要长时间准备,并不适用于下个月就要开始做教练的学生,对应选项B中:…acknowledge…suggestion…not…practical。


托福TPO47听力Lecture4 (Meteorology)    【在线咨询

1. What is the lecture mainly about?
A. Various kinds of winds
B. Theories about recent changes in Earth’s climate
C. The role of wind in regulating Earth’s climate
D. The role of air in limiting the amount of the Sun’s energy that reaches Earth
破题关键词汇:mainly about

解析:听力文章首先介绍风的形成原因是因为温差,接着介绍温差原因是陆地海洋变热速度不同以及地区接受热量不同,然后介绍风可以转移水因此可以转移分配热量,最后强调风对于调节地球气候至关重要,对应选项C中:The role of wind in regulating Earth’s climate。

2. According to the lecture, what creates areas of high pressure and low pressure in the atmosphere?
A. The rotation of Earth
B. Wind moving from areas over water to areas over land
C. Differences in temperature at different places on Earth
D. Differences in concentrations of water vapor in different parts of the atmosphere
破题关键词汇:high pressure and low pressure

解析:从01:18开始,老师说:that creates the areas of high pressure and low pressure that create wind,意味着前面已经出现这个问题的答案了,老师前面说:The Sun creates the temperature differential,说明温差导致高低压,对应选项C中:Differences in temperature at different places on Earth。

3. According to the professor, what are two reasons why all areas of Earth are not heated equally during daylight hours?
Click on 2 answers.
A. Some regions of Earth receive more energy from the Sun than others.
B. The amount of energy emitted by the Sun varies in intensity over the course of the day.
C. The Sun heats stationary air faster than it heats moving air.
D. The Sun heats land faster than it heats water.
破题关键词汇:Earth are not heated equally

解析:从01:35开始,老师说:The key is that the Sun warms up different parts of Earth at different rates and to different degrees,意味着后面要出现答案了,老师接着说道:For example, at sunrise, the land heats up faster than the ocean,说明陆地要比海洋热得快,对应选项D中:The Sun heats land faster than it heats water.
从02:06开始,老师说:What else,意味着后面要出现答案了,老师接着说道:The Sun's energy is more intense near the equator than it is near the poles, so you've got masses of warmer air over the equatorial regions, and masses of cooler air over Polar Regions,说明地球上的某些地区接受到的太阳能量要多于其他地区,对应选项A中:Some regiohe process those equatorial winds actually take heat away from the equator and transfer it to some cooler part of Earth,说明风还能转移热,对应选项B中:It shifts heat from some areas of Earth to others。

5. What does the professor imply about the heat stored in water vapor?
A. The heat is rarely transported by the wind.
B. The heat was drawn from the ocean during the evaporation process.
C. The heat’s intensity depends on the altitude of the vapor.
D. The heat loses energy over time as it is stored in the vapor.
破题关键词汇:heat stored in water vapor

解析:从03:52开始,老师说:But that heat energy, that conversion energy, doesn't raise the temperature of the water vapor or the air, it's just stored in the water vapor,意味着前面已经出现这个问题的答案了,老师前面说:So when water evaporates from the ocean, it takes energy to convert that water into a gaseous form, into water vapor,储存在水蒸气里的热能,其实就是海洋里的水变成蒸汽时吸取的海洋里的热能,对应选项B中:The heat was drawn from the ocean during the evaporation process。

6. Why does the professor mean when he says this: ?
A. He is pleased that the woman made a good observation.
B. He is grateful that the woman has reminded him of a point he neglected to discuss.
C. He thinks that the woman has correctly summarized what he just said.
D. He thinks that the woman has provided a logical transition to his next point.
破题关键词汇:Right. Good.

解析:从01:25开始,学生说:Um...l don't get what...how it causes a temperature differential,老师回答说:Right. Good. This will take us to the role of wind in the climate,说明学生的问题正好让他引入下一个话题,对应选项D中:He thinks that the woman has provided a logical transition to his next point。






