









  The money spent by governments on space program would be better spent on vital public services such as schools and hospitals. Do you agree or disagree?


一起来看一下我们的开头段如何来写,大家在写开头段的时候一定要注意,开头段不要写得太啰嗦,三句话: 引出题目, 表明自己的观点,理由如下即可。A fast, effective and short introduction is better. 按照这样的要求写出来的开头段就是这样的:

It is true that governments in some countries spend large amounts of money on space exploration program. I completely agree with the idea that these are a waste of money, and that the funds should be allocated to public services. To verify the validity of my perspective, I will give a couple of compelling reasons.

接下来我们一起来看下主体段的写法。大家在展开主体段的时候,主要可以采用两种结构来写,一种是topic sentence + firstly + secondly + finally的结构,另外一种是idea + explain + example的结构,这两种展开方式最最主要的区别是你到底能够想出几个点来论述这个主体段落,如果是只有一个点那么大家就是采用idea + explain + example来展开,而如果大家能够想出不止一个点,大家就可以采取topic sentence + firstly + secondly + finally这样的形式来展开了,下面这两个主体段我们都是采用topic sentence + firstly + secondly + finally的结构,很明显,从更多的点来进行展开,写起来肯定会更加容易一些。
  There are several reasons why space program should be abandoned. First of all, it is extremely expensive to train scientists and other staff involved with space missions, and facilities and equipment also come at a huge cost to the government. Secondly, these programs do not benefit normal people in our daily lives; they are simply vanity projects for politicians. Finally, many missions to space fail completely, and the smallest technological error can cost astronauts their lives. The Challenger space shuttle disaster, for example, showed us that space travel is extremely dangerous, and in my opinion it is not worth the risk.
  I believe that the money from space program should go to vital public services instead. It is much cheaper to train doctors, teachers, police and other public service workers than it is to train astronauts or the scientists and engineers who work on space exploration projects. In addition to this, public servants do jobs that have a positive impact on every member of society. For example, we all use schools, hospitals and roads, and we all need the security that the police provide. If governments reallocated the money spent on space travel and research, many thousands of people could be lifted out of poverty or given a better quality of life.

In conclusion, my view is that governments should spend money on services that benefit all members of society, and it is wrong to waste resources on projects that do not improve our everyday lives.




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