






9月10日托福写作预测话题一: 【在线咨询】

题目:Do you agree or disagree, it is easier for people today to become educated than it was in the past.遇到今夕对比的话题,妥妥地往如今科技发展的角度所带来的社会、经济、心理的变化方面想,就能很好地展开一通论证啦~ 这种好方法一般人不告诉他哦!


Nowadays, parents have become increasingly aware of the value of education and start to attach much importance to it, resulting in a virtuous circle that education is easier to conduct on a larger scale. As we can see in many documentaries concerning historical events children in the past were studying in education institutions held by individuals without the guarantee of qualifications, which made it hard for them to pursue further education. However, with the nowadays formal education system, students are equipped with solid knowledge foundation and it greatly helps them to pave the way for future study. Like the 9 year compulsory education system, millions of children are blessed with the chances to receive formal education, and they are highly likely to continue their eduction in the future, instead of dropping out of school and engaging in a menial jobs.


a virtuous circle

on a larger scale

equipped with

pave the way for

drop out of school

9月10日托福写作预测话题二: 【在线咨询】

题目:Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive on the city streets during the time when there is the greatest amount of traffic. 政府话题试管国计民生,复杂性可想而知。但是在托福写作中,记住适用于政府话题的思路,展开思路也很方便啦!


Drivers should be charged with certain amount of fees in order to ameliorate the deterioration of the current environment. In the past, our government only focused on the increase of private cars, assuming it is an indication of the prosperity of our economy. In this way, the past decades have witnessed the booming of private cars and the severe traffic jam that comes along, which caused a serious air pollution-the deadly PM2.5. However, if we charge drivers in busy time, it will effectively reduce the amount of cars on the street, and greatly enhance the air condition by reducing exhaust emission. A research conducted by our university estimates that this policy reduced the cars on the street by 30% in busy hour, and the emission was reduced by 26% correspondently. The figure indicates that charging drivers for fees during rush hour is an effective measure to deal with the traffic jam and cope with the deterioration of air condition.




an indication of

rush hour


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